AMD and Nvidia GOP update (No requests, DIY)

Some older videocards don’t have GOP, so the tool will insert a new GOP-image after VBIOS and set last-rom-indicator from 0x80 to 0x00h.

Try to update your card with updated rom, sometimes the flash-memory is to small to hold the complete rom. In this case you can insert another, smaller gop-image, if this will also exceed the size, memory must changed to a bigger one.

If anyone wants to add by himself latest VEGA AMD Gop Uefi Table here is the attached file. (44.1 KB)

@MeatWar ,@Ludolf - Thank you for the help. I’ve successfully patched three cards (MSI R7770 1GB, XFX R7850 1GB, AMD R9 290X 4GB), using the instructions. All have the latest GOP inserted by the patching tool and all work great in my Hackintosh setup (HP Z420/Z820 - Catalina/Big Sur). Before the GOP update, I had black screen issues and could only use specific ports. Now they all work flawlessly, using any ports/combinations. Of course, I had to disable Legacy Support in BIOS (HP BIOS: Boot Order -> Legacy boot; Secure Boot Configuration -> Legacy Boot).

Thank you all for this great work! I wish I had found it sooner.


@Sylar76 Thank you, I can confirm it works on an RX 5700

Could you please re-upload GOP_Updater_v1.9.6.5.k_mod_v0.4.8.rar, because the current link is not downloadable:
GoogleDrive says: The file is not downloadable, because it contains a virus. Only the owner would be able to download infected files!

So i could not download the latest GOP_Updater. You would do me a favour.


I haven’t that file anymore as I like to mod bios for myself but it’s strange Google reports it as a virus.

Last user here: AMD and Nvidia GOP update (No requests, DIY) (90)
ask for the same file… seems that he used to perform the GOP update on two vbios and had sucess, he never reported ur issues.
Copy a link to ur Google disk drive, make a copy then of the file and transfer it then, it will report the same alert but u can now ignore and download anyway.

Hi. Where can I provide updated files? I got a GIGABYTE Radeon RX 580 8GB GAMING REV 2.0 with a production date of week 14, 2021. It uses Hynix AJR RAM. The video card is dead but I was able to salvage the untouched BIOS (no modificatoins done). GOPUpd says it has a newer GOP than what is publicly available. BIOS download is linked below.

edit: for some reason it isn’t letting me post pictures or BIOS links. The AMD GOP says How can I upload this?

Also can someone upload a copy of mod v0.4.8? The link sylar made says google drive thinks there is a virus in it (but we know it doesnt have one, its a false positive) and I cant find a different download link

You can also change file-extension to .txt or something else and attach the file to your posting :wink:

trying link again for new rx 580 bios with gop

edit: link wont work still, forum is restricting me too much. i tried attachments. rename the dot txt file to dot rom.

editedit: looks like attach worked. I had to extract the rom manually with a ch341a device so it is showing at 512kb size

GBRX580.txt (512 KB)


Updated successfully two AMD RADEON7 gfx cards with this GOP. Thank you for it.

Trying to download, but virus error… any solution?

RE-UPLOAD due to reports of unsuccessful via Google Drive


GOP_Updater_v1.9.6.5.k_mod_v0.4.8.part1.rar (5 MB)

GOP_Updater_v1.9.6.5.k_mod_v0.4.8.part2.rar (2.17 MB)

Can be updated with with gop

I am unable to unzip these 2 RAR files with 7-Zip. Gives error messages.

Assuming it works, does that included the 2 newest GOPs for the 1.x and 2.x AMD series?

Use extract dialogue, when opening the correct first file the error message will give you the correct name for the second file


Can someone update the GOP Updater with the 1.70 version? It came almost a year later, hopefully it has some improvements :smiley:
Btw, if it was released in July 2020 (or whenever) why we only find out about it like 1 year later? Same with 2019 GOP, we just had it here like in 2020

Is someone else allowed to bundle the new files into a new version of GOP Updater?
I gave it a try, but can remove it if this is not okay.

[231021] v0.4.9
built on: GOPUpd_v1.9.6.5.k
- Added GOP: AMD (THX ssateneth)
- Added GOP: AMD (THX Sylar76)
- Added GOP: NVidia Ampére GA1xx 0x6000F


Thank you, Paul dicker. This version you made works very well.

Someone updated card like Saphire RX560 4Gb? No problems?