[Guide] HowTo Unlock a Tongfang Chassis BIOS

I’m saying is to modified/edit it direclty without exposing the hidden setting in bios and i’ve tried modifying the OPTIMAL but its not working. @Lost_N_BIOS i’ll stick on the unlock bios to avoid some problem :slight_smile: Thanks

@Frixx - Yes, you can modify settings directly, but AMIBCP may or may not get it all correct, it usually does though.
Do you just need a few settings changed ONLY, and do not want all that advanced menu unlock stuff? If yes, tell me the exact settings you want changed, and what you want them changed to, and I can make you another BIOS with only those changes made in all possible locations (so it will be hard set, current and default)

@Lost_N_BIOS - Welp, I guess I’ve done it and I think I bricked my laptop from trying to adjust the memory timings. The laptop just lights up its power indicator and spins its fans for a bit, but that’s it. So I tried resetting CMOS by removing both the laptop and CMOS battery connections, then pressing the power button for a minute before connecting the batteries again then restarting, but then it didn’t work (still just a black screen) . Panicked, I went and borrowed the ch341a programmer with the soic8(sop8) from my friend and got his help to identify my BIOS chip (G25B127D). I’m using AsProgrammer 1.4.1 to read the chip, and did only that because I don’t know what to program my BIOS chip with. So all I did so far was just read the chip and save what was read. Thus, I just made a link below for the: 1) biosreg.bin file that was initially dumped before when everything was stock; 2) the MainDXEMod.bin file that you sent me last that worked and allowed me to adjust the memory timings; 3) the bin file that I’ve saved when I had the ch341a read the BIOS chip; 4) the BIOS download that I’ve downloaded from mechrevo website that I don’t know how to use in this case because it looks like it has to be used within Windows; 5) and the picture of my BIOS chip. May I ask for your help this time for what I should put in my BIOS chip so that it would go back to how it was before (stock at least)?


@Lost_N_BIOS , thanks anyway and also i dont have that clip flasher thing

@Enab - Sorry to hear! I will check your file and fix for you tonight, sorry I don’t have time right now as I’m heading out the door in a minute. Do not erase or write to chip yet.
I am on limited internet, please just upload your dumped BIOS from programmer for me, I do not need the other stuff you mentioned including in above link (I already have all that).
Ohh, you have stock BIOS exe/package for this model, also please include this so I have for later (don’t need to fix, just so I have it in case someone else needs later)
Also, please upload to uploadfiles.io or some other free host, zippyshare is often plagued with viruses, thanks
I will make you BIOS with last changes we made, all working and fixed, back to how it was (unlocked) before the memory timings messed it up

@Frixx - You don’t need flash programmer and clip if you want to do what I mentioned at post #502, just need to reflash back to stock BIOS or a new BIOS I would make you with changes however you wanted them

@Lost_N_BIOS - Man, I’m really sorry for the bother. So, no problem if you take your time. Anyway, yeah, I haven’t done anything yet but read the chip since I thought that I had nothing good to program in it anyway.

Eh? I didn’t know that about zippyshare. Thanks for the heads up. I’ve uploaded both files you’ve asked for in uploadfiles.io as instructed (the .bin file and the .rar containing the .exe program).


I do hope the laptop can be extricated from this. Memory timing adjustment used to be easy. Now it’s become rocket science for me. Sheesh!

Hi @Lost_N_BIOS

I’m ok now with the unlocked bios hehe. Thanks for your time.

@Enab - Yeah, zippy often sets of several virus/malware apps any time I go there, even with ad-blockers enabled.
It’s just a pain to tinker with timings on laptop when you can’t easily clear CMOS and they don’t auto-recover to fail safe easily like desktops do (not sure why!)
Yes, don’t worry, you can save it

Here, program this back via >> Open app >> Hit Unprotect Icon (not dropout menu, just the lock icon) >> Erase >> Black Check >> Open BIOS file >> Write >> Verify
If it fails to start after that, please repeat this process exactly, then do not power on, instead do below and send me the file to compare vs the file you wrote (or you can, compare in hex, should be 100% match, otherwise there is a write issue)
>> Close app after verify above >> Open App >> Read >> Verify >> Save

If you do end up with issue and having to redo write and compare and it is a 100% match, then I will clean and update ME FW for you, it may have been corrupted on save or due to memory glitch etc. I did not touch it right now, quick check and it looked OK so I left as-is for now.

