Dell e7440

First, thank you for this amazing forum and apologize if this is too long. I have gone thru several forums to try and find answers only to have unanswered posts. I have a Dell e7440 that has no option for RAID0. I have the UBU_V161 utility and I’m following this guide: “Easy AMI UEFI BIOS Modding:Use of the “UEFI BIOS Updater” (UBU)”. I know it states this is for desktop board and not mobile board. So pointing me in the right direction would be nice, please. I ran the utility, which seems way too easy, especially compared to other methods I have found. It list my Intel RST(e) ORPM and EFU SataDriver as When choosing to update it I get:


Obviously my choice would be to update to a higher version. So here comes my question, would updating to v12.9 or v13.1 give me the option to RAID0?

@ oflo23:
Welcome at Win-RAID Forum!

No, unless the mainboard of your Dell e7440 supports RAID at all.
The UBU tool will just update the Intel RAID ROM module. Only a mainboard, which natively supports the creation of a RAID array, is able to use the Intel RAID ROM module.
Please check the BIOS options of your Dell system. There should be the option to set the Intel SATA Controller to "RAID". If you don’t see that option, you will not be able to create a RAID array.
On the other hand it is not easy to understand, why Dell has inserted an Intel RAID ROM module into the BIOS of a mainboard, which doesn’t support the RAID feature.


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Thank you for the quick response. A bit of background.
The Dell e7440 has an Intel RST(e) ORPM and EFU SataDriver v12.7.0.1936.
If I place two SSDs in the laptop and switch from AHCI to RAID in the BIOS I get the option to CTRL-I at boot. I can then configure my RAID options. Unfortunately, Dell has decided that Dell Latitude laptops are business class laptops and the only RAID level needed is RAID1 also known as “RECOVERY”. The RAID0 option also know as “STRIPED” has been disabled by Dell. The Intel RST(e) ORPM that is included in the original BIOS is handicapped. Since I’m using Intel RST(e) ORPM I figured the handicap would not be present. I will attempt this weekend when I have time and post my results here.
Thank you so much for your time. Greatly appreciate it.

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Since all Intel RAID ROM modules, which are delivered by Intel, natively do support all RAID arrays, I see only 1 possibility for Dell to disable the ability to configure a RAID0: They modified ("castrated") the Intel ROM, before they inserted it into the BIOS.
I am waiting for your test results.

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This is great timing, I literally was about to post the exact question on how I can enable RAID0 on my Latitude E7240 and E7440 laptops, I had done some searching yesterday and like the OP couldn’t find anything either with any google searches. I have two mSATA drives in my 7440 (one hooked up in the actual mSATA slot, the other in a mSATA to 2.5" SATA adapter, and would really like them to work in RAID0. I don’t understand why Dell cripples these things to only do RAID1 - it should be up to the user to risk a RAID0 if they want to. I’ll be very interested to hear if upgrading the OROM will “de-cripple” so please do post your results!

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Can you please point me in the right direction. I have my bios.bin created after updating with the UBU Utility. On other forums I have read that the bios.bin should be renamed to a "special" code name that Dell has designated for their BIOS updates. It seems it could be "E7440A08.bin" since the original BIOS executable was named "E7440A08.exe". Does this sound right?
I have a option in my current bios to flash from a USB drive so I have my bios.bin and a renamed copy called E7440A08.bin. Is there a way to turn my bios.bin BACK into an .exe and flash from a Windows environment?

@ sikko:
Welcome at Win-RAID Forum!
We have to wait until oflo23 has done his tests.

@ oflo23:
It is not easy to modify a Dell BIOS and it will be even more difficult to get a modded BIOS properly flashed and working with a Dell system.
Since I don’t have any own experience with Dell systems and BIOSes, I recommend to have a look into >this< thread.

