Windows 7 extended Kernel by VxKex [Update: Oct 2024]

Hey everyone! Got some news to share about VxKex.

Great news first - vxiiduu (the real creator of VxKex) dropped a fresh update on Discord on October 10th! Just found out about this recently, which is why this update is a bit late. The update brings some great improvements:

    - Fixed a race condition which affects Chromium and Electron-based

    - Fixed a propagation bug which caused VxKex to not be able to run on
      32-bit operating systems.

    - Fixed an issue where a non-standard %Path% environment variable could
      cause VxKex to fail to start for all programs.

    - Added support for applications:
        - Life is Strange: True Colors

Now for the not-so-great stuff. There’s a situation with GitHub that you should know about. After vxiiduu deleted his GitHub account due to personal reasons, someone grabbed their old username (GitHub frees up usernames 90 days after deletion) and made another fake VxKex repo. This isn’t the first time someone has pretended to be vxiiduu. I suspect it’s likely the same impersonator as last time.

Here’s the current situation:

  • Right now they’re hosting the same files as the original releases (checked the hashes myself)
  • BUT they’ve added some sketchy stuff like a fake vxiiduu mom sob story and Bitcoin donation address
  • The problem is they could swap in malicious files anytime
  • Even worse, all prior VxKex files (EXE/DLL/shell extension) still point to that repo since it used to be the real one

What I’ve done:

  • Replaced all mentions of (FAKE) from this release’s files with (THIS REPO)
  • Working on cleaning those references from the source files
  • Submitted an impersonation report to GitHub regarding the fake repo and suggest you do the same.
Download the Release installer unless:

- you have been instructed to use a Debug build,
- you need PDB files, or
- you are developing VxKex.

Feel free to discuss on the Issues section if you have any questions.

@lvpha This is absolutely amazing!

Might you be resposible for this?

Also, might you know if this works for Graphic Drivers by any chance? :slightly_smiling_face: :crossed_fingers:

Thanks for your reply fan man!

This ‘Kernel’ works by injecting DLLs into the process, and redirecting API calls to DLLs loaded. Thus, it mainly fixes apps that require Win10 DLLs. For the graphics cards, I think it can fix the installer or the GUI not launching, however, it won’t help if the INI driver is not working.

I’m not a maintainer of the project as I lack the coding skills.

Also, I tried another extended kernel in the past, I just don’t know where to find it

Why release is not available?

@Anonymous From the author skibidivxiiduu :

Hello, sadly everything has an end… I was been working on VxKex, a tool that allows running programs designed for Windows 10+ on Windows 7, it was amazing adventure for me.

Life has thrown some unexpected challenges my way. My mom had to retire early due to serious health issues, and I became her primary caregiver and because of that i had to temporarily stop the development of VxKex. I want to take this opportunity to thank everyone who has used the software and supported me along the way.

The source code and binaries are still available, so you can continue using and improving the project as you want.

Im sorry everyone for having to wait so long for these explanations.


Please check the fork: GitHub - i486/VxKex: Windows 7 API Extensions

Thank you for this!