CPU Microcode BIOS modding questions/problems

ok,when I set the settings on bios like you said the laptop is tryng to boot because the led is bliking but is not working, where I cant find the bios 4.0?the problem with the cpu is that the cpu is not corresponding with frequency it doesn’t go at full speed with turbo boost ,only goes at 2.7ghz maximum ,and at lower speds goes on 3.5 or 3.2 ,the intel xtu overclocking detetct false turbo overcloking I will send you fotos thank you

bandicam 2018-09-29 23-49-13-743.jpg

bandicam 2018-09-29 23-50-02-891.jpg

bandicam 2018-09-29 23-50-30-840.jpg

Only you mentioned BIOS 4.0, not me, that is why I asked you “There is 4.0?”

As mentioned, I think we need to change this setting, which I can’t figure out for you yet >> Advanced -> Video Configuration -> Pci Express Graphic -> PowerXpress Setting [Muxed Fixed Scheme] << That is what needs set (All in regards to the GPU’s)

On the CPU, I really don’t deal with all that, so please forgive me not understanding easily. I see “Non Max Turbo” is 25, does this need changed? Laptops have TDP and temp limits, which often override any other BIOS settings like turbo or other freq related things, and at full load that is likely hit fairly quickly.
Have you, or I, looked at and changed TDP and related settings yet? if not, this should be looked into. Do you have the Intel Tools Package? If not, please download it here, get V1.1 and open your BIOS in H20EZE_x86_WIN_100.00.02.13, go to “Other, setup menu, update default” and look through all those settings.
If you see any that you want to edit, change them, and hit patch on the bottom, then save BIOS and flash then test. If there is any you want me to make visible for you in BIOS, instead of you editing the BIOS, make a list and I will enable them for you if possible.

ok if you can unlock the full processor much higher than x25 like x36 to make some test and the the option to overclocking the processor in extended icc are locked or to unlock the bios to work with the full speed of processor and with the internal graphic do you can make the power xprees visibile?or the laptop has anothers option who can be seen visibile ?thank you

Is default 25x? Yes, I checked, default speed is 25x for this CPU >>
Frequency - 2500 MHz
Maximum turbo frequency
3600 MHz (1 core)
3500 MHz (2 cores)
3400 MHz (3 or 4 cores)

I am still trying to figure out how to do the powerXpress setting, it’s not shown to me like all the others, so I can’t even find correct location to manually change in hex let alone enable visible to you, it is there though.

Do you have flash programmer, or can you unlock FD to write ME region of BIOS? ICC setting can be changed to default overclock profile in ME, but only if you can write to ME region freely. Any/all overclock would be limited to what I showed above for your CPU stock locked values.

yes a have the flash programmer if you mean the prograamer for bios that use CH341A SOFTWARE ,I don’t know how to unlock the fd or the me firmware I don’t have much knolege about this stuff , but the processor I know the default is x25 but the problem is the processor it seems to be blocked by the laptop with these limits like you said because only work at maxim 2.7 ghz when I strees the cpu on full load we nneed to unlock to work like he should work at 3.3 ghz on 4core when I stress the cpu .thank you for your help

Yes, I meant flash programmer like CH341A or similar. I will make new BIOS for you with unlocked FD and overclock profile type in ME.
TDP/Temp limits would be what is stopping the CPU from reaching 3400 at full load/turbo’d You should be able to see those in BIOS now, correct? If not, let me know and I will enable those to be visible for you on next BIOS too.

*Edit, I checked, and as I thought, I already unlocked the FD for you on all these BIOS, so you can write new ME anytime you want with FPT. I will send new ME with overclocking profile set as default, but will wait and maybe just in include in next BIOS if you need those TDP/Temp options made visible to you too.

ok I will wait the new bios with all possible visibile options thank you

I was asking and waiting on your reply, can you see the temperature and TDP settings? Sorry, I was thinking of other BIOS, no TDP in yours. I can’t enable all settings, I don’t know what all is visible to you and what is not



Also, you mentioned ICC profiles, I was thinking ME, but see in your BIOS now there is ICC setting where you can choose. Can you see that setting?

yes these setings I see in bios but the tc1 tc2 and tsp wont let me change its blocked ,but I think you alright about ME because I read a little abut ME firmware and you alright the ME must be modify to unlock the icc,but the problem is the processor wont go higher than 2.7ghz it is blocked something or ME is blocking I don’t know ,or these setting you ask me if I see in bios and are many of them disbled can be the problem? thank you

Show me images of the pages containing those settings, so I can see which you can/can’t see, then I will enable the ones you don’t have. I don’t know if they will help, I was thinking more TDP issue than temp, but it could be dropping down to 2.7 -3.2 etc due to temps.
What are your temps right when it drops off? If they are high, then yes, these probably are part of the issue, which you can change temp limit/throttle CPU there in BIOS setting but that can easily and quickly damage your CPU/board etc.

Is your chipset HM65?

