[Win11 24H2] I cannot delete mcupdate_GenuineIntel.dll

Hello guys always i delete on system32 mcupdateintell.dll for forcing patch on bios cpu microcode because i use oldest microcode for perfomance!!i see on 24h2 windows 11 if i delete this .dll windows not booting how can edit to use the oldest cpu microcode again?thanks a lot

Edit by Fernando: Thread moved into the Windows 11 Category and title shortened/typo corrected

What if you delete not the whole dll file, but microcodes inside? Then make the file read only, so windows can’t update it. Have you tried?

The correct name of the file is mcupdateintel.dll or mcupdate_GenuineIntel.dll (depending on the in-use Win10/11 Build).

i try it only delete the .dll can you post here the solution?
the correct name is mcupdate_GenuineIntel.dll,i think is for bios modding right way

The related procedure has nothing to do with the topic “BIOS Modding”.

on 24h2 if you delete after restart not booting

can you post the fix?

I will chat on this with you, when your thread is moved to the right place. Either by you or moderators.

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thanks a lot thread is the right place now

I don’t have a ready-made fix. Just thought it’ll be interesting to analyze the structure of the files.

I’ll first try to remove mcodes from DLLs, or change them, on my own PC. Then I would let you know how to do it.

How do you delete the files from System32 folder? Via installation media? Or some program? Changing owner of the file does not give any effect.
Cannot figure out how to get permissions from Windows directly.

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i can upload the file here
mcupdate_GenuineIntel.zip (3.3 MB)
this is it for 24h2 build 26100

Nevermind, found some program to take ownership.

Ok. I can edit this one if I succeed with mine.

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yes the program is on winaerotweaker adds take ownership

I’ve had some success getting rid of mcodes that Windows provides during boot, still can’t edit DLLs though. See spoiler.

Spoiler: WIndows 11 build 26100 on AMD rig

All I did was rename the dll for Intel to AMD and vice versa. Windows doesnt enter automatic repair mode and boots fine. AMD mcode can’t be found inside the Intel dll, so it doesnt load any.

At first, I really tried to replace or delete mcodes. And even figured out the dll files structure. Upon replacement a desired mcode, even if I correct version numbers (eg. 08701013 > 08701033), Windows would not boot. The same behaviour as if I changed any single byte or deleted the dll file.
Since I have AMD CPU, deletion of Intel dll has no effect.

Then I tried dlls, from other Windows builds. Resulted in automatic repair.

Later, got an idea to find how and by what means the system loads the dll files. SMCM signature (don’t know what SMCM means, but it’s in the header of mcodes section) was found in multiple executables and libraries, but had no courage to start disassembly and analyze them all.

Finally, exact dll names, mcupdate_AuthenticAMD.dll and mcupdate_GenuineIntel.dll, were found in the only one file, hvloader.dll. It contains a function that calls either dll for Intel or AMD. Nothing changed after switching the calls. Purpose of the function left unknown.
I got to switching the dll files itself afterwards.

To sum everything up, Windows loads one dll that meets vendor of your CPU, mcupdate files are build specific and are subject to integrity check.


So your answer is i cant using oldest cpu microcode right?

If I was able do so, you can do this too.
Rename mcupdate_AuthenticAMD.dll to mcupdate_GenuineIntel.dll, mcupdate_GenuineIntel.dll to mcupdate_AuthenticAMD.dll. System should boot.


YOU ARE GOD thanks a lot now forces mcu on bios!!!working good!!

No problem.
This is a pretty rough solution. I wish we could find a loader and patch it. This would be a proper solution. But until Microsoft merges the mcupdate files, a simple rename will suffice.

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Yeah is rough solution but works 100% without problem and using MCU on bios!!!very well thanks a lot

Thanks for posting that workaround (which I find quite amusing).

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