[Guide] How to flash a modded AMI UEFI BIOS

Fernando, his board is from an Asus BC series desktop, its not the regular M5A97 EVO(2), indeed has no USB BFB

EDIT: @MichaelAngelo
If all other methods failed then a cheap CH341 will do the job. This task is easy as the the SPI is SOIC8 socked.
Nothing to do with the adapter, u simply weren’t able to flash it yet.

Thank-you for the help fernando and meatwar.

I have tried the AI Suite Easy Bios update file swap trick in addition the AMIGUI tool with the /GAN function.

Neither have worked.

Unless there is anything else to try I have moved on to trying to use Clover - also not working (made a new thread in the subforum here: Clover hangs at *** scan entries ***).

Running out of ideas. Maybe I need a different pci adapter (using an m2 to pci adapter) here:https://www.amazon.ca/gp/product/B07GKR9…1?ie=UTF8&psc=1

@MichaelAngelo : Have you tried the Flashrom method (Annex of the start post)?

I got an Asus Z87M-Plus motherboard and I can’t flash it to make NVME bootable.
My modified CAP file is not accepted by the BIOS due to the security check. I tried to the AFUWIN64x64.exe but I failed right after “AFUWINx64.EXE Z87M-PLUS-ASUS-1107.CAP” command with an "46 - Error: Problem getting flash information."
I tried the BUPDATER.exe in DOS mode to backup the current BIOS to modify that, but again, I couldn’t backup due to security reasons.
I tried Asus Flashback option, altough I don’t have any BIOS button on my mobo, but it seemed to me that the reset button would do the same. I pressed it, power led started to blink, after 4 blink I released the button, it blinked 4-5 more than become solid light. Nothing happened, I even tried with an older BIOS to check if its doing anything at all, but after the same steps, the BIOS was the same (I don’t know if its even possible to downgrade BIOS).
I would appreciate any help that could make the NVME work.
I’m posting the original “Z87M-PLUS-ASUS-1107.CAP” and modified “Z87MPLUS.CAP” version of BIOS files if it helps figuring out what is wrong

Thanks all!

BIOS.zip (10.1 MB)

Asus USB BiosFlashBack its NOT the “reset”… its a dedicated feature with his own switch on the motherboard or back panel.
Read the guide: [Guide] How to flash a modded AMI UEFI BIOS

EDIT: Seems that u really dont know wot ur doing and following the guide…check again.
Mod bios files cannot be normally flashed by normal methods due to security issues that u found already.
Besides USB BFB (The only that accepts direct mod files) theres 3 other options in the guide, so do us all a favor and use ur brain a bit will u…
The Z87M-Plus has no USB BFB function or marked USB I/O port on the back panel, r u sure its the right model?

Back Panel

Thanks, I read that guide also.
Method A looks like not working for me as altough the Asus compatibility list claims that the Z87M-Plus is capable of USB Flashback, and the I/O shield also marks one USB port as USB Flashback, I cannot find any related button to press for the method to start, if the reset button is not doing what needed.
Method B is failing because of the previously described reason, but again: I ran the command “afuwinx64.exe Z87M-PLUS-ASUS-1107.CAP” in CMD running with admin rights, but it returned “46 - Error: Problem getting flash information.” so I couldn’t even flash the modified file as I had no original header.

@LaCorb That is the correct method (the reset button) for that board (make sure you are shutdown when you try). Any BIOS you try to flash must be named correctly and it must be in the root of the usb - no other files on the stick. From what you have described (4 flashes, then solid) the flash is failing and the most common causes are the file has the incorrect name and/or is not in the root of the drive.


Please care to explain to us how and where is that described, beside AISuite features on OS environment?
Im sorry to ask this but i never saw any Asus BFB using RESET… but im opened to learning if u share with us.
Thank you.

EDIT: Im getting old for this… damm if this is true, the fkxx RESET

Seems that ur right sir, never used it like so but thank you.

