Windows Vista on modern PC (i9-9900KF MSI Z390 Gaming Edge)

Yes, you need hex editor

This 180308-1636 version is Windows Vista SP2 updated up to March 2018 Note: Updates after 11 April 2017 is Windows Server 2008 (non-R2) updates. And you have to mount boot.wim and install.wim via dism, modify acpi.sys, and then unmount boot.wim and install.wim. Also here is the generic USB 3.0 drivers for Windows Vista:…-2#post-1663664 NVMe driver: yet to be found eMMC driver: yet to be found. But I recommend you to PM @George_King for more details.

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Hi. Thank you for your help. I have installed Vista SP2 on my i7-3770K PC and then upgrade it to 6.002 version. I have installed over 250 updates, the last of them were 2023 (from Windows Server ofc). But the acpi.sys are still the same. It has 6.06002.18005 version. How can I get version 6.0.6002.24312? Can it be in one of these updates (from 2017 to 2023)? Waiting for your reply. Thank you

Hello, I have this acpi.sys, do you have any kind of connection like VK, Telegram (I speak Russian)

Please send me this acpi for windows vista send your vk or telegram (I speak Russian)

Hello, Lenin! Wash off this image. (I’m talking on Russian) My VK: Dmitry Balashov | VK I really need it. I’m waiting for the image to be thrown off :slight_smile: