[Discussion] UBU Tool related Questions/Reports/Suggestions

My issue was also resolved by swapping MCE.py for MCE.exe .

To use Python I had to download the latest MC Extractor Source Code .zip file and NOT the MC Extractor Release .rar file that has the .exe and place everything in the Source Code download in my UBU Tool folder.
Direct link to it:

This may be the right place to ask. I am thinking about a B550 board and i want to be able to flash modified BIOSs in the future. What brand is easy to flash with modified ones?

Can’t go wrong with MSI. Best X570 and B550 boards you can buy. And they are coming out with the two DIMM B550 Unify-X which I’m really sure will be the best for overclocking 2x16GB b-dies like the new Trident Neo CL14 3600 or CL16 4000 for Ryzen 5000 :slight_smile:

Just note there is a problem with the latest MSI BIOS’s for X570 I know, maybe B550, but I’m not 100% sure on the B550, it’ll be fixed next BIOS release.

Is there any way I can add a single AMD microcode to a BIOS with UBU Tool. It’s an X570 MSI BIOS, I tried to figure it out by editing the UBU.bat file but couldn’t. No option to add a microcode not already in the BIOS. I have USB BIOS Flashback so it’s not an issue if it doesn’t work.

Here is the BIOS. It’s not available on the MSI website, a beta and unlocked options.
And attached is the microcode.

cpu00A20F10_ver0A201009_2020-08-21_D955D32A.zip (5.67 KB)

@KedarWolf :
You cannot insert any natively not present BIOS module by using the UBU toolkit. UBU means "UEFI BIOS Updater".

@Fernando You can with Intel by using a Usr_mCode.txt and in the UBU.bat there is AMD Usr_mCode.txt reference but cannot get the option to enable by editing the UBU.bat.

For users, who have problems to get the CPU Microcodes shown and updated by using the UBU v1.79.9, I have additionally uploaded this version with the currently latest MCE.py and MCE.db files (both dated 11/02/2020).

Can’t go wrong with MSI. Best X570 and B550 boards you can buy. And they are coming out with the two DIMM B550 Unify-X which I’m really sure will be the best for overclocking 2x16GB b-dies like the new Trident Neo CL14 3600 or CL16 4000 for Ryzen 5000 :slight_smile:

Just note there is a problem with the latest MSI BIOS’s for X570 I know, maybe B550, but I’m not 100% sure on the B550, it’ll be fixed next BIOS release.

All MSI B550 have lousy onboard sound for headphones unfortunately. The ALC1200 can’t drive much. The ASRock B550 Extreme4 has a nice ALC 1220 for example. Is there an easy trick to flash an ASRock with a modified BIOS?

@pokuly - Yes, if AMD - See “Annex” section of post one on this thread, dump stock flashed BIOS, edit this, program it back
If Intel - Order CH341A + SOIC8 test clip if BIOS is soldered to board, or U Type Flat IC extractor if BIOS is in socket
Otherwise, for Intel, you can make a thread and I can help you to dump current BIOS region with FPT, you edit that, then you flash it back with FPT
Stock BIOS you have modified now, is not used in ANY of these situations, you can toss it out

This is a case for Captain Obvious! The link should have found by me before asking here :slight_smile:
Thanks Lost_N_BIOS. Maybe even a Gigabyte then…

@pokuly - You’re welcome! Gigabyte and Asrock not same for this, well same can be done, but for Gigabyte it is easier to flash mod AMD via Qflash (and no “protection” that can’t be bypassed)

Who knows there will be support for PCIe 4.0 in the APU AMD 5x00G (Cezanne) series?

UBU 1.79.10 beta
- Fixed result replaced OROM #1483
- UEFITool’s NE A58
- MCE v1.50.0
– if use prevision version MCE.py need update PLTable #1490

Hello @SoniX after trying to update the OROM Realtek boot agent from 2.66 to 2.67 there is a new problem. As you can see in the photo after the update two OROM Realtek boot agents now are showing.



That’s all right. I do not see any problem as in the BIOS file under different GUID 2 OROM RTK.

@SoniX :
In September 2013 you asked me (my age was 69 at that time) to write a guide about the usage of your UBU tool and to keep it up-to-date. Now more than 7 years have passed and I would like to give up this task.
So the time has come to ask you as the developer and maker of the UBU tool, whether you are willing to write yourself a new (and probably better) guide and to start a new "UBU Guide+News" thread. The publication of the first v1.80.x UBU version may be a good opportunity for the switch.
If you should not want to do it or for some reason are unable to overtake the task, please let us know it. Then we will try to find someone else.
In any case I would like to thank you for the fantastic tool and the always good and trusting cooperation.
Stay healthy!

“Everything that has a beginning has an end.” (Matrix:Revolution)


I understand. I am very grateful to You personally, the forum Win-RAID and all its participants for your help and support.

At the moment version 1.79 is actually a finished product. But it will need versioning support in new files, example DrvVer, or adding new files. EFI, OROM or mCodes (Although users can do this on their own).

Version 1.80 can appear only with the development of UEFITool utilities. But this is also not a fast process.

Now about the main thing.
Writing manuals, guides and similar things is a big problem for me. I just don’t know how to do it, plus vision problems. :frowning:
But I will try to start a new thread.

@SoniX :
Thank you very much for your understanding, that I want to give up the support of the current UBU Guide in the near future.
Nevertheless there is no pressure on you to write the Guide yourself, especially not, if such work may cause problems for you.
As you can read >here<, our Forum member KedarWolf would be able and prepared to write a new/updated UBU Guide, if you don’t want to do it yourself.


Thank You. If I have any questions or problems, I will always be glad to any help. :slight_smile:

Probably version 1.80 will be rebranded.
UBU -> UBRF - UEFI BIOS Replacing Files,
So in the word "Updater" is understood as an update to a new version of files, but in fact you can downgrade the version to the desired one.
And sometimes users think they can add a third-party file.
But if users like the UBU name more, then I will not change anything.