Fixing PCI-Express for Coffee Lake CPUs on Sky/Kaby Lake non-Asrock(and some new Asrock) motherboards

look for other flashing tool

Great God, Gigabyte B150M-WIND can be used perfectly?

look for other flashing tool

i will find the flash tool and feedback later. thanks~~~

hahahaļ¼Œbossļ¼ŒThis was done in October last year, and is afraid to publish any method.The test results were published only a month after I tested it.ā€¦84#116050328029

thank you !

Hi. The GPIOs on the rpi can only provide a limited amount of current. I found this link which seems to show some ways how to debug such a problemā€¦php?f=40&t=4157


Can I use nail polish to isolate those 2 pins? What would be a good long term solution for isolating the pins? Does 6 core boot into Windows or just BIOS? Have you tested how Vdroop goes when under load? Does this work on regular h110 boards or need beefier power delivery ones? I think I can get a msi h110 to test, just dont want to fry anything.

Can I use nail polish to isolate those 2 pins? What would be a good long term solution for isolating the pins? Does 6 core boot into Windows or just BIOS? Have you tested how Vdroop goes when under load? Does this work on regular h110 boards or need beefier power delivery ones? I think I can get a msi h110 to test, just dont want to fry anything.

i use Kapton to isotlate 2 contacts on cpu.
boot to windows and everything is ok

Thank you sir! I will try to do the same then.

Quick question: when under load did you notice significant changes in Vdroop?

Thank you sir! I will try to do the same then.

Quick question: when under load did you notice significant changes in Vdroop?

i didnā€™t find abnormal vdroop

Where can i find an Intel Flash Image Tool ?

Where can i find an Intel Flash Image Tool ?

inside "ME System Tools" Intel Management Engine: Drivers, Firmware & System Tools
v11.x is for sky/kaby/coffe

Thank you!
Gigabyte B150M-D3H: Voltage fixed, PCIe fixed
Asus Z170M-PLUS: PCIe fixed, but the voltage still high(1.48v) Voltage fixed

Update: It seems the voltage is normal now when I flash again. :slight_smile:


I have B250 from asrock. Im modded bios 3 weeks ago and pcie dont work. Now im use patch.
I can run i5-8400 when im isolate 2 pins? Any more modifications?
I5-8400 have 65W TDP :slight_smile:

Asus H170i-PLUS D3(use ddr3 ram): voltage still high(1.48v)

can I use i3 8100 cpu with MSI B250m Mortart ? You have said that it should work on all MSI mobos - did you test it ?

Hi, another board confirmed.
i3-8100 so far, BCLK overclock as well

Patch works. tested patcher 1.2 & 1.3. Both ok.

WARNING: Flash only bios for your MB!
ā€“ Asus MB have TPU modules which causes problems when combining MB with bios which was originally meant for different board. ā€“
More info on that here: [SOLVED] Asus TPU unit firmware GUID

Attached my bios, based on v3504.

ASUS_Z170-PRO_CFL-i3-8100_v3504.part1.rar (4 MB)

ASUS_Z170-PRO_CFL-i3-8100_v3504.part2.rar (2.98 MB)





Do you really mean to replace vBIOS of Z370 Bios (not Z170 one)? If so, how are the steps?
- extract vBIOS of Z170 Bios and upgrade to 1054
- copy modded vBIOS to Z370 Bios
- decomp modded Z370 Bios
- copy bios region.bin to stock (?) Z170 Bios (or to Z170 Bios with vBIOS 1054 ?)
- MC Upgrade

Or maybe I understood totally wrong. Can you give some details on the process?
My goal is to run 8700K on Asrock Z170 and I want to avoid a lot of try and error.

i have lit the 8600K on B150 board. NO PIN MASKED, all working. Full stress test shall be conducted and i post it in separate thread. Link gonna be added here.
Just posting here to let you guys know about progress and that work is being done on this front.

More info on the [ Discord discussions: #english ]
Hopefully we can get the i5-8xxx running and finaly dispute the claims about power delivery etcā€¦

Until next time


Thanks for sharing this tool but for me it says "No patches can be applied to input file". I have Clevo W650kk1 (H170) and in Bios brand it refers as "Notebook". @Mov_AX_0xDEAD