Unlock Advanced Settings in HP 250 G7 (Insyde BIOS)

Hi to all, nice to meet you on this wonderfull forum.

I would like to mod my BIOS Offset to Unlock the hidden Advaced menu.
I found this:

One Of: Advanced settings, VarStoreInfo (VarOffset/VarName): 0x489, VarStore: 0x1, QuestionId: 0x176, Size: 1, Min: 0x0, Max 0x1, Step: 0x0 {05 91 E2 00 E3 00 76 01 01 00 89 04 10 10 00 01 00}

0xB596D One Of Option: Disabled, Value (8 bit): 0x0 (default) {09 07 04 00 30 00 00}

0xB5974 One Of Option: Enabled, Value (8 bit): 0x1 {09 07 03 00 00 00 01}

0xB597B End One Of {29 02}

0xB0E34 VarStore: VarStoreId: 0x1 [EC87D643-EBA4-4BB5-A1E5-3F3E36B20DA9], Size: 0x597, Name: Setup {24 1C 43 D6 87 EC A4 EB B5 4B A1 E5 3F 3E 36 B2 0D A9 01 00 97 05 53 65 74 75 70 00}

If I use this command:

setup_var.efi 0x489 0x1 -n Setup

I’ll reach my goal or I’ll brick my BIOS?
Thanks to all

The laptop won’t allow you writing to Setup store.

So, there is no way to unlock the Advanced menu?