[Guide] How to flash a modded AMI UEFI BIOS


Do you get the same data every time you backup your bios using flashtool (file compare them)?
flashrom -p internal -r BACKUP.ROM

@Choz :
Welcome to the Win-RAID Forum!
As long as you haven’t flashed another (altered/modified) BIOS, the BACKUP.ROM file should be identical, no matter how often you run the command “flashrom -p internal -r BACKUP.ROM”.
Dieter (alias Fernando)

@Choz Probably the files might get a little different after a reboot since the NVRAM gets changed/ written to all the time. The other regions and other parts of the bios region should be static/ identical.


If you find changes and want to check: Open file in UEFItoolNE, check for base of NVRAM (there can be more than one volume!) and check for base of next volume assumed to be ‘static’. Compare files in for example HxD and check the addresses where the differences begin/ end.



ok thanks that make sense, I was getting a different backup.rom file for every reboot :slight_smile:

Hi @Fernando

I just spent the last couple of hours trying to mod the BIOS for my ASUS X570-I Strix motherboard. All I want to achieve is control over the PCH fan that’s driving me insane. I followed all instructions to create a BIOS dump using Flashrom, then modifying the dump with AMIBCP by following the video instructions posted by @aGeoM.

Everything went fine and I was able to write the modded version, however, I’m still not seeing any PCH fan control in my new modded BIOS.

Can anybody here chime in and see where I’m making a mistake?

Thanks all, very helpful forum here.

@foldpages :
Welcome to the Win-RAID Forum!
If you really have finally flashed the modded BIOS (your post doesn’t contain a word about it), I recommend to do the following:
1. Check whether the flashing of the modded BIOS was successful (you can do it by taking a new backup from the currently in-use BIOS Region and compare it with your previously modded BIOS).
2. If you are unsure, whether your BIOS modification was correct, please post your request with the attached modded BIOS into the related BIOS modding thread.
Good luck!
Dieter (alias Fernando)

Hello, after several flashes with afuwin I have flickering on the screens and images spawned while the process lasts but this did not happen to me before, is it normal? or better stop trying?


Thank you so much, Yes, I realise. And after several tries with the goo USB flashback method I got a new issue: The led just blinked three times and stay solid forever. Then I tried with different USB and it worked. Thank you so much!

Is it possible to flash an official bios using this method? I have an ASRock z370/OEM and instant flash doesn’t work at all (“No image file detected” error.). I’ve tried this method and got this log.


Excellent report. I have the same board. Thanks

@Melo : Welcome to the Win-RAID Forum!
Using the ASRock in-box "Instant Flash" tool is the best and safest option to get an original ASRock BIOS properly flashed into an ASRock mainboard chip.
You must have done something wrong, when you got the "No image file detected" error message (e.g. BIOS file not correctly unzipped, usage of a not appropriate USB Flash drive).
Dieter (alias Fernando)

Hi @Fernando ,
I followed your instructions and use Flashrom utilities try to dump BIOS but fail. I attached the screenshot:




My Computer model : Lenovo M73 Machine Type and Model 10B7S04100
BIOS version : FCKT98AUS
Here is my pc spec: https://pcsupport.lenovo.com/us/en/produ…015acu/warranty

Please help .

@simonhk : The Flashrom tool obviously doesn’t work with your system, because the SPI chip of your mainboard is READ protected by Lenovo.
Since I am not an expert regarding your specific problem, you should better ask Lost_N_BIOS for help.
If your system has an Intel chipset and the BIOS chip contains an Intel Management Engine Region, you may try to dump the BIOS Region by using Intel’s “Flash Programming Tool” (FPT). For details look >here<.

