[ARCHIVE] Outdated UBU Tool related Questions, Reports and Suggestions

Hi guys. Since I changed from 1.2.7 version to 1.3 I have this error message. And even if I get back to the old version. Any solution ?

Sans titre.jpg

@ ThaInfamousMobb:
Welcome at Win-RAID Forum!

At first step the UBU tool checks the integrity of the tool files. In your case it obviously couldn’t find the file named Z_CPU0.ffs, which should be within the CPUP subfolder of the UBU_v130 folder.
Possible reason: The content of the UBU folder has been changed by mistake.

This is what I recommend to do:
1. Redownload the UBU Tool v1.30.
2. Create a folder in the root of drive C and name it "UBU_v130" (without the quotation marks).
3. Extract the content of the zipped UBU package into the just created C:\UBU_v130 folder.
4. Run the UBU.bat as Administrator again.
5. Navigate to the BIOS file you want to modify.

I just tested it and it worked!


Addon for UBU v 0.1.0. IRST TRIM-in-RAID0 Addon for Intel 6-Series motherboards.
Involved OROM, EFI GUID 90C8D394- and EFI GUID 91B4D9C1-
IRST v11.6.0.1702
IRST v12.7.0.1936
IRST v12.9.0.2006
IRST v13.0.0.2075
IRST v13.1.0.2030

This Addon works only with UBU version 1.3.0 and higher.
To use unpack the archive into a folder with UBU.
Not recommend running file TRIM6 separately from UBU!

@ SoniX:

Thanks for having published the “UBU_TRIM6” addon, which is supported by the latest UBU tool v1.30.
As a consequence I have updated the start post of this thread.
Please have a look into my refreshed guide and send me your advices via PM.

@ all Win7/8 users with an Intel 6-Series SSD RAID0 system:

Update of my Guide (start post)


  • added: Use of the new UBU addon named "UBU_TRIM6"
  • refreshed: “Preparations” chapter of my guide.

I hope, that everything is correct and easy to unterstand.
If not, please let me know it via PM.

Good luck!

@ Fernando
Small request.
"Please do not run the file TRIM6.BAT. All updates for "TRIM-in-RAiD0" run the file UBU.BAT".
1) Start UBU.bat
2) Select "1"
3)* If there is an Addon menu item. Select "s" or "S"
4) Select option for updates.


@ Sonix:

To make everything as clear as possible without increasing the length of my guide too much, I have put the additional informations for the "TRIM6" addon users into a "Spoiler".
I hope, that everything is ok for you and the UBU users.

Ok. Thank you.
Hopefully, users will understand. :slight_smile:

@Fernando ,

I come back on UBU 1.3 , option 5 (MARVELL 91xx infos).
On my PC I get this menu:


HWINFO64 tool detects a "MARVELL 91xx config" data:


So, it seems a similar data, but not exactly the same.
What do you think about ?

The tool HWInfo detects the hardware components of the system, the UBU tool the SATA Controller related BIOS modules.

@Fernando ,
Thanks for the clarification.

My concern is TRIM is not supported currently on a Marvell port on this board.

So, at the moment I observe the combination ‘sandwich’ (Hardware Controler Version 1.01 + Firmware Controler Version + BIOS EFI Module + BIOS OROM + Driver does not support TRIM, and I conclude the problem is purely coming from the Driver software because TRIM works with MSAHCI V 1.0.
Am I right to say this issue can’t be solved at BIOS level or at firmware level but can be solved only at a purely software driver level ?

I totally agree with your conclusion, but I am not very optimistic, that Marvell will solve this issue in the near future.

@ SoniX:
Thanks for the new UBU v1.4.0, where you have completely integrated “UBU_TRIM6” feature.
This is good news for Intel 6-Series RAID0 users, who want to get TRIM support within their RAID array, because they don’t need to download and insert any separate “TRIM6” addon anymore.

