[Discussion] UBU Tool related Questions/Reports/Suggestions

@Lost_N_BIOS @tistou77

I’ve used Python 3.7.8 with UBU v1.79_4 with good success so far…but going forward MS is going to push the successor version.

Python 3.8.5 just got updated via the “Microsoft Store” so I haven’t tested it out with UBU thus far…


@Lost_N_BIOS Ok thanks, to see with @SoniX

@hancor - No MS Store here, so that wouldn’t happen on my end. I do have 2.6, 2.7, and 3.7 installed though, but do not use UBU for microcode edits, unless someone needs me to check something, so I have not even seen if my system setup as it is can use python/UBU combo
I just dropped in MMtool as per usual, and have been using UBU to scan to see versions, everything looks normal but I don’t think I’ve looked at any microcode lists in UBU lately, would that invoke issue if I’m going to have it, or would I need to attempt a ucode replacement?

@tistou77 You’d have to manually update to the latest version of mce.exe

"MC Extractor v1.44.0 r153

@platomav platomav released this 18 days ago


Improved UEFI BIOS Updater (UBU) integration"


I have a MSI Cubi Silent S-7m (Link)
This PC have two networkcards. One Intel i211 and one Intel 219-v.

Unfortunately I have overrite the GBE region and the mac adresses are away. I open a GBE backup (with fails mac) in a hex editor and I see the mac in line 1 and in line 1000.
But I know, is in line 1 the mac vom i211 or 219-v (and is in line 1000 the mac from i211 or from 219-v).
I have save the mac over a picture. I know the two mac adresses. Which mac adress is in line 1 and which in line 1000?
Or is the mac in line 1 and 1000 the same one? but which?
Any idea?

@lfb6 It’s good, I had not copied the latest versions of MCE

Thanks so much


EFI Intel 10Gigabit UNDI - 7.7.11 (>7.6.13)
EFI Intel 40GbE UNDI - 4.3.05 (>4.1.20)
EFI Intel PRO1000 UNDI - 2.0.02 (???)
EFI Intel PRO1000 UNDI - 9.3.10 (>9.2.06)

lan.rar (332 KB)

EFI 100GbE + OROM BootAgent ICE

@mouseT447 - Generally, when you see MAC ID at 0h and 1000h (of GbE) it’s same one, keep that way, other MAC ID will be stored in-chip FW
Only previous BIOS or GbE backup can tell you which one goes there, if you do not have you will have to test both until you find which one belongs there.
Test without anything, see which Ethernet port works and it’s MAC ID, then you know it’s the other one that goes into GbE

[Microcodes not found] Using V1.79.5 with Gigabyte 970A-D3 BIOS, i think something wrong with the UBU directory "UBU\Files\AMD\mCode"
there are AM4 and Old, but 970A MB working with CPU AM3 or AM3+ or AM2

║ MC Extractor v1.43.0 r153 ║
║ AMD ║
║# │ CPUID │Revision│ Date │ Size│ Offset │Last║
║1 │00100F40│01000085│2008-05-01│0x3C0│0x386104│Yes ║
║2 │00100FA0│010000BF│2010-02-17│0x3C0│0x387674│ No ║
║3 │00100F62│010000C7│2010-03-11│0x3C0│0x38848C│Yes ║
║4 │00100F43│010000C8│2010-03-11│0x3C0│0x38904C│Yes ║
║5 │00100F41│010000C6│2010-03-11│0x3C0│0x38984C│ No ║
║6 │00680F00│06000017│2010-10-29│0x980│0x38DBB4│Yes ║
║7 │00680F01│0600011F│2011-02-27│0x980│0x38E53C│Yes ║
║8 │00600F20│06000852│2018-02-06│0xA20│0x38EEBC│Yes ║
║9 │00600F12│0600063E│2018-02-07│0xA20│0x38FEBC│Yes ║
║10│00600F10│06000425│2011-04-08│0xA20│0x390EC4│Yes ║
║11│00600F11│0600050D│2011-06-27│0xA20│0x3918EC│Yes ║

Microcodes not found
请按任意键继续. . .

Nothing is wrong with UBU, i open yesterday ur bios file and tested all the available updates for the modules including mcode, working all as it should.
Ur not using UBU correctly.
Two different operations besides the one u requested in your other post, u want NVme module added in ur bios and now u want to update mcode and/or modules.
Read post again…nicely and carefull.


Yes, MCE version 1.44.0 and higher is required for UBU 1.79.5 and higher.

