What is the Seperate “Crisis Boot” or “Flash Bios” Hotkey for ASUS mobo?

So I have an 300 series Asus mobo and played with the pe32 image with a hex editor, I was trying to unlock the hidden settings.

As a result I half bricked it. I use the term half brick or soft brick because I can see the usual boot screen where it tells me to press F2 to enter settings. When I press F2 I would only see a blank screen.

It seems to me the tweak I made (which was cosmetic) broke the graphical interface while functionality remained okay. I need a key (or another imaginative way) to enter a different menu than UEFI menu where I can tell the bios to boot into OS or USB. If I could enter ASUS’s own flash/recovery menu that would also work.

So far I only tried single keys which were from F1 to F12 and Insert, Delete, Home, End, PgUp, PgDn.

Edit: I’ve also tried those keys with ctrl, shift and alt.