[ARCHIVE] Outdated UBU Tool related Questions, Reports and Suggestions

@ gtishtar:
Welcome at Win-RAID Forum!

I recommend to wait until SoniX has answered your question.

Dieter (alias Fernando)

If your system is overclocked or you plan to overclock then go for 19, otherwise 1B. SoniX can add a small help text nearby to clarify that, as it was before.

Thank you plutomaniac. A text indicating that would be good, indeed.

Regardibng overclocking, lets say i would like to overclock my PC in about 6 months or 1 year, should i update the Microcode now to 19 or stick with 1B for now and when i actually overclock it flash again the BIOS with the 19? This kinda confuses me, don’t know if using the overclock setting while not being overclocked hurts something.

I actually have mine overclocked, but it’s just a iGPU setting (iGPU Voltage Offset). I don’t know if we still can call this overclocking and that’s why i get even more unsure about it.

In the final version of UBU, they will be specified remarks

Hi Sonix,
In your latest version UBU_v1.28_BETA_6, is it possible for me to add the 4.1 Sata OROM and then insert it into bios? I would really like to upgrade Sata Orom for Rampage IV Extreme to 4 series but I do not like the 4.2, 4.3 drivers. They have removed the parity verification and I noticed that if indeed there are parity errors, you have no way of knowing about it.

I am so sorry Sonix,
Never looked at the Official version. I saw that it exists in that version.
Thanks for this wonderful tool!!!

Hmmmm… Ok.

IRSTe_4_1_0_1026.rar (260 KB)

Go for 19 and leave it at that. uCode is not something that should be updated constantly. It’s extremely low-level and users almost never notice any differences with updates.

Yes plotomaniac, i quote your answer and add a link to my previous post where i explain what CPU micro-code is preferable when overclocking the CPU: [Discussions] UBU Tool related Questions, Reports and Suggestions (112)



Hi Sonix,
I’m not sure if you saw my last post, the 1.27 official UBU allowed me to modify my bios and update my sata orom to 4.1. Your tool is great and I have already used it on 2 Asus Rampgae IV Extreme mboards. It is very reliable for me and I think you have created a great tool.
Thanks Again!!!


And Sorry for my english! I used UBU for Sabertooth x79 Bios. And installed modul and irst End UBU and put the new cap-file on stich with brenamer. use flashback lights blings and after restart, is was not in my sytembios. System contained 4701 not the mod 4801.

Can anyone explayn where my mistake is? When i controlled my 4801 with ubu, the new modules are in it.

Thanks! Danke


That is, for Haswell processors, microcode version 19 is the best for overclocking?

@ TGsWort:
Hello Thomas,
welcome at Win-RAID Forum!

I suspect, that you have done something wrong while trying to flash the modded BIOS.
Is it possible, that you have mixed the BIOS files and flashed the old one?
My suggestion: Check the BIOS file and repeat the USB Flash-Back procedure.

Dieter (alias Fernando)

EDIT: I have moved your post into the UBU Discussions thread. The other UBU thread is just for the guide and SoniX’s announcements of a new version.


And thanks for your help!
I erase bios.bin in UBU und erase files in UBU/temp.
Start UBU and let read mod4801 bios on stick .
mod bios with new files on stick. no idea whats wrong.<br /> <br />Explorer shows
BRenamerl Anwendung
SABERX79.cap CAP-Datei

formated in fat32

File 4801 from Asus i can update with Asusupdater. Modbios not.
Original 4801 contains orom irst and orom irste3.5.0.1005
How about Trim with this oroms and 2SSDS Raid0 ? Work it?


Are you sure, that the flashing procedure succeeded?
Did you insert the USB stick into the USB FlashBack slot? Did you press the USB FlashBack button long enough?

Probably not. I recommend to insert the TRIM in RAID0 modded Intel RST RAID ROM v12.9.0.2006 and set the BIOS to RST mode.

Not sure, that procedure succeeded. i do, so what i read.
Put usb in Slot under the flashback button, that Slot is White market with the flashback button together.
press the button and wait the time the flashback button and the usbStick flashing with lights.
End of flashing with lights on stick and button, only the button lights continiusly. Then i start normaly my pc.

Old bios is running. meantime i upgrade on 4801 bios. But my modded wan`t work.

According to my knowledge you have to wait until the USB Flashback lights (incl. the button light) are off.
Look here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ADcdnwMjd_I

Ok, i will do it so.
In Clip lights flashing and Ends, lights all out. Here is it not so. I will retry,and give it more time!

The included UBU 1.28beta is trim ready?



Yes, but only the module, which is within the TRIM6 subfolder.

Problem was the Cruzer USB-Stick, this come with his own softwarepack. Other Stick and it works like the Clip.

when i start UBU says "Drücken Sie eine beliebige Taste", i do "enter"
ubu Shows "selection Option for update" with efi irst raid for sata. i press 1

ubu Shows

Intel rst orom and efi SataDriver

1 - update …
9 - gotoupdate Irse/scu
0- Exit to main menu

enter number:

nothing to see from trim6Folder
1.27 and 1.28beta.

no Change to fail in UBU and i did it wrong an see nothing