I seem to get this message when trying to replace anything:

EFI Realtek GUID EB53FCAD-3071-4BAB-980C-6E4A379255F3
parseSection: section with unknown type 31h
parseSection: GUID defined section with unknown processing method
parseSection: GUID defined section can not be processed
File replaced
OROM Realtek SubGUID 1DE35113-FAB2-43BA-9137-225C47388CF7
parseSection: section with unknown type 31h
parseSection: GUID defined section with unknown processing method
parseSection: GUID defined section can not be processed
File replaced

Tried searching site didnt come up in results and Ctrl+F on the last few pages didnt show anything, is this already known/answered, if so can someone point me to the DERP I am making?

EDIT: Even on the protection strip operation
0 - Exit
RS - Re-Scanning
A - About

1 - Rename to mod_bios.bin
2 - Remove Instant Flash Protection (Not work for AMD 400+/ Intel 300+ chipsers)
0 - As Is BIOS.BIN

Rename? :2
parseSection: section with unknown type 31h
parseSection: GUID defined section with unknown processing method
parseSection: GUID defined section can not be processed
File replaced
bios.bin ===> apr_bios.bin

i had compare two version of UBU(v1.79.5 and v1.78.0.1) with same firmware, v1.78.0.1 is ok,and v1.79.5, can not find microcodes.
besides, v1.79.5 have one syntax err in line 86 "ren i-sda"

Thank you, i had manually update to v1.44

Hi guys, first of all. Id like to thank you for having me and congratulate the AMAZING devs that find these “exploits” and share their work with us all. I’m new in here (which is pretty obvious) and wind up in here following the “rabbits hole” so to speak.
I’d like to explain if you let me, my current situation and any and all help provided would be very much appreciated.

- Currently I have 2 chips, both 4790 (non K). And the mobos holding the chips are an ASUS H81M-K and the other one is a GIGABYTE GA-B85-HD3 (rev. 2.1). Well, the chips as you probably already know have a max turbo boost speed of 4Ghz with 1 or 2 cores in use. 3.9 with 3 and 3.8 all core speed. What I’d like to do is “lock them” in 4 GHZ all core boost. Basically, turn a 3.6Ghz chip into a 4GHZ one (I dont know nor care if turbo boost still works after that). Thats all. An all core 4Ghz chip.
Reading around I found a couple of posts, comments and videos that pointed me towards the UBU tool. Which turned out to be the UEFI tool on this site. Something about the CPU microcode downgrade to v7 (although v7 allowed overclocking of non K haswell chips. Which Im not interested in. Well, I guess kinda? Since running it at 4Ghz all core speed would be TECHNICALLY an OC?)
Anyway, And thats where this post comes about. I downloaded the tool, tried snooping around but to be honest. Im terrified of messing my only 2 currently working computers by doing something stupid and force flashing them.
Is it possible to lock the chip at 4GHZ all core turbo speed? Is the tool the appropriate tool to do so? How would I go about doing it?
And I guess my most important question would be: Would any kind soul in these forums be so AMAZINGLY kind as to be able to help me by doing the mod themselves and sharing back the modded BIOS (of course, only if the aforementioned “mod” is even possible… Maybe Im talking out of my ass…) That would be really something else…
Just in case anyone is up to the job, and has a bit of spare time to do me a solid here are the 2 original BIOS:



Thanks again, for everything and I really hope one of you guys that actually KNOW what you’re doing decides to give me a hand. It would mean a lot.


EDIT Cant put links in so Im attaching the BIOS files. I hope thats Ok…

H81M-K-ASUS-3602.zip (5.02 MB)

mb_bios_ga-b85-hd3_v2.1_f4.zip (2.93 MB)

Hi. Unfortunately the latest version of UBU does’nt work with latest python 3.8.5, the statement is “Need Python 3.7 or higher” despite that i followed the instruction.

Same with v 3.7…

@izajasz @MDM

Are you using Python from the Microsoft Store?

Outside of that question, like is instructed a few posts ago, you have to update/overwrite the MCE in the UBU folder.
Got the same error as you until I read that message and updated it myself (am using the one from the Microsoft Store)


Extract the latest release, go into the folder until you get to the 2 MCE files, then copy/cut and paste them into the UBU folder (if your not prompted to overwrite the existing files then you might need to grab a fresh copy, or make sure you have the 2 actual MCE files, not a folder or something)

Worked for me.

Hm, some how I managed to make it work with the newer 3.8.5., although it would not at first it took several PC restarts and update of colorama and pltable…

But he update of MCE. files from UBU is no-go still (Error: Failed to check for MC Extractor & Database updates!).

No, if you put the .exe MCE variant in it, you wont be usig Python at all! Of course it works then, but that is not the point…
You need the .py one found if you download the "Source code" variant.