@Lost_N_BIOS - Here it is
*Edit - Hey i’m trying to set all my cpu ratio limit to 40 but i think some settings are not getting updated.
You cannot override Intel spec for your CPU, what CPU do you have?
Thanks for images, I will get you further unlocked BIOS tonight when I have more time (only have a few minutes here right now)
* Edit - @UrWorstNytmare06 - So, only a few missing (power limit settings) from the additional turbo page you showed, but rest at root where visible once you enabled that OC setting I asked about.
Here is new BIOS with rest now visible at the turbo page - http://s000.tinyupload.com/index.php?fil…740955149932201
There’s probably other stuff hidden from you still at Advanced pages, but I’d need to see images of that at root level at first, and then possibly inside from of the submenus there too.
If you do send images of any of this for further checking, please resize them to 800-1000px wide and or also put them in a max compressed zip, thanks!
Repost because of wrong category
Hey everyone, @Lost_N_BIOS
I have a ch341a programmer and soci8 clip and have made a bios dump and would like for the advanced options to be unlocked BUT ALSO to unlock the legacy boot option instead of uefi only. See mod.bin for unlocked advanced option only.
Last night you were contacted by St1cky regarding unlocking the ability to allow me to change from uefi to legacy in my bios(as well as unlock all other advanced settings which I currently have unlocked). In the reply back to st1cky, you asked for: if someone else made my modded bios, yes, yes they did, and how I flashed mine (I used a CH341a programmer and a soci8 clip. You also requested the modded bios dump which you can find here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1WK5_BNG…ew?usp=drivesdk . Here is my original bios dump with no mods: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1SoEN2Xp…ew?usp=drivesdk.
Let me know what your thoughts are .
@Kebicle :
Welcome to the Win-RAID Forum!
Have you seen >this< thread before starting a new thread? Since both threads are about a rather similar topic, it may be a good idea to discuss your request within the already existing thread.
By the way - all registered Forum members can edit their own posts and remove its content, but - as within nearly all other Forums - only Moderators and Admins can remove a post or thread completely.
Note: I have done it for you regarding the other thread you had started within a wrong Sub-Forum.
Dieter (alias Fernando)
@Fernando :
thanks for deleting that other posts, I didn’t realize I made that mistake. I have seen that thread but the laptop in the title is different from mine by a lot so I thought it would be a good idea just to keep separate because I was already kind of (a friend was ) in contact with lost_n_bios.
Clarification is needed here on what model you have, you and St1cky sent me different model names. Anyway, I just replied to your PM, to keep my sanity please answer all that out here, I didn’t realize until now you had a thread.
Fernando is correct, all/most PH 300 I’ve been moving into that thread, but it really does not matter to keep all similar together because each and every BIOS is personal anyway so no one can use anyone’s BIOS from before them, so it’s an ongoing mess
I’m so sorry, I just saw this after replying to your pm.
Here is my reply:
I’m going to start from the top down to answer your questions:
1. Have I already unlocked the advanced settings, Yes, someone modified my dumped bios yesterday
2.my laptop model is the Acer predator Helios 300 Ph315/51/78NP
3. Here is a link to the stock bios from manufacturer (not my dump) https://www.acer.com/ac/en/US/content/su…roduct/7603?b=1
4. Your assumption is correct, I dumped my bios, he unlocked the advanced page, debug page, and then I reflashed. The problem is is that he didn’t unlock the legacy option which should be on the boot page as far as I am aware. It’s up to you wether you want to edit the already modified bios or the stock bios, I will link both below.
5. Here is a link to the modified bios which unlocks the advanced and debug page but not the boot option legacy: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1WK5_BNG…ew?usp=drivesdk
6. And here is a link to the stock bios that I dumped: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1SoEN2Xp…ew?usp=drivesdk
It is up to you which one you would like to use but if you did start from scratch you would have to re unlock the advanced and debug page
@Kebicle - Due to #1 - Then, what do you need further unlocked?? They did unlock Power and Advanced menu for you, correct?
#3 is a broken link, but no worries, I already have stock BIOS for this model due to above linked thread Fernando mentioned, that’s where I unlocked this model for other user
Thanks, I will further edit #5 then. Why didn’t he unlock Power page for you too (Ohh, I see, not much interesting there anyway ) * Please fix link at #5, or re-upload etc, that is a dead link, or broken link as well
Yes, I see in Boot where Legacy option is hidden from user, easy to fix
* Edit - Actually, this one is where I’ve unlocked this model for users recently, few others in PM I guess, so not the above linked thread Fernando and I mentioned - Acer Predator Helios 300 (PH315-51-78NP) - Unlocked Settings
I will merge your thread to this one above once you’ve seen this post
Sorry I was typing my response on my phone, now on my laptop. Sorry to waste your time.
I want the legacy option to be unlocked (you know this I was just saying to your first line) and if its easy to do the power option aswell. Dont waste your time on it if its not easy though.
ORIG link: https://www.acer.com/ac/en/US/content/su…roduct/7603?b=1
#5 Modded link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1oXwaTK6…iew?usp=sharing
Thanks for your help. Not sure why the links decided to quit on me.
Please tag me in the merged Thread in your response.
@Kebicle - Before I do the edit, can you already see “Boot Mode” Option on Boot page? Just want to make sure the setting itself does not need revealed too
Also, you can see “Secure Boot” option there too, correct?
@Lost_N_BIOS Yeah I can go to boot mode but when I enter the submenu (if thats what its called), UEFI is the only option there
Thanks, please see my edit question above about secure boot, then I will do the edit for you
Yes I can also see secure boot and am able to enable or disable it
@Kebicle - Secure boot needs to be disabled to run Legacy, at least I think so
Here is mod BIOS where you should be able to see Legacy now. If it’s visible, but still does not function properly, let me know, I think some other item connected to why it was hidden may need nulled out.
@Lost_N_BIOS Thank you so much. I will be flashing it asap (taking apart laptop again now). Any idea on how I would know if it is functioning properly?
You’re welcome! If you can install in legacy mode If whatever caused you to want/need this works now, then you know it works MBR partitions should be bootable in Legacy mode, UEFI/GPT ones would not (or maybe they can with Secure boot enabled, on legacy, I’m 100% sure)
Why did you want it anyway?
Leave system apart in case we need to apply that follow up edit I mentioned
@Lost_N_BIOS Yeah Ill leave it apart. Flashing in two minutesh ish. Wanted the option to install older windows versions such as windows 7.
You can install Win7 in UEFI mode to GPT partition as well, Legacy is not needed for that.