@ all Win7/8 users with an Intel 6-Series SSD RAID0 system:

Update of my Guide (start post)


  • customized: complete guide
  • totally refreshed: chapter “Update of the Intel RAID ROM/EFI SataDriver modules” with new screenshots

I hope, that everything is correct and easy to unterstand.
If not, please let me know it via PM.

Personal comment:
Since the insertion of “Universal TRIM in RAID0 modded” Intel RAID ROM/SataDriver modules now has been fully implemented by SoniX into his UBU tool, the BIOS modification is now much easier and safer for P67 and Z68 users with an SSD RAID0. So from now on I don’t see any need to ask BIOS modding experts for an update of a mainboard BIOS regarding the feature “TRIM in RAID0”.
Even BIOS modding newbees should be able to get their favorite version of the TRIM modded Intel RAID ROM/SataDriver module into their AMI UEFI mainboard BIOS.

Good luck!

@ SoniX:
Thanks for the new UBU version and the addition of the “Universally TRIM modded” Intel RAID ROM v11.2.0.1006.

@ all:
The new version 1.4.1 has already been tested by me. I was able to successfully replace the original Intel RAID ROM v11.2.0.1527 of my P8Z68-V BIOS by the modded v11.2.0.1527, which now is supporting the TRIM in RAID0 feature.

Update of the Start Post


  • new: download link to UBU v1.4.1
  • customized: chapter regarding the insertion of TRIM modded Intel RAID modules

Enjoy the updated UBU tool!

Sonix, is your TRIM mod done via the Universal method or the more 6-series specific method? I ask because I saw a user on here whose motherboard would not report working TRIM (using the TrimTool) with the universal mod, but when he did the mod that was first discovered way back just for his specific 6-series chipset it reported working fine.

@ D2theZ
The Universal method. OROM-mod taken >here<, and EFI-mod >here<.

@ D2theZ:
SoniX has already answered your question.
Nevertheless I want to add some informations, because it was at least my idea to fully integrate the TRIM modded Intel RAID ROM/EFI SataDriver modules into the UBU tool.

All TRIM modded Intel RAID ROM and SataDriver modules, which are offered by the UBU tool, have been "Universally TRIM modified" by me according to CPL0’s latest method. Since several months I do not offer anymore the Chipset specific TRIM modified RAID ROM and SataDriver modules.

I really doubt, that there is any difference regarding the TRIM in RAID0 activation function between both TRIM modding methods.
It has been approved by many, many users, that the various "Universally TRIM modded" Intel RAID ROM/SataDriver modules, which I am offering since several months, are working flawlessly, that means, that the TRIMCheck tool gave the message "TRIM appears to be WORKING!".
On the other hand it is wellknown, that

  1. the TRIMCheck tool is not able to detect low TRIM activity (contrary to the manual Hex Editor method) and
  2. some SSD Controllers (e.g. Sandforce ones) make it very difficult to detect the TRIM activity at all (TRIM works nevertheless).

Thanks SoniX & Fernando for providing UBU with “Universally TRIM modified” v11.2.0.1527, though i’m actually using the regular Intel Rst Raid Rom v11.2.0.1527 on my chipset “7” series.

Can I still use UBU v1.41 with modified version, which enables the TRIM in RAID0 aka “Universally TRIM modified” with chipset “7” series ??

Or do i have to manually do it with regular Rst Raid Rom and the MMTool.exe ?? Thanks!

Yes, you can simply run the UBU tool v1.4.1 and let it replace the "original" Intel RAID ROM v11.2.0.1527 of your mainboard BIOS by the offered "Universally TRIM modded" v11.2.0.1527.
There is no need to do it manually by using the AMI Aptio MMTool.
I have tested it myself.

@ Fernando
Hello! :slight_smile:

And does it make sense to install a modified module TRIM-in-RAID0 on motherboards with 7 series chipsets?

No, not really, because all Intel 7-Series SATA RAID Controllers natively do support the TRIM in RAID0 feature. Nevertheless the TRIM modded Intel RAID ROM modules will work with 7-Series Chipsets as well (no functional restrictions).