@Frixx - OK then And you’re welcome!!

@Lost_N_BIOS - Yeah. I guess that’s the difference between desktops and laptops. Or, it could be that Tongfang just saved money for their motherboards to do away with the fail-safe features, who knows?

Anyhoo, I have done as you said and the laptop still just powers on and spins its fans then does nothing. It’s still just a black screen, even after I had the program write the fixed version in the chip.

So I did your subsequent instruction to redo the write, then tried comparing the .bin file you sent with the .bin file that was written in by the programmer, by opening 2 instances of AsProgrammer and putting it side-by-side. From what I saw, it looks like that the 2 files are the same. Although I am not 100% sure they are the same, because of the eye challenging comparison of the long files, I think I can say that I am at least 95% accurate when I say that they are the same (of course, a program to compare the 2 would probably be nicer and more accurate, I guess).

Below is the file I wrote in the chip.


@Enab - Many laptops are like this, for some reason!?

Please redo the write/dump exactly how I outlined it. No side by side opening of programs, or two instances of anything (close after write, then re-open)
Then send me the dumped file and I will compare it for you in hex editor. The file has to be 100% exactly the same, not 95% or close etc, that would be a fail and system would not start

@Lost_N_BIOS - I see. I didn’t know that about laptops…

Anyway, ok. I already did the redo of write/dump as you have instructed before (which was how I got the .bin file). I was just describing how I did the comparison of the 2 files since I do not have a hex editor.

But just in case, I did it again - redo of write/dump as outlined before.

Below is the saved .bin file.


@Enab - Thanks. That’s 100% match to the fixed file I sent you, so writing is working perfectly. This leaves only messed up ME FW, or EC FW on other chip.
Here is next BIOS to try with cleaned updated ME FW, if this fails then you’ll have to find the EC FW chip, dump it, and check vs some other stock EC FW (if I can find, or if it’s in stock BIOS package etc) If it’s on a chip that is not SOIC8 then it may be impossible to fix
**** On pause, while I ask plutomaniac for latest PCHC CMP FW to merge into ME FW, sorry, but I want to be sure all is latest and everything is clean/stock in there as much as we can.

I can’t pull complete ME FW from stock BIOS to use vs making a cleaned one from your dump because the stock BIOS package you linked me to is not for this model I’m not sure what that’s for, BIOS structure is totally 100% different, looks nothing like your BIOS at all.
That stock package has differnet BIOS ID/Tag, version layout, and says it’s for “S2 Air Series PF4NU1F / RENOIR” vs your original dump is from "Z2 Air-S Series GK5MP5X / CML"
I think you maybe downloaded wrong package, or possibly they have wrong package linked at the download page for your system?
Can you check again, and redownload to confirm, or link me to the download area so I can see what’s going on

@Lost_N_BIOS - That is a sad realization that it may have to be brought back to the manufacturer just to have it fixed if I fail to get it to run. On that note, I have asked them now for a copy of the BIOS because I realized from what you said that the 2 BIOS are for different models. I am less hopeful that they would give me that from what I have been reading about Tongfang but I still asked for it just in case. Regarding the BIOS that I sent you, well I double-checked it, and true enough, the one I sent you that I thought was the BIOS for the laptop was for another model (S2 Air), and not for the model of my laptop, which is Z2 Air-S. So since I made that mistake and it is wrong, then I don’t think there’s no need to do anything there, as there are no BIOS available for download for the model of my laptop at http://www.mechrevo.com/plus/search.php?..eyword=z2+air+s (I just use google translate for my chrome browser).

While reading this thread, I read a user named shtooka who did the same as me and tinkered with his memory timings. The picture of his board looks similar to mine but I read it was a different board (GK5CN6Z) with a different BIOS. But in the end, you guys made it run, so I’m hopeful we could at least make my laptop go and run again. Just like him, I also am disappointed in having bricked our computers just because we adjusted our memory timings. It’s become such a hassle.

@Enab - Yes, sorry to say, it could come to that since BIOS fix isn’t fixing it.
Hopefully they send you stock BIOS package, but we should not need, I only looked at what you sent to see if stock ME FW was in that files BIOS (due to ME FW update concern I had, but that would be answered/solved by plutomaniac anyway once he got back in) But, would be great to see the FD, in case yours is corrupted!

What you can try, which not sure if you have yet or not, is to remove all HDD/SSD, and ALL Memory, then start the system, let it run/attempt to run for a minute or so.
Then shut down and put back in a single stick of memory only, then try to start again. Sometimes this will clear CMOS and or load fail-safe defaults

So, shtooka did same, and I helped him fix via BIOS? If yes, then maybe it’s not an EC FW issue, and once I send you a few more BIOS we’ll get it sorted out
Please link me to those posts, or tell me the post # - From his folder, it looks like I just did the same I did for you above, but redid some NVRAM stuff too, so maybe just tried to leave his BIOS as-is and reset NVRAM only at first.
What I did for you in fix 1 BIOS, would have done all that anyway, I made BIOS for you which was in full = to what I sent you that you first flashed to unlock it, other than the FD and ME FW that was in your dump, and that’s why I’m thinking maybe ME FW got corrupted and is causing a failure to boot, because it should otherwise be “square 1” unlock BIOS
Here, let’s confirm, this is your 100% stock BIOS region, first FPT dump + your FD/ME from current chip dump (if it fails to start, then FD or ME FW issue, or EC FW). As soon as I am 100% sure on question I had to ask about some parts of your ME FW, I will make you BIOS with that cleaned/updated to see if that will resolve the issue.

Actually, I went ahead with ME FW stuff for now, please test in the following order (always erase and blank check, etc… same process each time when you do an a program in of file )
1. whatwasreadbyprogrammer-Fixed1MEFW << This is what I sent you initially to fix, with unlocked menu, + now Cleaned/Updated ME FW
2. whatwasreadbyprogrammer-Fixed2OGRNN << This is your chip dumped FD/ME (as-is, like it was in fix1 previously) + your original FTP BIOS region dump with locked menu
3. whatwasreadbyprogrammer-Fixed2OGRNNMEFW << This is same as #2 but with clean/Updated ME FW


@Enab - wait! Do not use above files until I redo, I should have waited on the ME FW thing I was asking about, plutomaniac just sorted it out for me and I picked wrong thing for your BIOS (may cause future ME FW update issues) But, it will work/boot etc, and we can fix later, if you’ve already flashed and got it booting.
For now, I am redoing package, if you have not programmed anything yet, toss those files out and wait for edit

* Edit - Here is proper files to use >> https://ufile.io/wt1lcykx
1. whatwasreadbyprogrammer-Fixed1MEFW2 << This is what I sent you initially to fix, with unlocked menu, + now Cleaned/Updated ME FW
2. whatwasreadbyprogrammer-Fixed2OGRNN << This is your chip dumped FD/ME (as-is, like it was in fix1 previously) + your original FTP BIOS region dump with locked menu
3. whatwasreadbyprogrammer-Fixed2OGRNNMEFW2 << This is same as #2 but with clean/Updated ME FW

@Lost_N_BIOS - I did all as you have said. From removing all memory and SSD then trying to start with only 1 stick of memory, etc. - it did not work.

Then I tried all 3 files that you sent (the corrected ones), 1-by-1, in order, and still, none worked. I have even redone everything to make sure I have erased it and blank checked it before programming in a new file then verifying it before trying it out - still, none worked. It is truly exasperating.

Oh, the time shtooka mentioned that he had his computer running in this thread was at #396. But in #387 he mentioned he had a different BIOS for his model computer. I didn’t even think that was possible. But if it is running, then I guess that is all that matters. I suppose he just built up the serial and everything from there. But for my computer, I have no idea. Is there still a way for this to be rectified?

@Enab - Sorry to hear!! Sounds like possibly EC FW is messed up then, or maybe your FD got corrupted and that’s been carried over into all BIOS I’ve made you. Hopefully they send you stock BIOS to try soon.
Yes, all these systems discussed in this thread, that are Tongfang based, you can usually use some other brands BIOS, as long as it has same Tongfang model.
But, in those cases, users are usually in running state, so they can reflash stock BIOS and EC FW at same time (needs to match, usually sent out in sets)
These compatible systems all usually have same graphics card as well, kind of a must. Your system’s Tonfgang model is GK5MRFX.
I searched all my BIOS stock and user dumped folders and do not find any with same model, but you may find some in Google. * Edit, I tried, no luck Hopefully they will send you stock BIOS+EC package soon!

Did you try the 10 times booting shootka mentioned at 398? I read through all the posts in that area, and I see as I thought while looking at his folder, we just rebuild his BIOS in a few ways like I’ve done for you, except we focused more on resetting NVRAM at first.
In your case, all that was done instantly by the BIOS I sent you all with pre-issue NVRAM due to all have BIOS region from before issue (original FPT dump, or original unlock made from that, which you already confirmed booting)

Hi @Lost_N_BIOS , hope you’re doing well.

I have a PC Specialist Recoil III RTX (GK7CP0S) i7 9750h and RTX 2060. I was wondering if you could assist me with an unlocked BIOS? I am new to this and I do not know what the benefits are. Would this allow me to unlock my RTX 2060 to 115W? Or boost the CPU power limit?

I believe it is a 1.55 BIOS. I have attached the files that I have flashed from the vendor.

PCS - 1535243.zip (5.41 MB)

@dinamo_909 - CPU power limit maybe, if EC FW is not controlling that. Please send me images of your BIOS advanced page top to bottom + one of Boot page too, put all this in a single zip (images + file from below)
Then do as you see in spoiler and let me know what error if any you get at step #2. I suggest you reset to default any changes you made with throttlestop and or XTU, then uninstall them, if you plan to make similar/same changes in BIOS

If you have already modified the BIOS in ANY way, you will need to re-flash it back to factory defaults using factory method (NOT FPT)!!!
Additionally, please remove all BIOS passwords, disable secure boot, and disable TPM or Encryption if you have enabled. Do this before moving on to below

If you do not have Intel ME drivers installed, install them now from your system driver download page, then start over here after reboot.
Check your BIOS’ main page and see if ME FW version is shown. If not then > DOWNLOAD HWINFO64 HERE <

Once HWINFO is open, look at the large window on the left side, expand motherboard, and find the ME area.
Inside that section is the ME Firmware version. Take note of the version. (ie. write it down or get a screenshot)

Once you have that, go to the thread linked below, and in the section “C.2” find and download the matching ME System Tools Package for your system.
(ie if ME FW version = 10.x get V10 package, if 9.0-9.1 get V9.1 package, if 9.5 or above get V9.5 package etc)
> DOWNLOAD " ME System Tools " packages HERE <

Once downloaded, inside you will find Flash Programming Tool folder, and then inside that a Windows or Win/Win32 folder (NOT x64).
Highlight that Win/Win32 folder, then hold shift and press right click. Choose “open command window here” (Not power shell! >> * See Registry file below *).

If you get an error, reply to this post with a screenshot of it, OR write down the EXACT command entered and the EXACT error given.

((If “open command window here” does not appear, look for the “Simple Registry Edit” below…))

Step #1

Now you should be at the command prompt.
You are going to BACKUP the factory un-modified firmware, so type the following command:
Command: " FPTw.exe -bios -d biosreg.bin "

>> Attach the saved "biosreg.bin ", placed into a compressed ZIP/RAR file, to your next post!!! <<

Step #2

Right after you do that, try to write back the BIOS Region dump and see if you get any error(s).
Command: " FPTw.exe -bios -f biosreg.bin "
^^ This step is important! Don’t forget! ^^

If you get an error, reply to this post with a screenshot of it, OR write down the EXACT command entered and the EXACT error given.

Here is a SIMPLE REGISTRY EDIT that adds “Open command window here as Administrator” to the right click menu, instead of Power Shell
Double-click downloaded file to install. Reboot after install may be required

If the windows method above does NOT work for you…
Then you may have to copy all contents from the Flash Programming Tool \ DOS folder to the root of a Bootable USB disk and do the dump from DOS
( DOS command: " FPT.exe -bios -d biosreg.bin " )

Thanks @Lost_N_BIOS. Please see the attached ZIP.

ME: v12.0.20.1307
Small error on step 2: "GbE Region does not exist" (Attached screenshot)

Also, anyway to unlock the RTX 2060, or get the Eluktroboost feature?

DUMP (2).zip (5.13 MB)

@dinamo_909 - Sorry, I forgot to mention, at the Light Effect option on Advanced, what is first and last choice?
GbE error is normal, looks like you do not need to do anything else to flash in mod BIOS, already unlocked

Sorry, I know nothing about Nvidia cards, only that you can’t edit their vBIOS on modern models like that due to Nvidia blocking this via signature checks and signed certificates now.
Not sure on Eluktroboost, if that is something that relates to this and you see others using, then you can try and see if it works on your system.