I have seen a number of boards without a separate button on the back panel work this way. Procedure can be found in the boards manual: Chapter 2, 2 bios update utility | Asus Z87M-PLUS User Manual | Page 55 / 164 (manualsdir.com) at https://www.manualsdir.com/manuals/29722…us.html?page=55

@LaCorb @MeatWar @trev.mlt
Since your discussion has not much to to with the topic of >this< thread, I have moved it into this better matching thread.
Hoping, that this is ok for you

Yes, I have found the reset button solution only in one place. And yes, the I/O panel doesn’t show an USB Fallback option, but the shield itself marks one USB port to be a Fallback port.

So far I get the NVME work with DUET until I get figured out how to use my brain or until I find out what did I miss translated in the thread.

Now that I have OS installed, I’ll try the AISuite options, as well trying to get the correct name for the fallback name, however I renamed the modded BIOS with the Recovery name shown in FD44Editor and also it was in the root of the usb (only file)

I have tried to flash my bios but the led wont stop blinking since 1-2 hours.

What should i do? Sometimes it stops blinking for 1-2s and then it starts again.

my Mainboard is an asus p9x79 ws. i have modded the bios for nvme support and in the other thread i uploaded the moded files and they said it looked good.

but how i said, the led wont stop blinking… help :smiley: ?

@platos : Take another USB Flash Drive. The FlashBack procedure is very picky regarding the used USB stick. It should be small sized USB 2.0 one.
Did you rename the BIOS file correctly?

So then i can just pull the stick out while its blinking ?

And yes, i let it rename from the asus biosfile renamer ir how ita called.

and ok, is usb 3.0 not backwards compatibel? but ok, i will try another one. i have a 2gb stick here. i gues its usb 2.0.

Edit: ok now it stopped blinking blue after a minute or so, but i see no new disk in the bios or anything new. So i guess id didnt work. Bios settings are resetted, but there is no nvme ssd.

or maybe i try another pcie slot

Edit2: i reconnected the pci-e adapter in the same slot and now there is an pata ss!

cool. worked as it seems

I have dumped a MSI E7996 BIOS (Board=MSI H110M-PRO-VH) with FPTW.exe -d E7996IMS.bin

I have modified the uCode with UBU and resaved as E7996IMS.2I1 (the name of the lastflashed firmware that this was extracted from)

I would like to use M-FLASH to do this, should it work?

Uploaded dump and modded files.

mod_E7996IMS.zip (5.05 MB)

E7996IMS.zip (5.05 MB)

Not advisable… dumps made with Intel FPT tool should be flashed with same tool as long as bios access regions r unlocked.
U can test by flashing the current original untouched dump.
Using M-Flash is best to use/edit an original MSI bios file (same version as the system has already) as they r complete with Intel ME FW image on it.

@MeatWar :
Thanks. It was status ‘unlocked’ in HWiNFO, so I tried what you suggested. This was successful, so it gave me the confidence to try the modded file (I had already updated the ME using FW Update as I’m comfortable using that tool).
It worked just fine.

Edit by Fernando: Unneeded fully quoted post replaced by directly addressing (to save space)


I am stucked while i mod my Asus BIOS. I got error from EZFlash "Selected file is not a proper BIOS!"
After i changed some seetings on AMIBCP (5.02.0031) i got error :frowning: Also i did NOT change any settings (I mean i did just open BIOS file and save directly; without change anything) Also i got error! :frowning:
What is wrong? What to do? Is there any solution?

If this is importand: My MB Model is;

Thank You for your HELP!

U told u that u just can flash mod bios files and Asus security didnt complained about it… dumb people playing with tools that dont know wot their doing instead of trying to read a bit and learn.
Now search and read on the forum if u want.

@arma : Welcome to the Win-RAID Forum!
I have moved your "Need Help" request into this already existing thread, where you can find answers to your questions within the start post.
By the way - the BIOS modification itself is safe. The only risky procedure is the flashing one.
Good luck and Merry Christmas!
Dieter (alias Fernando)