Z390 gaming x gigabyte vmx

Hello there,
Is there anyway to get f10 bios version that have vmx that is disables by default ?
cuz i cant disable it from bios , where there is no option for it only vt-d
i disables and still Virtualization Technology is enables in task manger
i see same problem with other memeber here which is fixed by edit bios version log
edit it to vmx disables by default

The user Lost_N_Bios is no longer an active forum member.
Wait for some one to answer to this post or search a user that have this mod flashed and can share it with you, from the original Lost post or another user own mod.
As expected many users get served… and bail out of the forum, so you have 50/50 chances of it.

thanks for answer i tried to check with one but he posted 3y ago so idk if he still active too tho
lets wait for other memembers to share