[Discussion] UBU Tool related Questions/Reports/Suggestions

Alright, weird batch script behavior it is. Since "C:\Windows" is always (by default) present at the environment variables, I agree that the best method is to call "py.exe MCE.py". UBU can also check if "py.exe" exists and tell the user to install Python otherwise. As for the instructions at the OP, people need to install Python 3.7+ and make sure that they select "add to PATH" and "install Py Launcher" (or whatever they are called) during setup. Afterwards, a quick "pip install colorama pltable" is enough to make MCE operational.

@plutomaniac :
The UBU Guide (= start post of >this< thread) has already been updated by me regarding this point.

Good. I assume you didn’t also change line 54 from "set mce=mce.py" to "set mce=py mce.py", correct? In that case, it is clear that the problems come from the fact that people don’t check the "add to PATH" option during installation. Checking "add to PATH" and "install Py Launcher" should () make even the current UBU to work.

No other steps than following your steps, except that I previously used Python 3.8.


1.) Panasonic Toughbook
2.) NO HDD or currently no Caddy available
3.) no access to the BIOS

Now the probably stupid question:

If I save a BIOS file on a Toughbook with AMI AptioIV "AfuwinGUI.exe" and it is not clear to me whether it could be legacy BIOS or UEFI:

Could it be that I seem to "normally" back up a BIOS file called "bios.rom"?
Even if the BIOS is on UEFI?

Could it be that this file: "bios.rom" is about twice the size of a file under legacy BIOS?

I have another Toughbook that is almost identical.
The (legacy) bios.rom is only half as big

And that it makes no difference whether I save the BIOS file under Windows online - or WITHOUT Windows - or with a Life DVD?
WITHOUT HDD - or Caddy removed?

I can NOT do it on Windows because I currently have no Caddy.
Therefore I have done it using:

Win10 PE SE 1809 Enterprise.x86

Hopefully I get a clever answer to this stupid question :slight_smile:

Anyone successfully modded/updated their Intel GOP Driver from 9.0.1085/221 to anything higher on a mobile device?

new version no work for microcode update I have phyton 3.8 version

Annotazione 2020-07-05 130944.png

I can confirm the error user pipes80 sees. I do experience the very same.
Both options “add to PATH” and “install Py Launcher” had been selected during installation.
Not sure how and where to install this colorama pltable thing, which plutomania mentioned in his post.

Edit: this "4. Open a command prompt and run “pip install colorama pltable.” fixed it.

Also, when starting up the UBU.bat I can see for a breif moment a file not found message.
Investigating into the UBU.bat gives me the impression that the bat is looking for a file

for /f %%f in ('dir ubu17x_upd
.exe /b’) do start /wait %%f -y && del /f /q %%f

but ubu17x_upd
.exe doesnt exist.

Same error here.

I’ve installed python, but when trying to update microcode, it says it is not installed and version 3.7 is required.

Edit: Solved it. I uninstalled all python-sw (i had still some older versions on my machine), cleaned manually all folders and registry from python-leftovers, after restarting install latest python as described - don’t forget to check the “add to PATH”-marking -, installing colorama from commandline, now it should work. OS is Windows 7 x64.

Strange, UBU periodically disappears from the main download folder on MEGA. At the same time, all other files remain in place …

For ASRock X570 Pro4 new BIOS (2.80) is available.

@SoniX - The latest BIOS for my ASRock X570 Pro4 is 3.00 dated 06/17/2020. I have it already modded with UBU and successfully flashed by using Flashrom.

@pipes80 Which OS are you using? If Windows 10 what build/version?

Is there anyway UBU Tool can update the VBT version of the GOP with Z390 and Z490 BIOS’s?

I want to update using the vbt.bin to VBT 230 from the Coffee lake GOP download that includes the IntelGopDriver.efi.

I can update to Intel GopDriver v9.0.1108 without updating to VBT 230 and it works but UBU Tool suggests I update both.

I get this screen on my W10 PC x64 when installing (not personalised option) Python 3.8.4 RC1 x64 (both options "path" and "launcher recommended" were sticked).
Can you clarify why it is not working ?


@100PIER You don’t need to run the command inside the Python shell, just run it from a Windows command prompt.

Many thanks. However UBU Option 5 does not work:



I knew .py would be a pain for all as soon as I seen it being discussed
Should go back to MCE.exe IMO, people can get over the false warnings or move it along

I also stay with the version of UBU which uses MCE.exe

@Lost_N_BIOS bios
Thanks for the workaround solution, I have replaced MCE.py with MCE.exe and got the CPU microcodes menu.
However i got also a warning error -ubu file ‘not found’, how to fix it:

I am having a problem to replace the LOGO of Asrock X99 OC Formula/3.1 BIOS. Here are the steps:
1. Using AMI ChangeLogo program to replace the logo with mine (300x300).
2. Using UBU_v1.79.4 to remove instant flash protection.
3. Exit out without modifying anything else.

After flashing the BIOS:
The motherboard keeps recycling at code 99, no BIOS screen. I use the same procedure, it works fine with Asrock Z87 Extreme6 and other MSI motherboards. I just need to replace the Asrock LOGO, nothing else.

Please help.

@100PIER :
I had the same error. Try my practice from yesterday, perhaps it work for you: