CPU Microcode BIOS modding questions/problems

ok then means we cant do anything ?you have another solution?

I am trying to figure out how to change Always Low to Always High, but so far with blind changes (Guessing) I’ve not had any luck. I need BIOS from this company or at least an Insyde BIOS, that does include Always High as option, maybe you can find via Google (Dynamic Always High + Toshiba or Insyde)
Then once you are sure someone said it’s in their BIOS, give me the model and I will look. I looked around earlier but wasn’t able to find good assurance by anyone it was there, will keep looking though

I found a bios I will send to you its from another model https://www.sendspace.com/file/nt20r2

That one is same, only Dynamic switch or Always low

yes ,but this bios has some options that we are looking for a long time like powerxpress for intel gpu and muxing and something about turbo custom I will send you the dump and some fotos ,I installed this bios with programmer but wont but https://www.sendspace.com/file/9wgztv

Ohh! Sorry, I didn’t even look about anything else, only Dynamic we’ve been looking at this week You already have SG Graphics setting in stock BIOS, but you don’t have the one above that β€œSpecial Features” = enable switchable graphics (Redundant, both of those settings literally mean SG?!?!)
PowerXpress we’ve been missing, good catch! All that configurable TDP stuff may help you too. So what happened, you programmed this BIOS, but it doesn’t boot or what? Is board it’s from similar layout to yours? If it is, we could try swapping in the setup module.

the board its not the same but I tried the bios I I disabled some things to make it the same like the 3.60 BIOS BUT NOT WORKING ,its posibile its not compatibile with ec firmware the l850 bios has a ec firmware with 2.1mb and the 360 bios has 512 kb EC firmware and I tried with two formware but doesn’t work ,only if you lokkk in bios to see what we can modify on 3.60 to had these options

Sorry to ask again, but do you have flash programmer? If yes, we can try module swap (Setup), and see if that works OK for you. Dynamic CPU will still be same.

yes i have flash programmer ok

@juanete - thanks, I will try to remember and not ask again
here, try both of these and see if you can boot and access BIOS settings - http://s000.tinyupload.com/index.php?fil…227659683531328

I test the two bios ,the first is boot in windows but wont let me in bios setup when I press F2 to enter in setup gets bloked,and the second is power the laptop but nothing appears on the screen and the cooler is working high then low thank you

The one that boot in windows, which was it? Did you test switchable graphics to see if it was enabled?

I tested the two bios with disable switching graphics and the bios that boot in windows but gets blocked when I press f2 to enter setup bios is BIOS 3.60-194-L850Setup-EZH20Edited

You wanted to enable SG not disable, but yes, in order for that to work we may need to change the default PowerExpress setting I can’t remember what it needed to be set to. But yes, it’s a problem if you can’t even enter BIOS, so that’s a no go anyway.
Main thing we need to find right now though is BIOS with Dynamic setting >> Always High. No point in working on trying to find a way to make this work, SG graphics is secondary in your concerns behind getting higher CPU multiplier correct?

yes ,the cpu multipler is most important because the turbo boost wont working at maxim speed

Can you find Any Toshiba someone says Turbo is working properly, that BIOS might have Dynamic - Always high

What is the latest microcode for Sandy Bridge?
this latest version - cpu206A7_plat12_ver0000002E_2018-04-10_PRD_576F65DE.bin?
Laptop lenovo G770

β•‘ Intel β•‘
β•‘#β”‚CPUIDβ”‚Platform IDβ”‚Revisionβ”‚ Date β”‚Typeβ”‚ Size β”‚ Offset β”‚Lastβ•‘
β•‘1β”‚206A7β”‚ 12 (1,4) β”‚ 25 β”‚2011-10-11β”‚PRD β”‚0x2400β”‚0x351000β”‚ No β•‘
β•‘2β”‚206A6β”‚ 12 (1,4) β”‚ 28 β”‚2010-09-15β”‚PRD β”‚0x2400β”‚0x353400β”‚Yes β•‘
β•‘3β”‚206A5β”‚ 12 (1,4) β”‚ 7 β”‚2010-07-22β”‚PRD β”‚0x1C00β”‚0x355800β”‚Yes β•‘
β•‘4β”‚206A3β”‚ 12 (1,4) β”‚ 8 β”‚2010-05-26β”‚PRD β”‚0x2400β”‚0x357400β”‚ No β•‘
β•‘5β”‚206A2β”‚ 12 (1,4) β”‚ 26 β”‚2010-02-17β”‚PRD β”‚0x2400β”‚0x359800β”‚ No β•‘

@fender - that may depend on your CPU/CPUID - latest are all here in the repo - https://github.com/platomav/CPUMicrocodes
The one you mentioned is latest for 206A7 CPUID

The laptop is i7-2620M
CPUID for this 206A7 on cpu-world.com

lost where did you see that? what bios have dynamic always high?