[Guide] HowTo Unlock a Tongfang Chassis BIOS

I gave up on the bios splash image worried it would fail to boot. I’m Experiencing issues with the rgb option. I have no way of disabling rgb on startup. Maybe my mistake is uninstalling control center and gcubridge service. The moment I uninstall the dashboard, it reverts to (rgb) bios defaults which for some reason can’t be disabled and saved, because it reverts back on boot up.
I uninstalled the program and service to allow deeper sleep states, which is improved but still limited to c8 possibly due to panel self refresh disabled/unsupported. Once the screen goes off c9 and c10 are activated at 10-20%.

@knowsthedose - Give me your desired image and I will make it proper format and stick it in there for you, if you want?
For the RGB issue, yes, maybe install that app again and disable there, then confirm you can disable in BIOS too, and then uninstall the app. If worse comes to worse, I can make you a BIOS with it hard disabled.

@Lost_N_BIOS hi there I managed to enter bios by remove the nvme system drive, this was the reason why the system hang on boot logon, the modified bios was flashed successful, I have all the hidden menu now accessible, but as soon as I place the system drive in, it hangs again on boot logon, how can I solve this Sir? The drive was not damaged, as soon as I flashed the old bios back, I can boot into Windows without problems.

2. Issue: in bios main page the ME version is, I flashed the original dumped bios back but still unidentified, if I run MEinfo under Windows, it says ME is disabled… I have to mention that I updated Intel ME before modifing the bios… Is there a solution to reactivate the ME? Do I need ME at all?

@371 - Nice! I didn’t know you were hung at boot logon, sorry, I guess I misunderstood you and thought it was bricked, since you said you couldn’t enter BIOS.
Sounds like you maybe have broken BIOS, not sure but I think so anyway due to what you did. I didn’t make any BIOS for you, and I have not see the modified BIOS you are using (even though I know it wont work, it could also be bad mod too), so I can’t say for sure…
As mentioned, you cannot use any mod BIOS files from the first post, none are compatible with your system. You need to boot to DOS and reflash the stock BIOS for your system, then let me make you mod unlocked BIOS.

Looks like you messed up your ME FW as well, either during your mod flashing attempts, or during recovery attempts etc. Or, when you updated ME FW as mentioned on #238 (Due to I see this now, below, you need ME System Tools V12!) Original dumped BIOS is only BIOS region, this does not contain ME FW or FD etc.
The only two ways you can fix this now due to your ME FW is corrupted, is by doing pinmod (see E.1 here) to unlock FD, or by using a flash programmer.
If you do pinmod from E.1 at above link, do not reboot until you’ve flashed in modified FD.bin. In that same guide, see section B, spoiler 2, image 1 or 2 for how to unlock your FD

You need to dump FD from DOS first, edit on some other system, then get it ready to be reflashed in DOS directly after you do the pinmod
Do you know what major ME FW version you had, before it was messed up? If not, you will have to try version 9-12 until you find which works to dump your FD (you need V12 )
You get ME System tools here in section C, download V12 package - Intel Management Engine: Drivers, Firmware & System Tools
Then copy all contents of FPT (Flash Programming Tool) DOS folder directly onto the root of a bootable USB Stick, then run this command >> FPT.exe -desc -d fd.bin
Once you dump FD.bin, edit it per the guide/info above to unlock all regions, then flash it back using this command >> FPT.exe -desc -f fd.bin

If you cannot do that edit, send me your fd.bin and I can do it for you. Please remember, if you do the pinmod it only is in effect until you reboot
And you do not have to do the pinmod just to dump FD, only to write it in, so you can dump it first and edit or have me edit, then do the pinmod to unlock FD, then boot directly to DOS and flash in the modified fd.bin file. Then, once you have unlocked FD in there, we can fix ME FW with FPT.
I will need an original dump of your system or ME FW from before you messed it up though, can be from other user if you see someone else dump of same system, or you need to find full BIOS package from manufacturer with BIOS/EC and flash tools etc (This will have full BIOS and properly configured ME in it)

Here is proper unlocked BIOS from your dump at post #237, program this in, reboot to BIOS, load optimal defaults, save and reboot back to BIOS, then on “original boot” page move your NVME or Windows Boot Manager back to top of hard disk boot priority list, then you can boot to windows.

*** WARNING - To ANYONE with laptop and unlocked BIOS!!!
DO NOT try to enable this graphics card or disable that card, switch cards etc. Otherwise you will end up with no display output (ie black screen) and no way to recover except by blind flash or with flash programmer.
You can change graphics related settings, like changing memory sizes, or core speeds etc, just don’t try to disable one card or change which is main etc.

