
Help patching microcodes on Asus x299 prime deluxe 30.

Hi: I have this mother board but impossible to run mojave. I need to patch bios microcodes but using UBU i have issues.

@vindio1973 :
Welcome to the Win-RAID Forum!
Your nickname is not an appropriate and meaningful thread title.
If you want to do the work your own, but need help, these are the options:

  • a) Post your report into >this< thread, if you have problems with the UBU tool.
  • b) Search for an appropriate thread and post your your questions into >this< Sub-Forum, if you want to update the CPU Microcode manually.

If you want a ready product and are not interested in learning how to do it, you can post your request into >this< Sub-Forum, but with a meaningful short title. By the way - I will not help you.
Good luck!
Dieter (alias Fernando)