[Discussion] UBU Tool related Questions/Reports/Suggestions

And your “unknow model/bios version” has indeed enough free space in volume…rigth?


That is relevant information

Sorry i don’t know what relevant information i can provide so you can help.
The motherboard is Asrock Fatal1ty H97 Performance, CPU Xeon e3-1231 v3, BIOS version im trying to insert the microcode in is 2.60 downloaded from the asrock website.

Asrock Fatal1ty H97 Performance original bios file v2.60A, flash/use at your OWN risk.
H97PERF2_v2.60A_306C3_r06.rar (5.3 MB)

Thank you. I appreciate it.


I can’t update my Intel S3420GP motherboard’s bios

I get an “Unknown platform BIOS” error,

Please help


Intel_S3420GP_Bios_Dump_bY_CH341A.zip (2.7 MB)

s3420gp_tps_r2_4.zip (2.5 MB)


I would like to use the newer version of MCE.db from Platomav because there are now 2024 microcodes. However, there are changes in MCE.py so that the UBU tool says the database is too old or Error -ubu file not found. Could someone please fix this?

Big thanks


UBU.ZIP (15.9 KB)
that works with latest MC Extractor v1.101.0 r306 ATM


what is the difference with the stock one?

personally i just used mce.exe from this post [Discussion] UBU Tool related Questions/Reports/Suggestions - #1964 by Michael_Code and latest mce.db (306) and it worked fine.

edit: btw where can we get the beta versions of ubu?

>Here< (SoniX’s MEGA account) you can get the currently latest UBU version.
By the way - you can find the link on top of my meanwhile outdated UBU Guide (>LINK<).


Thank you fernando, but i am asking for the beta sonix mentioned here [Discussion] UBU Tool related Questions/Reports/Suggestions - #2093 by SoniX

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MCE no longer supports -ubu parameter, I use -skip instead. Also returned error codes have changed.
Typo in line 1505 fixed.


Great Work @Gregory_Tumanyan it works fine with latest MCE.py and MCE.DB

Should be included in the Sonix version

Looks like I can’t get the same resolution.

Checked Python install, replaced files contained in UBU.zip

Using r306 of MCE and UBU 1.80a17

Have 1.79.17 working but with those errors (-ubu) and (outdated MCE (also r306)). Used to have a working 1.80a5 but that gone on the fritz with uCode find/replace giving empty return (also in 1.80a17).

I only really use it to view uCode, not replace. But would like to see where going wrong?

Have to use MMTool option - maybe those files are incorrect (renamed)?


use the UBU.cmd from Gregory_Turmanyan and overwrite the File from 1.80a17.

Then download MCE Master from < here > extract it and overwrite MCE.DB and MCE.PY from 1.80.a17

Then it works

Optional Download newer Microcodes from < here > and store it into

files>intel>mCode>yourchipset e.g. 1151

Be sure to update the MCUpdate.txt in (files>intel>mcode) with this newer Binary Files (also be sure to Add it in the same column with the name of the Chipset and delete the old ones)

Did all but the optional step of MCUpdate, still craps out without giving me a table of uCodes.



Instructions followed to the letter.

Then you didn´t replaced the UBU.cmd from Post 2116 here

Appreciate the help, but I did. Re-did and still same.

It does launch a CMD window that seems to close whereas 1.79.17 does change into the MCE CMD window.

Then i don´t know whats wrong. I use 1.80a17 with the modified UBU.CMD File and the newest MCE.DB 306 and MCE.PY and it works fine for Microcodes.

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Fixed the missing table of mCodes, made MCE error checks non-recurring, and fixed mCode search behavior while comrade @SoniX is missing
UBU.zip (15.9 KB)


Hi all

Long time since I came back here, glad to see SoniX is back (IRL problem if I remember correctly?)