[Guide] How to flash a modded AMI UEFI BIOS

Thank you @Fernando looks good! Any and all methods we can add will help members, because as you know all situations and user experience/knowledge on how to use tools differ, and sometimes user can try several methods and none work.
The more possible methods we can provide to help users the better the outcome will be in all situations.

Hey guys - thanks for helping me out so far! I now have both the CH341A programmer and the SOIC8 clip (although I did not get the cable/board which connects it to the programmer so I had to manually connect them with wires). I have a few questions:
- My motherboard (S1200V3RPS) has two 8 pin chips which I assume each contain firmware (they are the only two chips on the board covered with stickers). I believe one of these is the BIOS and the other is the BMC firmware (the Baseboard Management Controller on Intel boards). Is there any way to verify this? (I will try removing the stickers tomorrow to see if there are part numbers on the chips.)
- Does the SOIC8 connector go to the BIOS (SPI) or EEPROM (I2C) portion of the programmer?
- I have the black version of the CH341A and I read on this forum that this version has an issue where it outputs 5V to the chip instead of 3.3, is there a way to verify that the chip supports this?
- Would this be the correct way to wire the pins to the programmer, and which side of the programmer does pin 1 connect to (I believe it is the side closest to the lever)? https://wiki.gentoo.org/images/c/c7/Flash_8_pinout.png
- When flashing the chip in-circuit, should I have the board powered off but plugged into the wall (so the standby power is on) or completely disconnected from power?
I apologize for the large amount of questions - I just want to make sure I flash the BIOS correctly and don’t damage the chip.

@AwesomeMarioFan - you are likely correct, each chip will contain some BIOS regions (Either BIOS + ME/BMC or FD etc)
There’s no way to verify which is which, only thing to do is to dump each and look, and when you do that be sure you name them in a way so you know exactly which dump goes onto which chip because this info usually isn’t switchable.

You can connect SOIC8 test clip pins to programmer either way, in BIOS slot or via I2C slots. If you use the I2C you will need to move the jumper. Don’t worry about the 5V thing, it’s a non-issue (fear mongering, got me too)

Here is a good image guide on which pins are what, I would use it in the BIOS chip mode, wires into the BIOS slots (especially if you are concerned with the 5V stuff)
[GUIDE] Flash BIOS with CH341A programmer

First try with all power removed, this is normal way to do it. Chip will get really hot quickly if connected backwards, but will survive, that’s about the only way to mess it up
And you can feel with finger, if it’s super hot in a hurry you have it connected backwards, but I think the image guide linked above will alleviate those concerns

Here is package with all the versions of CH341A software, latest is 1.34 - http://s000.tinyupload.com/index.php?fil

Read, verify and then save if verifies OK. Then check the files via hex, if it’s all FF or 00 then it’s a failed dump, try another version of the software or choose another similar chip ID. Also open in some BIOS tools to see if it looks similar to the stock BIOS (at least do this for the BIOS file)
Do not write anything until you are 100% certain you have both chips backed up and the dumps are valid good copies. Upload your dumps for someone to check if you are not sure, before you write anything to the chips.

To write >> Erase, Blank check, then open BIOS file and un-tick erase/blank check on the auto button, then hit auto for write/verify.

Thanks again for your help - taking off the sticker for one of the two chips I did in fact see that it was labelled as a Winbond 25Q128FVSG. I verified using a multimeter that my USB flasher was indeed outputting 3.3v to the SPI portion. I connected the flasher yesterday to one of the chips however I was not able to get it to work. Thinking it was the connection to the chip, I tried reconnecting it probably 40 times but still got the same result, which was the "No EEPROM/flash device found." message with the flashrom utility. Could this possibly be related to the motherboard not being powered properly by the flasher? I tried both the SPI and I2C sides of the flasher (however did not move the jumper from its default position) and also tried both the flashrom utility and the CH341A programmer that you sent me.

@AwesomeMarioFan - Are you connecting all the cables properly? If you are unsure show me image of the cable connected to the BIOS (And image of the BIOS without the cable so I can see pin1 location), and then image of cable going into programmer.
It could be power related, plug in the power source and try again, once you are sure you are connecting it all properly. For 128MB chip, I would use 1.30 or 1.34 CH341A software (main driver must be installed first, only once)

Don’t waste time with SPI cable, that could be disabled in your BIOS anyway, and jumper needs moved on the programmer for that to work too.

Amazing guide, thanks! Managed to mod an ASUS P8Z77-V LX on Windows 7 using AI Suite 2.

