update cpu microcode to suport newer cpu in laptop.

Hi got a toshiba c660 with i3 2310m with igp hd3000, but i ordered a i3 3110m with igp hd4000 and its newer that the bios code in laptop. Can some one update the microcode to support gen 3 i3`s ?
sand to ivy bridge support. 32nm to 22nm… you know.
bios file :

bios.rar (2.28 MB)

motherboard is h65. and socket pga988… please? someone?

@ Tommyl:
Welcome at Win-RAID Forum!

This Forum offers guides and help regarding the update of special BIOS modules inclusive the CPU Microcode, but we don’t modify BIOSes for users upon request.
Please have a look into >this< thread and try to modify the CPU Microcode yourself. It is easier than you may think.


okey, where to get microcode patch to insert? so i can try to insert it. can i extract patch from other bios that has all cpu support already and put it in to my bios?

downloadee the ubu files and put min bios in folder. started ubu and got no cpu microcode update in menu…?

You should post your questions regarding UBU into >this< thread. This way you have the best chances to get an answer from SoniX, the developer of the UBU tool.

EDIT by Fernando:

@ Tommyl:
Your post has been deleted by me. We help just for fun and not for money. I don’t like this sort of pressure.

fine with me! :slight_smile:

ivy bridge will never work with hm65/hm67 chipsets


Since it was offtopic in the other thread, I will post here.

The matter is in your hands. The safest way would be to return this CPU and have the rest of the components upgraded.

But if you want to test and step into the unknown… I have looked at your BIOS and managed to update every required pieces (that I know of). The worst thing that could happen by using a modded BIOS is that your laptop fails to boot and you will have to take it to a service for disassembly and reflashing the chip. Less worse is that your laptop is bricked, but you can recover using a flash drive. Even less worse is that your laptop works but ME firmware is not compatible, you can not use your new CPU and the old one might not work in turbo mode, so you have to reflash the original BIOS and return the Ivy. The least worst case is that everything works but your Ivy is not accepted, so you return it and use this updated BIOS with the rest of the components. I have taken the settings from your current ME and ported them to, compiled it for HM65, so that it can be accepted. The ME is not a critical component on the 6 series and the board can live with a corrupted one (minus turbo and thermal management). The microcodes and VBIOS are Ivy+SandyBridge compatible and should not pose any problem. The Lan and RAID OROM’s are not needed, but can be updated afterwards.

Even if you don’t keep the Ivy, you should still update everything but the ME firmware, as it improves performance and fixes bugs. Remember, every BIOS flash has the potential to turn into a disaster.

Your choice and your risk. My particular interest for your case is that I want to do the same for a HM65 laptop, without upgrading to Ivy. I have nothing to gain by upgrading from ME 7.xx to 8.xx, so I don’t take the risk. I think the ME firmware is already corrupted with the version, so there is room for testing.

so you managed to transform this bios inyo something i wanted, so ivy and hd4000 with all settings that are consern to these compontnets an controll of these are implented in the bois now! i give it a try if the winflash program dont sey wrong project id or dont let med flash i give it a try!

It should work with both sandy and ivy now? send me the bios and i give it a go. remove or update the nessesery things and im ready!

When this whole SB > IV topic was hot I remember looking at some Intel docs that said that the HM6x chipsets VR controller are missing hardware support for the required voltage states and thus couldn’t be updated to work with IV chips. Since they where Intel confidential NDA docs, I would assume that it wasn’t marketing to force people to upgrade, but who knows. :wink:
Also even in theory it is not enough to update microcode, vBIOS & ME Firmware, there are other corresponding modules…maybe one day I’ll give it a go… :slight_smile:

Tommyl, I would follow the words of a trusted modder and return the CPU. I don’t think you want to risk it all for something that has little chance of working. If you really insist on being a daredevil and testing as it is, I will post the modded BIOS and instructions. My recommendation would be to only update the other components, like microcodes, VBIOS, ME firmware only to the latest v7.xx; RAID and Lan OROM’s only if you want a full update.

