[Discussion] UBU Tool related Questions/Reports/Suggestions


Good. I will finish solving current problems and tasks and then return to the issue of replacing AST.


In release 1.75.0, I will highlight the replacement of VMDD in a separate menu item.
Later I will send a request to GiHub about your problem.

There is little problem in UBU 1.75 with network module version number. In all worked well:



…but same bios file in network module version is described as "Outdated.NoNumber.":



Little problem in DrvVer. I will correct it.

Fixed in 0.26.1


Is the UBU tool not compatible with BIOS’es for ITX boards like the ASRock J5005-ITX BIOS: http://asrock.pc.cdn.bitgravity.com/BIOS…TX(1.40)WIN.zip . I tried using it with the BIOS and I can only update the Realtek LAN. Other than that, other options are “not available” even for the microcode. I checked the files folder of UBU and looks like there are no files specific for the FCBGA1090 socket for the Intel J5005 CPU.


There is almost nothing in this BIOS file.Just what you see on the screen.
UBU cannot replace GOP and VBIOS, since I did not introduce support for GLK, CNL, VLV and other mobile products. Since there were so many problems after the replacement.

The microcode is in the PADDING.
UBU cannot replace Intel microcodes if they are in this area.
Because, unlike AMD microcodes, Intel microcodes do not have a constant size.

PS Corrected DrvVer for SKL, GLK and CNL.


I apologize for the delay with the release of 1.75.
I’m making some adjustments, as well as preparing archives from GOP and GOP VBT for SKL+. In the coming days I will try to publish everything.

@kevindd992002 - 706A1 ucode updated - http://www.filedropper.com/asrockj5005-i…-ucode-06a1-upd

@SoniX :
I see. So is it better to just let this BIOS be and not touch it at all with UBU?
What do you mean "corrected DrvVer for SKL, GLK, and CNL"? Where did you correct it?

@Lost_N_BIOS :

Sorry, what is this for?

@kevindd992002 - I updated CPU microcode for you, sounded like you wanted to but couldn’t.

@kevindd992002 :
As far as I understood SoniX’s last post the upcoming UBU version will contain the announced updated/corrected drvver.exe tool.

Yes, v0.26.2
I corrected the definition for LAN Lx and for GOP GML/CNL. Instead of displaying these versions and names (Gemini and Cannon), SkyLake with "garbage" is displayed.

EFI Lx Killer Network UNDI - Outdated.NoNumber.



In this Cloud, I posted IRST(e)/VROC, GOP Driver SKL+, GOP VBT for SKL and VBIOS/BSF/

It means that
1) the file is old and does not have a version at all
2) you have a broken DrvVer.
You have a second case.

Oh ok, sorry for misunderstanding. Thanks for the update. I’ll wait for the updated UBU and update the BIOS file you uploaded.

Got it. But so long as the UBU tool updates a certain area of the BIOS that it supports, the BIOS is safe to flash even for ITX boards like this, yes?

@SoniX , it looks like has display bugs for the RAW GOP part:


Also, why does my BIOS have two RAW GOP VBT’s listed there?

I also don’t understand why you consider this BIOS a “mobile” BIOS when in reality this is for the ASRock J5005-ITX board which is desktop ITX board.


This BIOS I’m editing is the one you gave me with the updated ucode. In addition, I used UBU to update the GOP to 13.0.1018 (GLK) and updated the Network UNDI/Boot Agent. I should be able to flash this BIOS to my board without any issues, right? The BIOS update procedure for this board is kinda weird so I wanted to confirm with your first: https://www.asrock.com/support/BIOSIG.asp?cat=Windows10

running the latest ubu i found there are new entries :
1 - Disk Controller
2 - Video OnBoard
EFI GOP Driver IvyBridge - 3.0.1030
EFI GOP Driver SandyBridge - 2.0.1024
RAW GOP VBT SNB/IVB-MOBILE - 165 <----this one
RAW GOP VBT SNB/IVB-MOBILE - 165 <----and this one.
3 - Network
OROM Intel Boot Agent GE - 1.5.62
EFI Realtek UNDI - 2.049
OROM Realtek Boot Agent GE - 2.66

What are those RAW GOP VBT SNB/IVB-Mobile items (this is a desktop platform/mobo) ?? And could/should they be updated aswell ?? I have updated everything else to the latest without problems.

@kevindd992002 - I don’t know, I can only vouch for the BIOS I made you, if you want me to check your BIOS after UBU mod to give my opinion you’ll have to upload it for me to look at.
That update procedure just disables the ME and probably also at same time unlocks the FD so you can flash all regions at once, if you want you can unlock the FD in the BIOS you flash in, then you wont need to use that jumper anymore.
FD write in stock BIOS is NO, and ME Read/Write is NO, that’s why you use this jumper, to unlock those temporarily and flash entire BIOS via FPT

@Lost_N_BIOS :
Here’s the link to the BIOS I’ve modded: https://www.dropbox.com/s/c54m395l6xukxsl/GLKITX1.40?dl=0
How do I unlock the FD in this BIOS too? And unlocking that won’t be dangerous at all?