Additionally, be very careful when trying to undervolt CPU, you can leave BIOS unbootable due to CPU voltage too low (Sometimes even 0.05 is too much)

WARNING *** - This BIOS is user specific! If you are not user 37_at Win-RAID.com forum, DO NOT USE THIS BIOS!!
If you do, and you are not 37_, then you will loose your serial, UUID, OG NVRAM, and possibly LAN MAC ID as well.
You have been warned!!!

And if you have it for this system please also send me the stock BIOS package with EC FW and flash tools etc
I need this for other users to be able to update to this BIOS version to use mod files like others in guide

@Lost_N_BIOS quick answer to your question Sir, I used ME V12, I worked through the ME Firmwarepost linked in the first post, the CPU is 9750h so I picked the right versioin 12, for H and comsumer

it is very strage, this picture show the MODED Bios I created and flashed with success but could not boot with system drive installed, by removing the system drive, I could enter bios and it shows me the right ME version, but now I flashed the original unmoded backup biosreg back and the ME under bios is


btw I posted in #239 my original FD.bin,is this file usefull to you?

@371 - Yes, I noticed that, and then corrected my comments (maybe I missed some), but yes, you need to use ME System Tools v12 package for stuff I mentioned. CPU has nothing to do with this.

The BIOS I sent you is the BIOS I modified, from your upload at post #237 on page #16. The image you showed, and then the ME issue after that, probably you messed up ME FW when you updated ME FW, or you flashed in the mod BIOS region wrong etc
Anyway, as I’ve told you all along, your mod BIOS cannot work for this system using files from post #1 of this guide, none of those files are compatible with your system. Use the BIOS I made for you above, this is your correct BIOS, made from your original FPT BIOS region dump (untouched you said)
Then, you can only fix ME FW now using one of the ways I mentioned, how BIOS or ME FW acted or was before does not matter, ME FW is NOW corrupted, and you can only fix using the ways I mentioned above.

However, there is one other possible way to fix, but we need a dump of this systems ME FW or complete BIOS first, that has not been edited, so I can then make you a clean configured for this system ME FW.
Do you have a full backup, or ME FW backup from before you did anything? If not, you need to find someone’s full dump of this exact model, or you need to contact the manufacturer and ask them for complete/full BIOS and or BIOS update package, so we can have full BIOS and configured ME FW for this model to use as base source to fix your ME FW

Where did you get this “original.FD” or how did you create it etc? And, was this before you did anything to BIOS OR ME FW?
Ohh, never mind! Sorry, I seen .fd and thought you had some kind of BIOS.fd. This is FD.bin, I gotcha! I can unlock this for you, but you need to then do pinmod and flash it back via FPT DOS, once you flash in the mod BIOS I made you above.
I will edit in unlocked FD here in a second

* Edit @371 - here is your unlocked FD, you must do pinmod first and then either boot to DOS with FPT ready and this file all on USB then flash >> FPT.exe -desc -f fdunlock.bin

@Lost_N_BIOS please Sir can you check is any of these files usefull for you? there are the files I created or merged whey I was updating my ME firmware:

Anmerkung 2020-06-04 123049.png

@371 - What did you use as source (ie what did you drag and drop, or open in FITc first) when you were editing ME FW? That is what I would need
I doubt you dumped ME FW, or entire BIOS, and used that as source. That is what would be needed here, and the ONLY thing that could be properly used in the guide as well, to update ME FW (or complete stock manufacturer BIOS)
This is why your ME FW is corrupted I assume. Send me what you used as base to drop in FITc, and outimage.bin

these files are in FlashImageTool folder under Intel CSME System Tools v12 r23 I downloaded for my System to upgrade ME firmware
I was first folllowing this thread Intel Management Engine: Drivers, Firmware & System Tools

Yes, I know what is in ME System tools folder, and I know all about the guide See my edit above. In order to use the guide and update ME FW for your system you have to use a base BIOS source that contains ME FW, this could be dumped or stock BIOS from manufacturer (if complete BIOS), or a dumped ME FW region.
Otherwise, there is nothing for you to drag and drop or open in FITc program to start the guided process. This is why your ME FW is corrupted, you’ve not used proper base source from your model to use as starting point to transfer settings from old ME FW to new ME FW during that process.

