i have been trying to boot windows 7 off a external hard disk for the past 2 weeks, with no success at all, i have tried wintousb, rufus, winNTsetup, none had worked, all gave 0x7B error even with working usb 3.0 drivers, but on winNTetup, it passes the disk.sys on safe mode and gets stuck on achix64s.sys and gives me BSOD with 0x0000007E, i already posted threads asking for help on reddit and sevenforums, this might be my last hope of help, might just give up since no success.
intel i5-8350u
8 gb ram
intel uhd 620
seagate 500 gb external hdd via usb 3.0 port
Welcome to the Win-Raid Forum!
Which mainboard with which chipset has your PC?
Why do you want to boot off an USB connected HDD instead of connecting it to a SATA port of your mainboard?
You certainly meant the AMD SATA driver named ahcix64s.sys.
Why did you integrate this driver into the Win7 Image? It will only work, if the target drive for the OS installation is connected to one of the on-board AMD SATA ports.
No wonder for me, that you got a “wrong driver” BSOD.
hello! thanks for the welcome, my friend suggested me this forum after i tried sevenforum and didnt get any successful help
it is not a desktop PC, its a thinkpad t480, my cpu is a intel i5 8350u kaby lake r
i dont want to boot off my main ssd because i already have windows 10 and macos 14 on my internal ssd, i want to boot off my 500gb external hdd because it has free space and i love windows 7 (i know connecting the hdd to my sata port is an option BUT the t480 is built to have nvme or sata at one time, you cant have both)
yes i did meant ahcix64.sys, and i have no absolute idea why i have a amd sata driver, i did use a custom iso from archive.org with working usb 3.0 drivers, it could be that, but when i was in windows PE (to test if the usb 3.0, display and disk drivers are working) everything was fine, do you have any idea of how to fix this?
Buy a Win7 licence and use a clean (untouched) Win7 Image as source. Maybe you will have to load at the beginning of the OS installation a Win7 compatible USB 3.0/3.1 driver, which supports the on-board USB Controller.