AMD and Nvidia GOP update (No requests, DIY)

6800xt falid.
Error:IndexError: list index out of range

************************* GOPupd mod v0.5 *************************

************************ Drop VBIOS file on this .bat ***********************

Using python from GOPupd

Dumping info from = Sapphire_PULSE_Radeon_RX_6600_8GB_Navi23.rom

ID of ROM file = 1002-73FF

Found Unknown header before ROM start, size 0x14800

ID of ROM file = 1002-73FF

Extra EFI ROM found at offset 0x14800!

*** Extracting with UEFIRomExtract by AndyV ***

Found compressed EFI ROM start at 0x64
Input size: 38300, Output size: 65144, Scratch size: 13368
Found compressed EFI ROM start at 0x64
Input size: 39836, Output size: 72256, Scratch size: 13368

*** Extracting with GOPupd… ***

Traceback (most recent call last):
File “”, line 2929, in
File “”, line 1802, in efi_version
IndexError: list index out of range

Press any key to exit… (387.1 KB)

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Hi i have RX 580 XFX and as u can see when i try to update GOP it’s said you have newer version and won’t do anything but the problem is i can Boot with Secure boot enabled with first Bios in my card ( it’s dual bios card ) but i can’t boot with other Bios like that i modified second bios but it works well without Secure boot enable but with secure boot enable i get triple beep beep beep and can’t access to Mainboard Bios but windows will show up !
so i try this tool to update GOP or overwrite it maybe fix this problem any idea ?
i will attach the Bios here too but it’s said new user can’t upload files


The tool cant override/downgrade the GOP, find an older vbios for your gpu model, with a lower GOP version in it.

You need the 1.69 MagicGOP, do please note that this so called “Magic Gop” is not always a solution for fixing the UEFI boot/CSM off, on all RX series models/brands around…

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Hello guys.
I tried the tool to update GOP on my MSI GTX 1070 Gaming X.
But unfortunately the updated FW bricked my card (bios refused to boot up with it).
Luckily I was able to recover the GPU by inserting it into second PCI-E and booting with another (AMD) card.

I add archive with original, original updated using this tool, and original updated using official nVidia GOP update tool.
Maybe it will help you to find the problem and improve your tool :slight_smile: (460.2 KB)

I’m using the same updated GOP 0x30013 ( x64 ) on an MSI GTX 1060 AERO ITX OC 6Gb… no problems at all.


Well i dont know if you’re aware of it, but this GOP driver is only used by the EFI system bios upon boot and has no impact on loaded OS or drivers.
Usually we should update the EFI GOP to solve incompatibility issues when outputting to display devices, other than that has no impact on normal OS loaded.

Weird. I tested the vbios 2x.
PC even didn’t boot into MB bios and VGA error LED on MB was on…

I have a Zotac GT 210 card.
I have dumped the bios using GPU-Z and it was 63k in size.
I have applied the GOP update script to it but it made the rom file increase to 123k
When I try to flash the rom file with nvflash, I get the error “ROM image too large for EEPROM” and the flash aborts.

Same here.
You need to solder EEPROM chip that has at least 128KB of memory or more.
I used what i had, which is ZB25D40 which has 512KB.
Use cheap USB programmer for 25 series SPI EEPROM like CH431a to flash modded bios to new EEPROM chip, then solder it instead original.
Tested and succesfully working.

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A post was split to a new topic: MSI RX580 8Gb Armor OC vbios to restore

Hey folks !!
Sapphire HD 5870 Eyefinity 6 - For the life of me i can’t locate a rom file with GOP nor can i make one with GOP_Update (microcode / GOP update makes file size either too small or too large) needs to be 128k.
Can anyone help me out here? (46.0 KB)

Anyone ?

You’re funny…

Anyone ?

Is it possible to enable UEFI in the BIOS of the GTS 450?

Doubt it, due to most size of ROM ICs being 64Kb, if you hava model with 128 you can try it (GF10x) as long as you know how to recover.
There’s also some vbios on TPU used on those fake 1050 Ti (GTS 450), that claims UEFI support.


No and never can be. Have you at least checked your IC model and rom size… it could be a wasting time search for nothing, if you have a standard IC unless soldered a new bigger IC or if the rom even likes your pcb…
Nothing more to add, over_n_out.

Yes, 64KB.
Where can I find the BIOS for the fake GTS 450? I would like to try to use it. Is he on 64KB?

I have a chip on 64KB.
Maybe it is possible to replace the chip with 128KB? How to do this and will there be a result?

Hi guys. It’s been a while. I would like to know, if there are some changes in GOP updater. Is there any new version besides GOP_Updater_v1.9.6.5.k_mod_v0.5.2 ? Is there any chance that I can update GOP driver on RTX 2080Ti using this tool or is it still only possible manually? Please, direct me guys to the way of how to update the GOP driver to the newest possible version on RTX 2080Ti Founder Edition.

Sill works for TUxxx (5001F), no further releases of the tool exists for now…
Another NVidia tool/updater here:
GOP Update and Extraction Tool (NVIDIA Only) - BIOS/UEFI Modding / BIOS Modding Guides and Problems - Win-Raid Forum (

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Thanks. I’ve found the second tool just after asking. It Works. The first one throws back some errors. So I’m not sure it works properly with Turing GPU’s.