W10 x64 Insider Preview Build 14361 TRIM question

@Fernando ,
Comparing W10 Home x64 standard v1511 current to W10 x64 Insider Preview Build 14361 i see TRIM seems not enabled by default.
For W10x64_v1511:

For W10x64 Insider Preview Build 1436:

Why this basic difference ?

This is what I get with my Win10 x64 Insider Preview Build 14361 without having changed anything regarding TRIM:

Conclusion: TRIM is definitively enabled by default.

@Fernando ,
I agree that Trimcheck tools works fine also on on my PC booting build 14361.
However it seems DriverControllerInfo critéria to detect W10 TRIM capability is no longer valid with this build.
(may be Registry TRIM capability information does no longer exist within this new build… and futur ‘Anniversary’ Build)