Alright. Small update, sort of.
I went through all the MDL forum post and links and guides. Again. And again. Most of them are dead ends or seem pretty out dated. There is some pretty informative stuff tho.
This post/guide here allows me to take my E7440A08.exe and in a sense prepare it for the UBU utility found here. The UBU Utility is crazy easy to use. Once the updated Intel RAID ROM module is updated using UBU Utility and you exit the bios.bin file is updated. In the MDL forums several users posted having issues updating the BIOS on the laptop because the file is not named correctly and or there are too many changes to the, and correct me if I’m using the wrong wording, modules. If there are too many module changes it won’t work. So using the MMTool I load the bios.hdr that was “created” using the Phoneix Tool, see first link above. I open a second instance of MMTool and load the bios.bin that is created AFTER I change the Intel RAID ROM module. I compare the two and the only difference is the Intel RAID ROM module. As expected. Now my problem how do I flash the bios back on to my Dell laptop.

@ oflo23:
Thanks for your useful report about how to successfully modify a Dell BIOS.

Since I don’t have any own experience with flashing a modded Dell BIOS, I hope, that you will get an advice from another Forum member.


I’ve got a e7240 with 2 mSATA SSD’s… and this thread ended in a dead end.
So has anyone been successful in enabling RAID 0?

Thanks :slight_smile:

@ raybies:
Welcome at Win-RAID Forum!

I hope, that you will get an answer.


@oflo23 , @sikko , @raybies :
Replacing the option ROM or the EFI driver won’t help, the problem is in the BIOS configuration. You can find some settings in the NVRAM, which are not visible in the normal BIOS setup screen. Among them there is a toggle for RAID0 visibility in Intel’s RAID utility.
For more info, see my post at

It is already confirmed to work with an E6440 and most probably will work on your E7240/E7440. My E6430 has the same setting, but I didn’t need to enable it yet.

@Fernando :
I hope it’s alright to refer to another forum.

@ k3nny:
Thanks for your helpful contribution.

That is no problem for me.

Finally works. I got RAID0 to work on my e7440.
So it took some risks on my end but I got it working.
Here is the guide I followed, huge thank you to @k3nny
Your link was a huge help.

For those of you that are interested - DO AT YOUR OWN RISK.

I’m currently running two Samsung EVO 256GB drives in RAID0

Following the instructions from this link

Quick Break down

All of the steps listed above are ONLY for verification purposes. They are used to determine if the RAID0 value is actually named and located in the correct spot, I think.
The value name being (0x19D).
I had issues getting the "verification" process to complete so in the end I just skipped it all together.

This is the portion that actually made a difference for me.

I followed the above instructions and changed my 0x19D value from what it showed me 0x00 to 0x1.
I know above it shows the 0x19D value as 0x0 but for my e7440 it returned a value of 0x00, not sure if its a typo if just a difference between e6440 and e7440. Regardless changing the value to 0x1 enabled RAID0 when hitting CTRL-I. I removed the flash drive and set my RAID to RAID0. BOOM.

Dell Latitude e7440
2xSamsung 256GB SSD in RAID0
Windows 7 Pro UEFI install

Thanks to @k3nny and @nando and @atonus from LINK

Woohoo… did you do any benchmarks and does TRIM work?

You were lucky it actually was in the same spot. Some further BIOS update may change its position and you would have changed another setting in that case. This is not a verification process, it’s the process of finding out the spot/address. Relying on the address of other models is a rather bad idea.

That shouldn’t matter.

Congratulations on succeeding. :slight_smile:

@ oflo23:

From my side as well!

TRIM does work - verified with this.

As for benchmarks here is a quick AS SSD screen grab.


That is with two Samsung EVO 840 mSATA RAID0 64K had the option to go 128k but decided to stick with 64k for now.

This is great news to hear you guys got this working - much thanks k3nny, Oflo23 and Fernando! I was about to try this on mine, however the link to the tool hosted on sendspace appears to be dead. Does anyone have a copy of this they could upload somewhere or PM me it and I can host? I would greatly, greatly appreciate it! I am super psyched to get my two 500GB EVO’s in a RAID0. Its just sad Dell makes us jump through all of these hoops to be able to do something that really should be available to anyone that buys their computers. Generally people that know what RAID0 is, and how to configure it, are well aware of the risks. The other 98% of people could care less and would never touch it. At least that’s my opinion on it, which of course means nothing at the end of the day. Oh well…at least there is light at the end of the tunnel now!

Here is the requested download link to the FTK tool.

Good luck!

FTK8_0.11.rar (1.15 MB)