I looked at the ICC profile and settings, and this being version 7 ME I am not familiar with how to change these to allow overclocks like I know with more recent ME which has stock and overclock profiles, not sure how to change the values to higher amounts etc.

plutomaniac Can you please help with this, here is latest BIOS we are using - https://www.sendspace.com/file/72oo72
Can you adjust ME ICC profiles for better overclock, or better stock values? I think the Processor Clock Div Min/Max could be adjusted to allow better than 2.7 under load, correct?

default speed is 25x for this CPU >> Frequency - 2500 MHz
Maximum turbo frequency
3600 MHz (1 core)
3500 MHz (2 cores)
3400 MHz (3 or 4 cores)

I’ve never dealt with ICC modification because you’ll need to read the docs, understand and adjust accordingly being careful not to cause a brick or damage. There was a TechInferno thread about mobile 6-7 series overlocking here so maybe that can help you.

when is high the temperture like 95 grade the procesor is on 2.5gh or max.2.7ghs and i think procohot is activatetd because is working slow until i make a reboot this happens when i tested on a video 4k who requers more speed procesor,normaly the procesor when is stressed on video or other program stress like intel xtu doesnt work higher than 2.7ghz, only goes up sometimes when is in idle or I do something like without stress the processor at maxim and goes 3.2ghz or 3.5 but for a few seconds in one day shows 4.2 ghz for a second this happened when I start the computer I think because it was cold and it was on windows 7 x64 for a second I monitoring with intel turbo monitoring.i will send fotos with bios and intel xtu stress test and withot stress test to see the results,I think the processor is blocked not to wotk higher than 2.7ghz when is streesd on all core because when is not stressed on all core goes up than 2.7 like 3.2 or 3.0 the problem is when the processor is stressed on al core at maxim wont get higer than 2.7ghz and the is going down when at 2.5ghs the temperature is very high like 95 grade when is stressed ,and the chip set is HM65 thank you

bios 3.60 intel xtu test and no test.rar (2.72 MB)

Thanks plutomaiac, I will see if I can find the guides and PDF’s on this for 6-7. We really don’t need overclocking, just allowing the CPU to function at it’s stock under load turbo mode per Intel Specs for this CPU.

@juanete - I assumed much of this has to do with overheating, modern CPU’s can jump 10-20C in an instant when you apply a heavy load, so this is not surprising at all. Thanks for confirming chipset.

Redo the thermal paste, make sure to not use too much, and maybe get better paste if you are using some cheap kind now. There’s not much you can do with temps like that, except put in a heavy copper shim attached to the heatsink, if you can cut one and make room for it.
You may be better off purchasing a lower TDP CPU.

Please remove your chip and send me verified dump of the BIOS as your using it now, thanks!

ok the termal paste it replaced with mx4 and I make the radiator with aluminium much biger , I will send you the dump bios,but would be better if has overclocking options to because the temperature could be high because of high voltage is set on cpu which is 1.29v sometimes ,and I could try to increase the multipler and no voltage .only I said but I don’t know if I have right ,thank you

bios 3.60dump.rar (1.59 MB)


Yes, it would be good if you could control the voltage, your CPU might not need 1.29V at all, could possibly run stock freq and turbo too at much lower voltages. Do you have a fan blowing on all that heatsink, if yes it should cool down pretty good, as long as your sure it’s making good contact.

Thanks for dump, I will set the ME to overclock profile shortly! And I will look over BIOS settings again and see if you have any voltage control there, do you see any in your visible settings now?

the processor when is not stressed work with high frequency at 3.2ghz etc like I said and has 1.22v and not 1.29v and is normaly, i did a test with a video and when the processor is stressed the voltage is going down at 1.0v and doesn’t go up than 2.7ghz on all cores I send you a foto to view very well ,and i see the a option in advanced meu called EXTEDED ICC and when I go here are some options but are blocked in gray I cant set its blocked I will sent some fotos ,and about intel hd graphics when I install windows 10x64 and then the windows updated something about intel hd graphics 3000 but not apears in device manager some how windows recognized the intel hd graphic to install via windows update but like you said we nned to find that option power exprees, but now lets go with cpu lets sse if we can resolve the problem with the cpu is more important with the cpu than the internal graphic ,thank you

EXTENDED ICC option.rar (1.97 MB)

EXTENDED ICC option and video procesor test .rar (2.55 MB)

@juanete - here is two BIOS for you to test, this has overclock enabled ME, and I tried to enable the ICC profile selection option for you in the BIOS.
The “Lock registers” option is open for you to set, but does not apply to anything here really, the grey listing below that is not greyed out, it’s just informational to show you the library used per the setting choice above that.
I did attempt to make visible the setting you cannot see right now though, it will be right below that (ICC Profile selection)

Please read the included read me in the “Try First” folder. Hope this will work better for you now!

Still, maybe even 1.22 is not needed, what voltages do you see others mention for stock when using this processor or when you see CPU-z images?
It’s running hot, and you put huge heatsink on there too, that is why I thought maybe voltage default is way to high, probably due to being set/locked for the other types of processors these usually come with.
Sadly, there is no vcore control option in the BIOS

On the multi again, I see this Turbo PWR Limit MSR Lock & Override Turbo Settings (Both enabled by default), maybe disable those would also help the CPU multi issue if the ME unlock does not.
Also, on the ICC Clock_DIV options, I am not sure what those are, they are not defined in the BIOS or Intel BIOS tool - leave as is for now with testing these.
However, some of them do look like the settings I changed during the ME overclock unlock stuff I did, so you’ll likely see some different values in there now vs what you have in the images.
They may also be unlocked now too, I am unsure, but leave them alone for now since I’ve set it all exactly how it should be for overclocking allowed (= Bclk overclock unlocked. CPU multi does not apply to this stuff really, that’s set per Intel defaults except for what you can change regarding turbo options.)

Uninstall that windows update for the graphics, that may be what’ stopping you from installing other correct Intel/Toshiba ones, I hate when that happens with AMD/Nvidia, always causes these issues with those too.

ok these bios wont working at all the laptop wont boot only blicking the led,and I tested thise settings Turbo PWR Limit MSR Lock & Override Turbo Settings on a bios that working and is not working I testr the cpu and is the same not more than 2.7hz thank you

Did you read the included read me and reset ME state via power drain as I mentioned, after you programmed the BIOS I sent? If yes, you did that, and still fail, then it’s possible some resistor or something missing not allowing these ME changes to apply on your system.

yes I make like you told me I reset all,and then if these restors are missing then its nothing to do? thank you