Z77 Problem Cpu Multi Issue

Did all the steps, verified and saved backup https://imgur.com/a/DEK7Zdn

This is the backup you asked for http://s000.tinyupload.com/index.php?fil…391871230658092


@alekskz - that was quick, didn’t think it would arrive for another day or two! This is why I asked you for chip ID. For W26Q64FV you need to use software 1.30 or 1.34 and W25Q64BV ID
Otherwise writes will fail. Usually though, read is OK, so you may be fine to not do another dump, but be sure when you write back you use BV ID otherwise writes will always fail.

Do erase, then blank check, then open file and hit auto (read/verify). Then, if power cables not removed from board already, disconnect the 8 and 24 pin, press and hold the case power on button for 10-15 seconds or short pins for that long, then let it sit without power for one minute.
This will reset ME FW state. Then connect all cables, boot to BIOS, load defaults sand save/exit, reboot back to BIOS, make some changes and away you go

I tried to preserve your NVRAM, but in case it’s part of the issue I also included BIOS without your original NVRAM only stock one.
Fix.bin has your NVRAM, try first. Then if no luck, use FixNoNV.bin


All done, everything is working as it should be
you are a great human being, thanks for your help!

@alekskz - Great to see!! So, did first one Fix.bin work fine? You’re welcome!

Wait, Image says bad write? What happened? Did you have to use FV on your board instead of BV like I suggested? If yes, maybe it’s only certain boards or certain batches of those FV that need to use BV?

The fix.bin worked
First time it said bad write and i tried again and it worked and said something like "…it matches"
Either way, i can now oc my cpu and ram, the per core option is there as it should
Thanks !

I wonder why it failed first time? Did you forget to erase/blank check maybe? If not, then maybe cable just jiggled loose a little bit or something.
Yes, chip and buffer match = good to go

Thanks for confirmation on which BIOS worked, now I know, at least sometimes, when this happens it’s not a problem in the NVRAM area.
I think some bytes at ME FW aren’t able to get fixed with the ME FW update tool, so ME FW re-write with FPT and unlocked FD via pinmod, or full BIOS re-write via flash programmer is only way to fix this.

Good to hear your can OC now and all the per core stuff is back too! Told you we’d get it fixed in a hurry once you had a programmer

Now that you have that, you can always recover any board from bad BIOS flash too, and you can make/test risky BIOS edits anytime you want, because you can always recover, such a lifesaving tool for such a small amount of $$

Yea maybe i did something wrong the first time

It happens! Plus, those clips are a major pain to get perfect, I fought one with a board tonight for about 20 attempts, and then had to do it all over again to put back the BIOS I wanted after done testing and bricking on purpose

haha lol

Normally I can use other tool I have instead of using clip, I have a PCB with pins underneath that site on top of / jumpers over BIOS in place, but on MSI boards this doesn’t work properly due to some resistor on the PCB (That or I haven’t tried exact same chip on that board yet)
So of course, have to be the mos difficult way to do it on the most difficult board to recover = brick testing on purpose. If I wasn’t testing something that bricked on purpose, then it would have been some other board I could recover much easier, always my luck

Hi, i changed my processor from that i5 2500k to an i7 2600k and i’m getting very random whea_uncorrectable_error bsod.
Sometimes i don’t get it for 24h and sometimes i get 2 or 3 times a day.
Maybe it has something to do with the bios that i wrote it in the past?


@alekskz - I can update CPU microcode for you if you want? This error has nothing to do with BIOS mod, but with your settings, the CPU itself, or possibly microcode update may help if not already latest.
This is due to unstable CPU in general, so settings, or possibly CPU you purchased is wearing out now etc. Both of your CPU’s mentioned use same microcode, 206A7, and I checked, the one in BIOS is from 2018, so it could be updated (latest is 2/17/2019 version).
But, since you’re having issues now and not with the 2500K, probably you need to adjust settings for memory, Vtt, vcore etc. until you are 100% tested stable.
This is especially true if you are using all Auto and large amount of memory (set memory voltages and add Vtt voltage), vcore may need increased as well if this is used/worn out CPU. May also be due to heat, if happens a lot under stress.

Here is “Fix.bin” BIOS I sent you previously, now with updated microcode for 206A7 CPU, this may help, but you still probably need to adjust/test/adjust until you are 100% tested stable

do i need to use the progammer again to write the bios?

This does not happen under stress, mostly random.
Sometimes it happens after i start the pc, sometimes after 1,2,3 hours of use, sometimes when doing nothing, and sometimes it doesn’t bsod at all.

Stress or not does not matter, all I mentioned above applies. BSOD?? WHEA error should not cause BSOD, unless it’s really bad, some driver possibly, or something is really not stable.

You should be able to flash the BIOS above renamed to stock BIOS name.extension (Sorry I forgot) then flash it with Instant Flash.
If not, let me know and I will remove the security check in it, then you can try again. Or just program in if you want, up to you

I am updating as we speak, i ll come back with an response if this fixed it or not.
Microcode changed from 206A7/2D in bios to 206A7/2F
Well, looks like this bios update did something and now it s working as it should, running stable 4.5ghz at 1.355v