Nvidia and Intel hd graphics (Broadwell) black screen trouble

Heya, I’m playing with my laptop Asus X555LJ and XP x86 integral edition

After installing GPU driver (for geforce 920m) I’m getting black screen (OS is alive, I can hear “welcome” sound).

So, I thought, that I should install intel’s driver first, I did it through the Device Manager (used Windows 7 driver, ofc I have troubles with that)

Anyway I’ve got the same.

Did I missed something? Or maybe someone has a “hybridized” driver normally ported from w7 to XP? I’m ready to test it out!

P.S. Also I’m interested in thermal framework and bt 4.0 driver

NVidia Optimus switchable solution doesn’t work for XP and Vista, only from 7 and upwards. You’d have to figure out to drive the internal display via the dGPU if it’s even possible for your laptop, or hook up to an external display if the dGPU drives external displays.

Intel hd gpu driver gives error code 10 on Windows xp and 39 on Windows vista. Does the error relate to optimus switchable solution? I have intel hd 5500 internal gpu and nvidia GeForce 940M secondary gpu.


Try the XP Embedded driver and manually install that into Device Manager on a clean installation. There does not exist an official XP graphics driver for anything beyond Ivy Bridge iGPU that is known to function fully for 2D/3D as far as I know.

2D Lagginess is the best you’ll get using the built in Microsoft VGA driver.

For Laptops I believe the nVidia 600M series is the last generation that has XP driver support. You might be lucky if 700M works with some modding.
900M definitely will not work as that’s almost like 1000 Series Pascal for Desktops.

Let’s see, I guess, that here is a trouble with two GPUs, as that guy said:

As far as i know, the Windows XP supports only one GPU. My laptop display is connected to Intel HD graphics GPU.

So, when I changing to 920M GPU, the HD Graphics turning off.

Let’s make conclusion: I need the second display, If this works with external GPU (very weird, because laptop becomes less mobile PC)


we need Nvidia Optimus for XP like in Ivy Bridge Laptops (found some workstation laptops, maybe it could be handy)

Note about driver, Nvidia has driver for Windows XP (x32 and x64) for GPUs GTX 9xx, that exist up to and including GTX 960, but not m, what a bit sad, but that driver could be rewritten, so, some guys made it (see unofficial nvidia drivers).

Also, need to deal with Intel HD graphics driver maybe (found, that haswell driver should work).


Let’s see, I guess, that here is a trouble with two GPUs, as that guy said:

As far as i know, the Windows XP supports only one GPU. My laptop display is connected to Intel HD graphics GPU.

So, when I changing to 920M GPU, the HD Graphics turning off.

Let’s make conclusion: I need the second display, If this works with external GPU (very weird, because laptop becomes less mobile PC)


we need Nvidia Optimus for XP like in Ivy Bridge Laptops (found some workstation laptops, maybe it could be handy)

Note about driver, Nvidia has driver for Windows XP (x32 and x64) for GPUs GTX 9xx, that exist up to and including GTX 960, but not m, what a bit sad, but that driver could be rewritten, so, some guys made it (see unofficial nvidia drivers).

Also, need to deal with Intel HD graphics driver maybe (found, that haswell driver should work).

Yes this is a tricky situation and both your Intel HD Graphics on Haswell and the Nvidia 9XXm have no XP Drivers.

So if one requires XP drivers for the other Graphics to show up then you are in a bad situation. Both I can confirm Haswell iGPU and nVidia 9XXm combo will not work with XP for 2D and 3D graphics drivers that you want.

Find an Ivy Bridge with HD Graphics 4000 or nVidia 6XXm graphics combo and you can switch between them or at least use one of them with XP. I’ve used Ivy Bridge Intel HD Graphics 4000 on laptops so I know it works. On the Desktop if you have two GPUs in XP I believe you can only choose one GPU as Primary and the 2nd GPU as Secondary Extended Screen and have two monitors hooked on each own output. But most laptops have only VGA and HDMI dual output so you will have to see which one is connected to the VGA and which is connected to the discrete GPU. Probably this NVidia Optimus needs to install an XP driver to work as I believe it for Windows 7 and later only. So if that’s the case then maybe you will be stuck with the Intel HD Graphics and only the Windows 7+ can you use the other nVidia GPU.

Best solution is to find a laptop that has BIOS to choose the GPU before POST. Then that should let you use nVidia 6XXm for Primary graphics and the most powerful graphics solution.

Again I might later buy a future laptop with something like this combo to find out what happens in XP with two supported dual graphics solution with drivers. But anything Haswell and later I’d say sell it and get an Ivy Bridge to avoid the headache or just use Windows 7 and later with it. :slight_smile: