Dell Precision Tower 7810 BIOS Problems

hi after a bit of help so im goin throw my UEFI and came across this
Section_PE32_image_PchBiosWriteProtect_PchBiosWriteProtect.rar (1.5 KB)

i cant seam to extract it anyone give me a hand thanks

I should be able to see it in the ifr extracted platform but all i get is Intel Ref.code setup hide

this is for the AMI AptioV UEFI EDITOR i get my bios lock sorted but trying to see if it possible to remove the FPRR from my bios

i have 5 7810 all with dual xeons and 2 5810. 3 of them i salved from going to a skip and the others i have aquired when my client upgrade there workstations

Please stop starting several threads about the same topic. This is absolutely confusing for the Forum Staff and the Forum members, who are trying to help.
Today I have tried to find and merge all threads you had started since October 2022 regarding your Dell 7810 BIOS and Management Engine problems. If I missed any thread, please let me know it.

@MeatWar @lfb6

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Thanks I will keep all my questions and post related to dell 7810 in this thread sorry for extra work

So what I did and have tried
I updated bios to one with the correct version I have installed latest dell A34 that didn’t clear the ME FW version error either
In windows fptw all regions unlocked so did full spi backup followed the clean me guide.
Flashed from pi did full erase all passed
Pc turns on error is gone but windows won’t load it crashes on dell logo but I can get into safe mode windows but crashes trying to load normal windows or dell automatic recovery
So getting backup redoing me and going to try flash again
I was hoping that getting in safe mode I could see what’s wrong but that didn’t happen

Any other suggestions or tips to try

So the worst think happened halfway through flashing and my upstairs neighbour drops something and I here the clip ping off at 38% fudge
Now as it flew off it bent the plastic that holds it on so it won’t stay connected
Went to the local electronics shop they have no more soic clips till after the new year but he gave me these to try tiny little clips that’s all he had till new year.
Got a Paloma clip on order with Amazon but not here for another week

Somehow those clips worked and it managed to get the computer to boot got dell flash update and went to stock bios for now

so in windows on stock dell bios i checked fptw -i all regions were unlocked so did full Spi backup
A34spi.rar (7.0 MB)
i think its good but im scared to restart haha

No time to dig into it, but with a quick lock you messed with FIT and the bios isn’t a stock A34!

H thanks for looking you were right i had ran that through ubu.
so to start from fresh i installed T7810A34 dell official update loaded up windows and all regions are unlocked just not able to flash back.
i looked in HWINFO and found im in manufacturing mode and
Host ME Region Flash Protection Override (HMRFPO) Status: Disabled

im gonna wait till my soic clip turns up before i try a flash again or if i figure out the spi pin header

this is just bios dump untouched from stock A34
jan02bios.rar (3.7 MB)

For anyone with x99 chipset after a lot of trial and error I have done it

Now for the fun part

I did get the multiplier to x35 on the locked Xeon

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Picked up an arc she looks good

So got the arc working with rebar above 4g and csm disabled in bios
Added the rebar dxe into bios and bingo

She is a bit slow to boot

So oc locked 2x Xeon 2630 v3 x35 multiplier and core full turbo more powers setting a to play with yet

Rebar and v3x4 dxe inserted into bios

Now I think I need the 1350 psu and some water coolers

But shout out to the greenpcgamers who together we opened the back doors of the dell and slid in.


Thanks all

Would you mind share the steps? I recently acquired a 7810, too. Searched for guides to unlock Xeon v3 on 7810 and just found this thread. It would be nice to get some help from a person who did this before.

From my understanding, it takes removing microcode from BIOS then adding the UEFI plugin. However, you said that only unlocked one socket. How did you eventually unlocked both? Which tool made the final working image?

Then you seemed to be tinkering a lot with ME and had difficulties flashing the modded BIOS. Was ME a required step of the unlock mod?

Yes a lot of trail error but got it sorted in both cpu I’m more active on

There is a few of us working on the dells can help you get it unlocked on there bud

Thanks, will join.

  1. Did you solder that jumper to the motherboard? I’m too lazy to removed the motherboard from the chassis.
  2. Do you know how to add Intel RC Setup to Dell’s bios ? (looks like nothing works there but still)
  3. Do you know how to change RAM speed to 2400 (I have v4 CPUs) and adjust timings?

hey mate not on this much we have a discord server where we can help

Hi, I would like to come back to this post because I recently got the same computer, I would also like to unblock it but the link to your discord server is no longer available, what can you do? I thank you in advance!

Very dumb but very dumb question - I do see the Service_mode but how do I short it? I did try using the blue clip, also tried putting a screwdriver on it.

For both of you…Google is your friend… and the thread is for reading/learning if no experience in this subject.
Present jumpers on the mb that have caps on it, shorted or not, are not to remove borrow, do not touch them.
As you can see…if the reading took place… the pins on this user mb were not soldered by default, some mb may have it.
Shorted means STAY shorted with caps on it. After operations finished, the system should be returned to normal state, meaning removing the short from the Service _mode
Nothing more to add and wait for any answer from @Windius

I ended up removing the whole motherboard from the chassis and soldered in the jumper.
I was not able to unlock IntelRCSetup, but guys from that discord chat helped me to set memory timings and memory frequency in a different way, so maybe you don’t even need to flash your bios.

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Trying to understand…“I soldered in the jumper”?
Have been following this thread as i have a couple 7810’s
Can you explain,briefly what you ended up doing modding your 7810…
