Need help ASUS RAMPAGE VI EXTREME After update Intel ME FW

Dear all friend here. Few month ago before I build my rig there are the news from many forum about Intel SA-00086 vulnerable.
I was building my rigs on October 18, 2017. Everything run great how ever when I use Intel Detection Tools to monitor those vulnerable. It shown.

After that I was tring to contact with Intel and ASUS about the solution for patch those vulnerable. Intel side they’d release the new firmware to patch those vulnerable already as you see here…9/software.html

ASUS side they said there are too many board to patch and still working for them. But I can’t wait for that.

I’d experience about flashing ME firmware since RAMPAGE IV EXTREME by FWUpdlc64 command and everything is not problem with me old RAMPAGE IV EXTREME (X79 ages).
So I’d download Intel CSME System Tool R11 V5 from here and also Intel ME FW from Intel site to flash my new rig.

Everything done quite good! and when I finished flash like pictures below there are nothing problem to my rig.

Then I was checking from Intel Detection Tools it shown Intel SA-00086 vulnerable already patched.

After running benchmark and many 3D games there were no problem at all.

However after I’d shutdown the rigs. When poweron next time. When I’d enter BIOS to find ME FW version from BIOS. It shown for ME version. Sound not good begining here.

When running Administator Command Prompt I’d trying to use MEInfo tools to find the ME driver and FW version but there is some error like this picture below.

Trying many way to solve but there are no success to do.

There are new problem for my rig now. I couldn’t shutdown it by Windows Shutdown anymore. When going to shutdown every thing look like the rig going to shutdown normally, however the power still on and CPU is running. I alway use safe power off method (hold power switch 5 second manually to shutdown now during waiting to correct solution).

Please advise what should I do to solve these issue or Only way waiting for ASUS release new BIOS with 11.11.xx.xxxx firmware.

Your Rampage VI Extreme should have a bios switch button on your motherboard. Press it or enter bios and go to “Asus Bios Flashback” and click on “Force Bios 2” (or something similar) and it should load me firmware correctly.
Then there is the option to Copy Bios2 (which we are supposing is fine) to Bios1 in order to recovery the faulty eeprom.

I can’t understand why you have to flash ME firmware on a retail motherboard (instead of a corporate one).

Thank you Sylar76 . Did normal BIOS flashback method solve these issue. I’ll trying.

Thank you Sylar76, I able to Force BIOS 2 Boot. Every thing OK but when I go to BIOS Menu on Tools I can’t find an option to Copy BIOS 2 to BIOS 1 anywhere on R6E. Would you please advise me what other tools to save BIOS 2 image and it can be re flash BIOS 1 . If I could copy BIOS 2 to BIOS 1 everything could be solved.


Under last bios menu there should be a function “Asus Bios Flashback” or something similar. If you don’t have it, then your mobo does not support it.

There are BIOS Flash Back Menu on R6E however there are only option to switch between 1st BIOS and 2nd BIOS only. There are no choice for copy BIOS 2 to BIOS 1.

I’d like to copy BIOS 2 to BIOS 1 as your advised. Need other tools to do.

You should check, with FPTW64, under Windows, the status of the flash descriptors.

Download the Intel Flash Programming Tool (there should be one compatible for your chipset), open the command-prompt and type :

fptw64.exe -d spi.bin

If it correctly dumps your bios2 to your PC, then you have the flash descriptors unlocked (status 00), while if it display errors like CPU hosts, or something similar,
your eeprom is locked and the only thing you can do to copy bios2 to bios1 is to use an external eeprom programmer.

I’ll trying what you advise soon. However I want to asking you some question to make sure I did this way correctly.

1. What BIOS I should use Flash Programming Tool to dump BIOS 2 to my PC, 1st BIOS or 2nd BIOS. (1st BIOS was bricked 2nd BIOS is OK)

2. ASUS technician support tell me they ‘ll release ME Firmware update Tools on Jan 2018,
If I waiting for their tools could be Fix 1st BIOS or not in your opinion?

3. From 1. If I could dump 2nd BIOS to binary file correctly, then I could use it to reflash 1st BIOS to solve my problem isn’t it?

  1. You have, of course, to use BIOS2 and dump it with FPTW64 (but you need to use the correct FPTW64 for your chipset).

    2. It could fix your issue.

    3. If flash descriptors are unlocked, you can then try to boot from BIOS1 (even with the corrupted ME region), and flash over it the dumped bios2 file.

