Asus K43TK Help To Unlock BIOS

Hi everyone
I followed all posts about unlocking hidden menu bios but still i can not do it for my laptop. i really tried but i couldnt.
Is anyone here who can help me?

this is asus k43tk with ami bios.

actually im a hardware repairer and im not so good in software

@Overlord - nothing is attached, and please edit your posts if you need to add more thoughts so soon, thanks
For now, just add link to your BIOS download page from Asus

this is the link of my bios from asus…5509.1541172929

Thanks, please give me some time and I will look into this for you. For now, you can research and see if you can find which version AFU anyone ever used to flash mod BIOS to this model (Check in google)
Otherwise you may need CH341A flash programmer and SOIC8 test clip cable to program in mod BIOS.

Also, please take images of the BIOS, one of each main section of the BIOS, so I can see which menus you have now and which you can’t see. Put those in a zip or 7zip please and thanks

@Overlord - I’ve split these posts into your own topic, since your board is not an HP system which the thread you posted in was about.

I used aptio 4 to open bios file and changed all defults to user but it did not worked.
I also used phoenix tools to extract my setup but i could not find the hex that is related to hidden menu

I tried to do some changes and i flashed the bios with afuwin64. and it is succsecfull in flashing.

i attache the original bios file and also a picture of the menu i want to unlock


K43TK.rar (1.45 MB)

Yes, that is not how you do BIOS mod, nor is phoenix tools used either. When you flashed with AFUWin, could you confirm in BIOS you changes were actually made?
To test and confirm that, change some setting you can already see in the BIOS, change it’s default failsafe/optimal setting both to something different than default BIOS has, then flash, and see if your new default setting is there or not.
If yes, then that method works for flashing, if not then it only appeared to flash, but really didn’t flash anything (This happens some BIOS too)
Stock flash tool is Winflash, but this is AMI BIOS so AFU could be used, if you find correct one for flashing mod BIOS for Aptio 4 BIOS (So, would be V4.xx AFU), probably best way is to flash with stock BIOS, then without reboot flash mod BIOS.

I need images of all main pages of your BIOS please (Main, Advanced, Boot, Security, exit etc, all of them)

yes It works.
I changed all defults to USER and flashed the bios with AFUWIN64 and checked all changes has been made in the bios but hiden menus are not visible yet.
I attache the current picture of my bios at the end






In AMIBCP as you see I have 5 enable menu in bios and 6 hidden
So According to your guides in previous posts I tried to find the hex 01 01 01 01 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 in ,SETUP, PE32 image and Subtype GUID section
But I couldnt find it.
Anyway I just got confused and waiting for other helps

dear @Fernando would you please join to this threat to help

I cannot help you.
Our expert regarding this sort of BIOS modding is Lost_N_BIOS.

@Overlord - I already know AMIBCP works, but only for certain things in certain BIOS.
In this BIOS, you can only change settings within menus that are already visible, or make hidden settings visible in those visible menus, as long as they are not also suppressed within the setup module (If/when they are, you need to unsuppress there too).
However, it is good that you’ve verified you know a method to flash mod BIOS. Please flash back in your stock BIOS and show me images of all BIOS pages like you did above, put them in a zip file please, I don’t want to download 15MB of images just to look at something that should be less than 2-3MB total.
Or, is it too late now and those are stock BIOS and I downloaded 15B just to look at images once? I need to see all stock, unedited image of your BIOS

those pictures above are just my stock bios without any changes.
I reduced the size of them to 3.8Mb and attache in zip file.

the important menu for me to unlock is this

stock bios.rar (3.88 MB)


OK, thanks for confirming, thank you for zip/resize, but I already downloaded from above - * Edit @Overlord - I don’t think that’s stock BIOS images, Main page shows two “User access level” this is not normal. Please flash stock BIOS again and send me new images

I will unlock all menus, but there will be interim BIOS where I unlock the menus, then you’ll have to show me what individual settings are still missing/hidden, or you can further enable with AMIBCP, if not suppressed in setup module, if AMIBCP doesn’t make something visible in a menu you can see, then you need to edit setup via IFR/Hex to unsuppress

That folder you show in the image above cannot be made visible, it is a debug folder. Almost any setting you see in there is in other hidden menus, that you can make visible. The settings within that debug folder can only be changed in place via AMIBCP

