[Discussion] UBU Tool related Questions/Reports/Suggestions

just to clarify, in my case its the first time i installed python, just a few days ago.

I don’t have python installed and it works fine (don’t want to install it just for UBU that I rarely use)
What’s the difference?

Sorry. I have corrected my post, it was iakoboss7 that had the same Python reporting as mine (until it was in fact fixed).

UBU.zip (18.2 KB)

For those getting no MCE output:

Clean up Python and install it with

winget install python3
pip install colorama pltable

Tested, and there are even more “Press enter to exit” than before
1 (see 2) each time

Otherwise I have this message after the listing of EFI and OROM, what is it exactly ?

UEFIReplace v0.25.0 will be used.

Thanks for your great work

EDIT : @Gregory_Tumanyan You “mod” the UBU file because @SoniX’s is not up to date ?
I tested the SoniX one (1.80) and I have this error

R - Start replacement
0 - Cancel
        [Preparing for replacement]
BIOS file backup
Dummy GUID: GUID replaced
mCode GUID: GUID replaced
mCode GUID: GUID replaced
'`for' n’est pas reconnu en tant que commande interne
ou externe, un programme exécutable ou un fichier de commandes.
mCode FFS:

No problem with the one from 1.79

UBU 290924.zip (18.2 KB)

  • Fixed MCE.exe “Press enter to exit”
  • MCE now parses BIOS only when asked to, no flicker window anymore
  • In case of MCE error, MCE error output is shown

All is goof for “Press enter to exit”

Thanks so much

A post was split to a new topic: [Request] HP EliteDesk 705 G4 sff - AMD cpu mcode mod

I have a problem to download UBU on website mega

>This< link to SoniX’s MEGA account works for me.


Guys, I found an error in UBU v1.80.a17. Is this intentional?

Same error for microcode, if it’s the same thing as you (with the SoniX file)
Already reported but no response

since yesterday I’m trying to extract the ami setup with UBU but it continues in the extraction operation creating a text file of over 2 GB

How important is it that microcode follows the same ordering scheme as the original BIOS? The GenUSRmC.bat files seems to order them from highest to lowest, however after manually editing the generation file I get the proper order of the original BIOS.

Already reported but no response

Gregory_Tumanyan posted while comrade @SoniX is missing

At the end of August, SoniX told me that he had business to take care of in September that would go into October. I’m as sure as I can be that he’ll be back.

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Got a problem with UBU_v1_80_a17.
It used to work before, now it’s giving errors. (multiple cmd windows opening then auto closing). The bios file is amd, not intel.

Why didn’t you use the currently latest UBU v1.80a19.1?

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Tried them all from a17 to a19.
Same issue.
It’s weird because it was working fine before


I tried using the latest UBU version to upgrade the microcodes on my Asrock Z270 Pro4
I used FPT -bios -d to extract the bios region.

When replacing the microcodes, the program asks if i want to use mmtool or uefireplace, so i tried both and ended up with 2 different bios.bin files. Which one is safe to use with FPT -bios -f ?

μcodes replaced with UefiReplace

μcodes replaced with mmtool_a5

Thanks for the help

No such thing in mods…
Same mcode start offset as the original ASROCK file starts @ 0xC10400, MMtool version produces the same, it should be the best version to pick.

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