Having this error following annex guide on Asus X570 Tuf plus wifi after most recent bios update.
https ://i.imgur.com/gX8SQHj.jpg

A HUGE Thank You goes to Oldguy on post #588 for these instructions. I had been racking my brain for 10 hours trying to get an Asus Maximus VI Hero (with the z87 Chipset) to accept and boot from an NVME adapted Sabrent SSD card. Your method with AfuWinx64 and flashing the ROM twice (once with the original, and second with the modded NVME loaded file) within Windows 10 x64 worked! It seemed so silly simple; why didn’t Asus just do this and release an update is beyond me. But you saved the day, this computer from being chucked out a 4 story window, and my sanity. Thank You!

@t0ph3r Same here. Have you found a solution?

I flashed 3405 thinking I could downgrade if necessary, since the flashrom method has always worked for me. Unfortunately, 3405 caused my PC to lock up completely for the first time.

  1. Bios renamer has been removed from Asus’s site for board above.
    2. I have read all the techniques to flash and get security error using bios tool, direct flash stalls with solid green light and does not finish.
    3.I have use original name from Hancor, just 2103.CAP and Z87-PRO-AUSU-2103.CAP same results.
    4. Sandisk 16gb drive empty Fat32 USB 3.0.
    5 Have not tried a USB 2.0 drive.
    6. I need the NVME booting support.
    Am I using the wrong names, I am at 2005 flashed from bios screen through the tool. I can probably get 2103 unmodded on but that will not give me NVME boot support.
    If I have to go to one of the other two more drastic options I want to make sure I use the proper tool for this board could anyone help out? Obviously, this board will not let me get past its security verification check
    BTW the Current Bios updater tool will not run with the Intel MEI version installed by Win 10 20h2 as it says the driver is not installed but the device manager clearly says it has Intel MEI 11/03/2017 version So
    it must check for the original version to function or not recognize

Well if u looked a little further and taking in consideration that a mod is not an official file, its an expected situation dont u think so?
No one is offering u bypass for OEM security issues for any brand manufacturer…

Im sure that u can spend a little of ur time and maybe learn something if u want: [Guide] How to flash a modded AMI UEFI BIOS

Ill give u a hint on ur motherboard feature… https://www.asus.com/microsite/2014/MB/N…_compatibility/

That behaviour is entirely expected, evidently you have not read this page; paying particular attention to ASUS motherboards:

Guide for ASUS mainboards with an AMI UEFI BIOS

[Guide] How to flash a modded AMI UEFI BIOS

I did read Fernando’s page before I posted.
I used this option: A. Using the ASUS “USB Flashback” procedure (easiest option) Light blinks then turns solid and stalls!! Does not update. Further using bios 2005 using the motherboard button flashback to update (green led light flashes and then stalled staying lit up) had to do this update from Bios screen using built-in bios tool. Bios was on 1604 when I started. Now on 2005. I have flashed a modded NVME bios before on another board from Asus and It worked fine.
Using the ASUS AI Suite
I did not use this option. In addition, I read it before I posted.
Using the Flashrom tool: (recommended for 32MB sized BIOSes of AMD chipset mainboards) This is not a 32mb bios and it is not AMD and I did read this before I posted!
I read this below and The Proper AMI tool, for this board, was the question I asked:
The Company AMI itself offers >here< for their different BIOS platforms (AMIBIOS, Aptio IV and Aptio V) specific BIOS Update Utilities. They are as well available within my OneDrive account (look >here<).
Another tool, which is able to flash a modded BIOS into the BIOS chip of Intel Chipset mainboards is the “Flash Programming Tool (FPT)”, which is part of the related Intel (CS)ME System Tools version. You can find the specific Intel CSME System Tools for your mainboard within the chapter C2 of >this< start post.
My feeling is I am going to get this anyway: (FPT)" gives an error message due to the MODDED BIOS’s WRITE protection; Our BIOS Gurus SoniX and Lost_N_BIOS have written guides about how to solve this problem by using different methods. These guides can be found >here< (SoniX’s Guide) and >here< (Lost_N_BIOS’s Guide).

And I will end up giving up.