Unlocking iOL latency offset on Z590 elite

Hello first time on here and was needing some help editing a bios. So basically I’m wanting to edit the bios to include IOL latency offset it’s already in the bios I’m gonna link below but porting it over to Z590 just fails as it just doesn’t make it past the boot logo. So yeah it looks it’s AMITSE protected as I do not have any experience in this I would need some help from someone experienced. Here’s all the evidence I have of it being there. X5A which is an XOC bios has the same thing and it’s basically ported the same way but makes it through AMITISE protection.



Z590AORUSELITEAX.F4.patch_5_.txt (2.54 KB)

mb_bios_z590-aorus-elite-ax_f6_1_.zip (10.4 MB)

Never seen here in forum doing bios core code crossing. As u saw it breaks the bios… and last time i checked no bios engineering was around to share that kind of info with common/advanced users.