I will also enable SATA 6GB/s changes, so you can run SATA III 6Gb/s drives at proper speed, currently they are limited to SATA II 3Gb/s

You were right
AFUWIN64 flashes bios but changes will not made
this time i tried to flash it to stock bios with easy flash usb in bios setup and i will send the reasults in a zip file
but the bios file i gave to you was stock , it just didnt flashed well

stock bios pic.rar (4.55 MB)

I downloaded your stock BIOS from Asus, I never used any BIOS you gave me. We probably need to find Special AFU For Aptio 4 that will flash mod BIOS.

EZ Flash within BIOS, never, ever, will flash mod BIOS. AMD system is worst, you have to use special AFU or Ai Suite Method, can’t use Intel FPT which is much more reliable. See Asus Section here - [Guide] How to flash a modded AMI UEFI BIOS
Some boards, nothing works and only way is via Flash programmer (CH341A + SOIC8 test clip cable)

but after EZ flash as you see in the pictures two access level changed to one !!!

Oh my goooooooood you are amazing man you made it.
First I flashe ASUS K43TKB.206 with EZ flash and nothing happend but seccond I flashed ASUS K43TKBS.206 with EZ flash and look what did you done

Now please do the rest of It. the important part is in Chipeset menu

thank you very very very very very much


@Overlord - Yes, because you flashed stock BIOS with EZ Flash and BIOS went back to normal. I don’t know how you flashed mod BIOS, only you know, once you figure out for sure please let me know exactly what version tool/method you used so I can make a note of it for other users

Ohhh! OK, so this system is old enough that EZ Flash allows mod BIOS??? Looks like it, haven’t seen that in a while And thanks for the image, I did not intend to enable Advanced, only Second Security, so this is a good and bad thing, now I still need to figure out which is what because I thought I did hidden security not Advanced.
I can enable them all at once, but you don’t want a bunch of duplicates, that’s why I wanted to do one at a time and picked security since it was near end.

You’re welcome! Here’s how to do the mod

So this (BIOS K43TKBS working) means, you need to use Supervisor when you set Access Level + the other mod, it’s the magic string you mentioned before - this is located in PE32 module of Setup @5670 line
(Compare my edit file, to stock one, you’ll see difference) Menus are going backwards, 01’s for stock enabled menus are on the right side, go backwards/left in the 00’s before the 01’s to enable the hidden ones.


Here is BIOS with Advanced, Chipset, and second Boot enabled.…831503053733871

Once main menu is enabled at root in AMIBCP (Supervisor) + Magic string edit, then any missing setting you see inside you can enable via setting access to Supervisor in AMIBCP.
If any individual settings still wont become visible for you let me know, I’ll show you how to edit the setup module to unsuppress the individual settings.

Oh we have a new problem here.
When I try to flash ASUS K43TK-ABS it shows a warning and then it freez up and nothing happen


I just getting confused everythiing in my laptop bios is weird.

First time i used AFUWIN64 to flash but it didnt make changes so i used EZ flash and it works correctly.

then you send me ASUS K43TK-ABS.206 ( the full unlocked menu of asus k43tk) and I tried to flash bios again with EZ flash but it become freezed and nothing happend as you see in the picture above , so i tried AFUWIN64 again and this time it worked.

anyway now i have a full unlock menu of my bios and everything is well.

thank you very very very very much @Lost_N_BIOS , i dont know how just to say thank you



@Overlord - Sorry, maybe I made a mistake on BIOS rebuild, I will check it now! Should have been just same as previous BIOS, so maybe I accidentally inserted setup PE32 wrong way (as-is vs body etc)
When you see an issue like that, stop and never try to keep flashing! All BIOS should flash the same as previous, if there is some strange thing like that there is a problem and stop there!

So, your second post!???@ WTH So now EZ Flash doesn’t work but AFUWin does? Very odd, let me check this BIOS, all should have flashed same way I sent you all other BIOS that worked fine to flash (ie via EZ Flash as you said before)
Please reflash this BIOS instead via EZ flash, in case the other one eventually breaks or causes some corruption problem! If you get same error with this one, stop and do not proceed…592179912189948