As a side note, AI Suite 2 kept saying "successful", but after restarting the BIOS was not updated. Finally worked after downgrading one version then upgrading to the mod version (while also doing the file-swapping trick)


Here is another Asus specific method via specific AFU linked in the thread, seems to work for many modern boards too

Thanks a lot for detailed guide! But there is some problem with it.

The capsule header needs to be removed as it mentioned about ASRock BIOS file.
EZ Update from ASUS AI Suite could not flash the BIOS file with the capsule header.
I have tried to flash with the capsule header and the AFUWIN reported that file size did not match. At last I have removed the header and flashed with AFUWIN 5.05.04.

Where did youread this?

Has the flash been successful?

I’ve found the same problem on this Forum and someone answered that the capsule header should be removed.

Yes, it was successful. Now I have in the boot section PATA SS.

For all modern ASUS Z390 motherboard the flashback button is no longer offered.
Only ASUS EZ Flash 3 Tool is offered at the BIOS menu and does work well for official BIOS offered by ASUS.

Modded BIOS via UBU Tool is refused by ASUS EZ Flash 3 Tool: "Selected File is not a proper BIOS !"

How can we flash modded BIOS for these recent motherboard ?

@100PIER :
Since the question “How to flash a modded ASUS Z390 mainboard BIOS” has nothing to do with the UBU tool, I have split your related post and moved the BIOS flashing related part into this much better matching thread.

@Lost_N_BIOS :
Do you have a solution for 100PIER’s problem?

Mod BIOS cannot be flashed by EZ Flash @100PIER - you will have to dump BIOS region via FPT, modify that, then unlock BIOS Lock via my guide, then flash mod BIOS
There may be some AFUxxx (DOS/CMD/GUI) that will flash a mod BIOS to these boards, but I am not aware of what that version is or the required method due to I do not use or suggest using AFU for other than stock purposes
You can try this method in last spoiler (In general, flash stock, then flash mod without rebooting between), with all AFU you can find (PM Me) -https://linustechtips.com/main/topic/592
But, I do suggest the first method and my guide, it will save you time and hassle trying to find which if any AFU version will work for you.

As for the actual error you’re seeing now, this is due to UBU removes BIOS from capsule, you will need to put body back inside capsule and try again (it will fail due to security then, because of mod BIOS)
To do this, open stock BIOS (.cap BIOS) in hex editor, then open copy of your mod BIOS rom/bin from UBU in hex editor. Select all of your mod BIOS, copy, then go to stock .cap BIOS, go to 1000h location in hex and paste your mod BIOS, then save with new modbiosname.CAP
New modbios.cap will be 4KB bigger now (matching stock BIOS size) vs the file you received from UBU that is 4KB smaller than stock BIOS (Due to removed 4KB security capsule)

* Edit @100PIER - Now I see you are talking about a UBU modified BIOS, that is already back inside a capsule. Mod BIOS can only be flashed how I mentioned above with capsule on much older boards, in very few instances EZ Flash would allow it.
Current modern boards, only way to flash mod BIOS for Asus is via USB Flashback or by using my guide here (pay attention to the warnings!)
* Edit2 Edit @100PIER - Since your board does not have flashback, FPT flash will be only way, unless you can find working version of AFU then it could be possible that way too. I need a FPT BIOS region dump from this board before I can find the variable to use to unlock BIOS Lock, I can’t get it from the stock BIOS.

I did all the steps for my ASRock Z370 Extreme4, all result in the same thing, “secure check fail !” after nearly giving up i last decided to do “fptw64 -BIOS -F my_modded_bios_name_here.xx” figuring id just try and shove the whole thing on to it this way, since its got a backup bios on it anyway
 so why isnt this way mentioned then? Saves all that hassle, I know it worked cause it did all the erase/flashing without error, and the microcode changed from 9A to AA which was the main reason i modded (ASRock is too slow on updates).

@Yuno :
Thanks foer your report. It is fine, that you finally succeeded and got the modded ASRock Z370 BIOS properly flashed.

It is mentioned within the start post of this thread. Look here:

^^ To add to the above, please see the warning at the linked guide @Yuno - the reason why it’s not done with stock modified BIOS is explained in bold red warning too (Which I assume applies to your instance since you probably didn’t backup first to modify then reflash)

Hello,I have a ASUS Motherboard.I have this bios file from Asus, then i continued to mod the PROCHOT temperature with AFIBCP. But after selecting the file with AMIBIOS, then flash, the app froze and nothing happened. I try to Using the AMI tool AFUWIN: methods but it didnt work. What should ı do?

Hi guys sorry for my request but I’m very noob in this topic. I have a z68 extreme4 gen3 and get an already modded bios for my board by Lost_N_BIOS, for install it I need to follow the procedure on first page?