Dear Sylar 76 , I able to dump BIOS 2 already.

However when switch to BIOS 1 and trying to re-flash with FPTW64 -F SPI.BIN there are some error here what the next I should doing ?

At this stage I think we’re nearing to fix BIOS 1 as soon.

It means that Bios2 has flash descriptors unlocked, while they are locked on Bios1, so Bios1 can’t be programmed via FPTW64 but only with an external programmer !!!

So there are only way to fixing my rig. Waiting until ASUS release ME Updating Tools for BIOS 1 or new BIOS from ASUS which updated ME firmware inside isn’t it?

Yes, you could wait for an updated bios. :wink:

Switch to the 1st SPI chip and try these steps but at step 3, execute the command “setup_var 0x6EE 0x01” instead.

Would you please advise me more @plutomaniac

1. You mean switch to BIOS 1 that bricked isn’t it in the word " Switch to the 1st SPI chip " ?

2. I must download Intel CSME System Tools V11 r6 to USB Root too ?

3. Now I’d spi.bin which dump from BIOS 2 (normal) already however do I need to dump BIOS 1 (that bricked SPI) again on step 4.?

4. What place to enter “setup_var 0x6EE 0x01” ? From Flash Programming Tools/DOS or Flash Programming Tools/Win64 ?

@plutomaniac I’d do following your process. What shoud I do next Please.

Due ASUS RAMPAGE VI EXTREME BIOS 1102 didn’t had ME Firmware like we think. Hope you could help me for recover my BIOS 1 Me firmware corrupt.
Here is your advise file from your process above. Thank you for your kindness help.

ME.rar (1.4 MB)

It’s been a month. I don’t know what dump that is. If it’s from the SPI chip with the problem, then follow the CleanUp Guide and flash it back.

It was ME dump from SPI image of BIOS 1 that corrupted. Please correct me if I was misunderstood correctly.

1. First step we must clean ME (that corrupted) from SPI image of BIOS 1
2. Second step we must use Intel ME Firmware reposition select original ME Firmware
3. Third step reflash BIOS 1 ME region as FPTW64 -rewrite -me.bin (not sure correctly.)?
4. Forth step FPTW64 -greset

Please advise if those step may wrong?

What method did you use to dump the (locked as I remember) Main SPI chip? If you used the setup_var trick then you must clean the CSME region only at Flash Image Tool when following the CleanUp Guide. In such case, when “outimage.bin” is created, append 0xFF padding so that it has the same size at the dumped CSME region. If you did not use setup_var but a programmer or similar, you should dump the entire SPI chip and follow the CleanUp Guide normally. That way you won’t have to deal with padding addition (doesn’t really matter though, it takes a few seconds either way). When the final “outimage.bin” is ready (either full SPI image or just padded CSME region), flash with Flash Programming Tool via command “fptw -f outimage.bin” for full SPI or “fptw -me -f outimage.bin” for CSME region only. In the end, do a “fptw -greset”.

After BIOS 1102 Look like Main SPI chip was unlock. So I can dump SPI image from the BIOS 1 that corrupt now contain BIOS 1102 of R6E.
Setup var trick follow your recent advise above.

I don’t have any programmer, so I’d following your setup_var trick. But I’m not sure what to do due Clean Up guide so long and more complicated than I think.

I’d like your help once for shortest way. I’d BIOS SPI both BIOS 1 that ME corrupted and BIOS 2 that normal dump from Flash Programming Tool.

Could you guide me again by the fastest method to solve BIOS 1 ME corrupted? I didn’t have deep experience by use FIC and I’d concern if I do something wrong It will
brick my R6E. Could we dump BIOS 2 ME ( version on BIOS2 that normal original stage) to BIOS 1 ME region directly.

Here is my BIOS 1 and BIOS 2 SPI image dump. Could you please help me again? I’d like the most expert here experience to fixed the ME corrupted.

Here is BIOS 1 that ME corrupted SPI DUMP.…iew?usp=sharing

Here is BIOS 2 that original ME working normal SPI DUMP.…iew?usp=sharing

Could you use BIOS 2 SPI image file do something to fix BIOS 1 SPI image that ME firmware corrupted?

I’d trying all way but end up with these pic.