Only from 219-v to (7)129-v have win7/8.1 drivers.
But from (8)219-v to (17)219-v, they don’t have win7/8.1 drivers.
If you want to make it work, FALSH a GBE from 219-v to (7)129-v mainboards’ bios by using FPTW64 on win10 first.
Before you flash the GBE, you need to modify the (7) I219-V.rgn and find out 88 88 88 88 87 88 and edit your mainboard’s MAC address in.
If you don’t do this ,your MAC adress will become 88 88 88 88 87 88.
Here is the FPTW64 tools and (7) I219-V.rgn file.
FPTW64 only can run on win10, match the ME version to chioce the FPTW64.exe. Run CMD and insert: fptw64 -GBE -F (7) I219-V.rgn
After that, you can install win7 and drive the network adapter.