Asus G11CD BIOS swap for Kabylake support

Hello everyone, I was wondering if someone could help me please.
I have an Asus G11CD PC with a I5-6400 (Skylake 6th gen) processor and BIOS: Version 1002 ME FW Version (see attached screenshot)

The problem I am having is that I recently I bought a I7 - 7700K ( Kabylake 7th gen) but according to Asus website I would need to Update BIOS to version: 0807 (Kabylake) to be compatible.
When I try to use EZ flash2 to install the BIOS I need I get an error that says : Selected file is not a proper BIOS!
The only BIOS .cap files that EZflas2h recognizes are the ones WITHOUT the (Kabylake or Kabylake, Oculus) denomination which are the ones I think I need.

The motherboard model I have according to a sticker I found on the actual MB is a H110-I/G11CD/DP_MB which is my understanding is the same as a this MB H110-PLUS
Under the CPU Support tab it says that it supports i7 7700k Kabylake Processors since version 3016 of that particular BIOS.

By the way I also tried using rufus & afudos and converting the .cap (kabylake) files to .rom but they don’t work, i get an error also.

I am new to this BIOS modding world and I guess my question is:
Is it possible to replace the BIOS I have with either the one under the G11CD BIOS tab version: 0807 (Kabylake)
the BIOS for the regular H110-PLUS MB Version 3016 ?

I want to know if it is at all possible to do OR should I just buy a new Motherboard?

I thought maybe someone here might have some knowledge they could share , sorry for the long post.
Hope everyone is doing well and thank you in advance.


Adding this here instead of PM, so I don’t forget I typed it out in my notes
I tried similar for user here, no luck, but this was a while back and it looks like a few things I may have missed - [REQUEST] BIOS ASUS K31CD H110 can not run Kabylake CPU.
So, you may need flash programmer and then we can directly put on the other BIOS safely without worry about brick without recovery possible.
Be aware, the other model BIOS (G11CD-K) does not have Ai Tweaker BIOS section, looks like a cheaper variant due to less monitoring/fan control etc in BIOS as well.

@thematrix - Here, please test with fingers crossed Flash via >> FPTw.exe -bios -f uCGOPvBVBTFIT.bin…135927112677066

This may brick, if so and old CPU does not work either, then you will need to recover via programmer.
You may need to use onboard graphics until another edit is done, not sure. If screen blank on reboot after flash, but system is running more than a few seconds, please try onboard graphics before we consider it bricked
If that happens, then we know you need to use either other BIOS generally, or we can still try this BIOS once again ME FW 11.7.x.1 instead of 11.8.x.3, once you have programmer.

have u succeed?old i5 6400 can sell to me?i wanted to get i3 9100f with bios mod but scared :stuck_out_tongue:

@Chilskater - This has nothing to do with Coffee CPU BIOS mods etc Since you are scared, what I mentioned to you about pinmod probably not ideal for you either, so best bet for you is to purchase CH341A programmer ($3) + U Type Flat IC Extractor ($1)
Then you have no worries, and can do whatever you want to BIOS. It’s this, or get a more modern and compatible board for your 9100F

But yes, I would like to know result from above since he never replied @thematrix

Hello there, thank you for ur reply and effort to help others on bios mod… I haven’t purchased any CH341A programmers yet… It will takes probably a month to arrive…and i haven’t read the section where it used CH341A programmer to mod bios… Thanks again