Zbook 15 g1/g2 Vbios mod - how can I add support for additional MXM cards ?

The Zbook 15/17 g1/2 comes with MXM cards from kepler generation , k1100m-k5100m. it does not support other cards.
The Zbook 15/17 g3 comes with MXM cards from maxwell generation , m1000m-m5000m. it does not support other cards.

I’ve been using a Zbook 15 g1 with a Maxwell based cards with the an nvidia driver mod for a while now.
This method only works when the main video card is the intel card & the Nvidia card is secondary . ( hybrid mode )
I want the maxwell based cards to work on the G1/G2 natively in discrete only mode .
If ‘craked’ I would like to make modified SPI that support pascal & maxwell cards.

I have in hand several genuine m1000m cards from Zbook 15 g3 . I also have an m4000m card & should get an m2000m soon , these were bought separately but seem to work well on G3 machines.
I have more than one Zbook 15 g1/2 to play with .
I use a hardware programer to flash the SPI so I am basically immune to bricking the machine .

I Used phoenix flash to extract the vbios from both machines, the zbook 15 g1 & the g3 .
From the G3 I located several segments that fit perfectly as a vbios of maxwell cards.they are 101KB/117KB
From the G1 I located several segment that fit perfectly as vbios of kepler cards most are 93KB/97KB .the K2200m is 101KB .
all of them have 2 identical instances in the SPI . I replaced both .
I did try replacing only 1 of the 2 instances , 1 had no effect at all & the other bricked the machine

The m1000m is 101KB & so is the K2200m so I tried replacing them first.
I tried to modify the G1 bios by inserting the M1000m vbios instead of the K2200m vbios but it bricked the machine .It did not post even when no card is connected & the machine is set to hybrid .( with a good working SPI the machine does post with no mxm card )
I also tried injecting it instead of one of the smaller vbioses with no success .

the injection was done based on the instructions I found here : ( Replacing the 216-0674024… )
vlab.su/viewtopic.php?f=181&t=2460 .

I know many other machines don’t support MXM cards other than those the machine was sold with.
Does the method I used makes sense ? if so, what is missing ? do I need to “address” the changed vbios in another part of the SPI?
Is there a general way to disable the white list for MXM cards ?

dont have time to explain the detail now but there is actually NO MXM whitelist on ZBook.
btw you cant mess with HP BIOS like that since they got RSA checksum protected,you can learn more about this part from donovan6k or coderush’s blog.