AMD and Nvidia GOP update (No requests, DIY)

When i use this tool to try and update the GOP of my hd7970 the card wont boot in uefi mode

I Take it you cannot alter the BIOS mode clocks then merge a GOP, seems to break the signatures.

I still cannot figure out how to change the clocks in UEFI mode.

Hey Sylar,

Any chance we can get another update with the newest v1.xx series GOP?

EDIT: I also have found v2.8 as well for the newer series.

@D2theZ Added AMD GOP Uefi Table post 831.

Hello there! I have registered only to thank you for this tool and file(s). I successfully upgraded my uefi part of the vbios in my MSI R9 390X, from May 2014 to May 2019. It was so easy.

1. Created backup through AMD/ATI WinFlash, I prefer that instead of GPU-Z. It was 256kb instead of 128kb for some reason.
2. I used the .bat file by dragging the bios into it, but I forced to delete the .py file. It didn’t let me to operate the procedure.
3. Then I double checked both original and gop.update .bios files.
4. And, finally, I flashed the fresh file through AMD/ATI WinFlash.

All was so easy and went really smooth. Once again, thanks! Now I won’t ever worry for upgrading my PC in the near future without buying new gpu, as it is ready for any motherboard.!

AMD GOP Driver not yet added?


I’ve added it in the last gop uefi updater.


Hello there,

i’v download the lastest and unzip it. After this i delete the .py and use the gop updater with the v-bios of my his 270X mini.

The stock bios include AMD GOP dec 30 2013. With the update it is may 23 2019.

I’v try to flash the new bios with atiflash_293 with the windows ui and with the amdvbflash.exe in dos mode.

With “amdvbflash -p 0 Pitcairn_upGOP.rom -f” i got error 0FL01 " Can not flash a 0x length image into a 0x 20000 length rom!ROM not erased".

Is there anny way to resize the new update bios from 130kb to 128kb like the stock bios? I want to try an older GOP witch is maybe smaler but i didnt know to do.

Can you help me :slight_smile: ?

It may need running this command line by administrator’s right.

For sure, i did it with admin right.

Or it may need using command line “-unlockrom 0” for unlocking vbios ?

Is this tool working with MXM form factor graphic cards? I tried with 3 I have and got the same error on all:

Quadro k610m -
Quadro m1000m -

Not sure if it matters, but the python binaries are 0 both zero bytes. -


I wanted to find out, let’s say that a new clean AMDGopDriver.efi was found. Do you know how you can collect “amd_xxxx.efiprom” for updating?

@all I haven’t an ATI/AMD card so I can’t try if your modded bios fails. GOP Updater script runs fine, as already reported by other users.


Yes, I know how to obtain/collect amd_xxxx.efirom if a new AMDGopDriver will be found.


I understand that in 2 stages?
First, "efitom bla-bla-bla", then using the hex editor add "GOP AMD REV: x.x.x.x.x ", adjusting the start of the GOP and the length of the final file?

Yes, it’s the best way.

You need to use a patched GOP image. @hellm posted the latest version patched to allow for BIOS mods. To apply it with the tool just rename it to amd_gop.efirom and replace the one in the #GOP_files folder. Then you can alter the clocks all you want.

Not sure if you’re aware you can’t use 2.xx versions with that card. v1.69 is the latest version for pre-Vega cards.

You need to use a patched GOP image. @hellm posted the latest version patched to allow for BIOS mods. To apply it with the tool just rename it to amd_gop.efirom and replace the one in the #GOP_files folder. Then you can alter the clocks all you want.

Not sure if you’re aware you can’t use 2.xx versions with that card. v1.69 is the latest version for pre-Vega cards.

Thanks for pointing this out
My R9 290 i have always modified the clocks just fine with an updated or non updated gop
but my R9 280 wouldnt boot UEFI if i messed with the clocks on the stock gop or an updated gop

I presume this will fix that?

google with: R9 280 uefi

google with: R9 280 uefi

umm unsure how to reply to that without sounding like a dick
suffice to say yes it did allow me to boot with modded clocks in uefi mode

Ahahaha, those replies made my day!

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