Prema, it would be nice if you will share something from your knowledge and testing with us, when you will have the time and will. Just on a theoretical ground, what other components might be needed? What I always find is the accent on the ME firmware + microcodes and VBIOS when needed.

What I’m interested is the compatibility of ME v8 and HM65, when it is build for this platform and with the settings transfered from the one inside the original BIOS. It’s my brother’s laptop, so can’t afford to blindly test.

(and stretching a little bit more: you wouldn’t happen to know any docs on updating the SMBIOS, particularly the physical memory array? The specs doesn’t seem to relate to the actual implementation in my laptop and not sure if it is here, or in the SMBIOS memory, or in a protected area. And for my brother again: when there is no fan tables in the DSDT, no TZ, and the EC controller seams to mislead, where exactly is the fan code located?
Please ignore this fragment, if you wish. I’m just trying to learn as much as I can from the masters when I have the chance, before I make foolish mistakes on my own)


so i must return the cpu then. it will never work with hm65… then it is no go. but yes i would take the modded bios and give it a go.

First, you must be fully aware that this mod might brick your board. Think twice about what you are going to do and the risks involved. I will not be held responsible for what it will happen. There is nothing safe about modding, even flashing the official BIOS could go wrong sometimes. If big companies have failed or refused, if Intel itself has declined support for mobile 6 series, how optimistic are you about one guy doing it in one shot?

1. Make sure you have the latest official BIOS installed. You must backup your current BIOS, just in case something goes wrong and you don’t want to lose your SN and other ID’s embedded in your system. Use Universal BIOS Backup ToolKit, or Intel fpt (fptw64 -d backup.bin -bios), or FPT_AFU_Insyde_BACKUP attached (downloaded from MDL, unpack and check .bat for yourself, if you are worried about its content).

2. You must be prepaired for a recovery, in case of disaster: read here and here (Insyde method !!!) how it is done with a flash drive. But you must put 2 copies of the backup/official bios with names AMIBIOS.rom and NAR0003A.rom. Check key combinations like Fn+Esc, Fn+B, Win+B, Ctrl+Home, Fn+F.
!!! Do this only when flashing went wrong !!!

3. Load setup defaults in BIOS before and after flashing. Have your power cord connected the hole time. Fully shutdown the machine after flashing, let it 5 minutes in that state. You can also use EC reset. If the flashing works, test with your current CPU first for any sign of corruption. Test with Intel ME Info to see if the firmware is ok (you must have the ME drivers installed first).

4. If you get an error about “project ID check fail” when flashing, it is the original BIOS+flasher that it is causing
this. You must decide if you want to use amiflash or ask Toshiba Support for a proper BIOS.

5. Only then you can swap your new CPU and test if it is accepted.

Credits to VirtualFred for ME replacing.

Toshiba c660-1MT Ivymod.rar (7.29 MB)

this bios should work fine with sandy cpu thats in the lappy now… i will take a dessision this weekend.

Think this through, then think it again. I strongly advise to NOT flash this, unless you are a hardcore tester and have soldering skills + programmer. You can read here about a similar attempt.

There could be problems in ME not being recognized, there could be problems with the VBIOS. You should check your current VBIOS, which should be replaced by 2158. You now have a very old one, probably older than 2098, which is Sandy only. The 2158 will be Sandy/Ivy, but I haven’t added any settings from the previous one, as to not change the BIOS too much. If you will have brightness or resolution issues, I will look into fixing them, but only after you will settle what CPU to keep.

My final and best advice is to only update for your current CPU, like microcodes, ME, VBIOS 2158, Lan PXE. The risk is smaller and you can actually used it, not just hoping that it will work.

yepp, i will keep the sandy then. so do the updates you mention : microcodes, ME, VBIOS 2158, Lan PXE. I look for a new laptop later and pas this on to my youngest one…