How did you update ME FW, did you use ME FW update tool (FWUpdLcl)? If yes, this guide does not apply, should not be used - [Guide] Clean Dumped Intel Engine (CS)ME/(CS)TXE Regions with Data Initialization
If you used FPT, then you use the above guide, along with a base source which contains original ME FW from your system to start step #3 of the guide for V12 (and you end up with the files you showed in image above)

Anyway, your ME FW is corrupted, we can only fix as I mentioned above. We need to find a full BIOS dump from your model, or you need to get the full manufacturer BIOS update package which usually contains several BIOS files, EC FW, and BIOS update tools etc.
Link me to your stock BIOS download page, I will check and see if full BIOS is there or not.

@371 See edits above

@Lost_N_BIOS Sir I uploaded eveything I was using for updating the ME firmware, you can check fit.log what files was used

outimage.rar (1.63 MB)

cse_image_FWU_Base.rar (1.63 MB)

CSE Region.rar (1.63 MB) (1.59 MB)

fit_log.rar (824 Bytes)

@371 - See my edits on previous page. Thanks for fit_log! Yes, you did not follow guide properly. You opened base stock ME FW as source (, this is incorrect and cannot ever lead to proper ME FW for your system. This file is never opened with FITc during the ME FW Update or cleaning process
You could have used and FWUpdLcl.exe tool to simply update your ME FW, but is never opened with FITc program during any point in the guided process. This is why your ME FW is corrupted, guide was not properly followed.

Anyway, lets try to fix without you having to do pinmod, if we cannot get it fixed, then pinmod or flash programmer is your only way to fix this.
OK, I found Evoo gaming laptop 15" EG-LP5-BK and Overpowered V 2.0 is same model GK5CP6X, so we can use it’s ME FW / BIOS as base to fix your ME FW. Please wait, while I write out instructions for you and fix/update a ME FW for you.

First, flash in that mod BIOS I sent you and do as mentioned at post #264, so you can get windows back up and running, then let me know once you are done

@Lost_N_BIOS Hello, I have an evoo LP4 laptop and would greatly appreciate your help unlocking the BIOS to enabling settings like deeper C-states and PEG Port ASPM.
Here is my biosreg file :https://mega.nz/file/3EBlmK7B#ZoJjxf0Xkk…mr_0Tqw4w2L8YWE

@zamroc9 - Did you already disable BIOS Lock? And what is the full model name for this system?
Or, can you already write back BIOS region with FPT without issue? >> FPTw.exe -bios -f biosreg.bin
= success?

@371 see my edit above

@Lost_N_BIOS the prober bios file from post #264 can not be flashed… see log attached


@Lost_N_BIOS I did not disable the lock. The device is EVOO-EG-LP4 or a Tongfang GK5CP5X

@371 - do not reboot! Show me the full window, so I can see the title bar AND the command you entered. Very odd, I’ve never seen such FPT error.
Flash back whatever known working dump you have, if it’s OK and success, then you can reboot again, if not, DO NOT reboot or = brick

Looks like you entered wrong command! Actually, DO NOT Reboot at all now! Please show me full CMD window, including the title bar and command you used
That probably happened because your ME FW is corrupted, and you cannot load ME driver, so should not use FPT in windows. Did you flash previously in windows, AFTER you seen ME FW was corrupted?
Or, could just be wrong command, not sure, can’t see everything I need to see

@zamroc9 - thanks, please test above mentioned bios region write back at post #274, do you get success or error 280/368?

@knowsthedose @TheRiddick - Can either of you dump ME FW region for me? Please try, thanks!
FPTw.exe -me -d me.bin

If not, do either of you have a stock BIOS package, or know where a full BIOS dump is for your model? Thanks!

It works. I used it to get the bin file.

@Lost_N_BIOS Ok I finished flash the proper modded bios


strange, I moved the entire folder to D: and tried again, now finished without error…

@zamroc9 - dumping BIOS is not same as writing BIOS, please do as mentioned at post #274 and let me know.
We usually have to disable BIOS lock before you can flash in mod BIOS, but not always, this is how we test,

@371 great to see it! I was wondering about folder location, but your desktop shouldn’t have been an issue, unless maybe that underscore in folder name caused some problem?
Looks OK, you can reboot now, and then again flash in the mod BIOS (if the flash above is not the mod BIOS flash-in)

I cannot find stock complete BIOS package for your model or, EVOO/Overpowered LP5, or Z7-CT7 GK, or Infinity X5-9G6-88, all use same TongFang GK5CP6X BIOS
So, if the above two users I tagged can’t dump ME FW, we cannot fix your ME FW until we find someone with one of the above systems and a flash programmer can dump BIOS for us
Even if you had a flash programmer now, we can’t fix, no base ME FW source to make you proper configured for your system ME FW