Yes, that is what I have written.
Hi Fernando,
i have some troubles modifying my Win10 Image.
The unchanged Image boots / installs fine.
But as soon as i change something with NTlite, i get an immediate bluescreen just before the Windos Installation ( during boot from USB Installation Stick).
It even get a Bluescreen when i dont add the 11.2 driver, but only delete the newer drivers.
I did the modifications to install.wim and boot.wim
Most of the time, the bluescreen names the driver iAStor.sys (even if the 11.2 driver was not integrated, and the only the newer drivers were deleted).
No spaces or crazy letters in the folder structure.
I used Ntlite on 2 different PCs - no difference.
Do you have any more input or suggestions?
edit: RAID mode is enabled in BIOS.
I did not integrate the 11.2 for testing purposes and i thought i could add the driver during the installation (like back in the days).
as soon as i change the image with NTlite i get a BSOD during installation boot.
@domi1711 :
Since I have done it very often successfully, I suspect, that you have done a mistake while customizing the Win10 image by using NTLite.
Most important:
1. Donāt try to use more than 1 NTLite option at once. Do just what I have written (removal of the not wanted in-box Intel RAID driver and integration of the desired Intel RAID driver).
2. Donāt use any of your personal folders (C:\Users\xxxx) for your work with NTLite.
Hi Fernando,
I am at it again right now.
I used a folder on my C drive before (c/ntlite), now i created a new partition exclusivley for ntlite. I am also trying your modded+signed drivers.
Wish me luck
The image i use is from the Windows Media creation Tool. By default it comes with an install.esd instead of an install.wim. NTlite converts the .esd file to a .wim file upon first mounting of the image. Could that be the cause for my troubles?
This is ok, but not any subfolder of the C:\Users directory.
That will not work, because you are not able to import the Certificate unless you have completed the OS installation.
I donāt know, but I always prefer to use a "normal" ISO image with an install.wim as source.
Thanks for your input!
Where can i get a normal ISO with the latest updates and patches? The last image was built on February 13th, i can only find it with the .esd filesā¦
Do you have a source?
You should search for it yourself.
Furthermore it bis possible to create a "normal" ISO image with install.wim from an install.esd file by using a suitable decrypter.
Hi Fernando,
Iām slowly running out of ideas.
I tried an image from Microsoft Tech Bench (comes natively with .wim instead of .esd) -again a bluescreen
I tried to decrypt the .esd and made it a .wim - bluescreen again
I changed the language of NTLite to english
I moved the temp folder of NTlite away from the personal folders
I downloaded the 11.2 RST drivers again and made sure its the 64 bit Version
I tried 3 different Bios Versions with different OROMs
I tried different USB Sticks
I tried USB 2 and USB 3 Ports
I ran all applications with admin rights
I just dont know whats the problemā¦
Then i even got confused by your guide: compare the drivers you removed from your install.wim and from your boot.wim. They are not the same on the pictures although they should be (acc. to the text).
Nevertheless i removed both intel Storage controller drivers - BSOD again.
As soon as I switch to to AHCI in Bios, it works. But the Installer Image cant boot when RAID is on.
Can it be because a have a raid of 3 SSDs and another ānon Raidā Disk?
The Bluescreens always say that iaStor.Sys is the cause.
What else could i try?
What am I doing wrong?
Did you get the 11.2 RST drivers to run with Win10 in RAID?
DO you have an alternative source for the 11.2 drivers?
Thansk in advance!
edit: if I enable CSM in Bios,suddenly the installer loads fine!
Why is that? Why doesnt it work in pure UEFI mode?
I cannot see a difference regarding the driver I have removed from the install.wim and from the boot.wim. Which differences do you see?
No, but during the OS installation only the system drive should be connected to the mainboard.
No, I used the same WHQL certified driver as you did.
You cannot boot in "clean" UEFI mode (CSM disabled), because there is no appropriate Intel EFI RaidDriver within your mainboard BIOS, which is able to manage your "classical" Intel RST RAID array. The first Intel EFI RaidDriver module, which has been released by Intel, was v11.6.0.1702 and belongs already to the RST(e) development platform (containing an additional SCSI filter driver named iaStorF.sys). There is no Intel EFI RAID module available, which belongs to the "classical" RST platform.
In step B5 you remove iastorav.inf, and instep C6 you removed iastorv.inf. It is visible in the screenshots only.
I tried Oroms from 12.0 to 13.2, they boot with CSM disabled as long as i use an untouched iso.
I will try again this afternoon.
Thank you again for your help!
Thanks for the info. You are right - I obviously made a mistake, when I took the screenshots for the Chapter C ("Customizing the BOOT.WIM"). As soon as I am back home, I will replace the related screenshots.
The correct INF file, which has to be removed from both Win10 WIM files, is the iastorav.inf. The other Win10 in-box INF file named iastorv.inf belongs to the old Intel MSM driver v8.6.2.1025 and neither supports nor affects Intel RAID systems from ICH8R up (the related HardwareIDs are missing there).
This is just a minor mistake, I only noticed it because i was analyzing every step 100% to find out what I did wrong.
Please tell me if i got this right:
It is not possible to install/use Windows 8/10 in full UEFI mode (CSM diabled) with the classic RST driver 11.2, because the 11.2 driver cannot communicate with the EFI Bios driver, even if it is newer than 11.6 (i only have access to OROMs/EFi drivers from 12.0 and up).
So if i want a full UEFI Install, i have no possibility to use the "best" Raid Driver for me (RST 11.2).
Or could you get the RST 11.2 to run with CSM disabled?
Best regards,
@domi1711 :
Hello Dominik,
I do not know the answers, because this would need a lot of additional tests.
As you can read >here<, I have done the related tests with 2 different RAID0 systems (Z68 and Z97) and the results were quite different:
Test result with my Z68 RAID0 system:
After having replaced the in-box Intel RAID driver v13.2.0.1022 by the v11.2.0.1006 WHQL according my guide layed down within the start post it was no problem to get Win10 x64 freshly installed in UEFI mode onto this Intel 6-Series system. This way I got extremely good benchmark results (much better than with any other RAID driver).
Note: The BIOS of my Z68 mainboard doesnāt offer the option to completely disable CSM, but this was not a disadvantage for me, because I wanted the CSM mode to get the best matching Intel RAID ROM module v11.2.0.1527 working in combination with the RAID driver. Before I started the test, I had inserted the desired Intel RAID ROM v11.2.0.1527 into the mainboard BIOS. -
Test result with my Z97 RAID0 system:
As I have written within the linked post, I was not even able to get Win10 x64 properly installed onto the RAID0 array, although the Intel RAID driver v11.2.0.1006 had been successfully integrated into the OS image (I used the same OS image as with the Z68 system) and had integrated the identical Intel RAID ROM v11.2.0.1527 into the BIOS.
Later on I found out the reason for the failure: ASRock, the manufacturer of my mainboard, obviously had implemented into the BIOS a mechanism, that made it impossible to get any Intel RST RAID ROM or EFI RaidDriver from the v11 line loaded.
Questions to you:
1. Which mainboard with which Intel chipset do you use? You may have written it already somewhere, but I donāt have the intention to re-read all your posts. (What about a Signature???)
2. Why do you insist to get Win10 installed in ācleanā UEFI mode (CSM disabled)? The only noticeable difference to the CSM mode is the shortened boot time. On the other hand the CSM mode offers the option to use the best possible Intel RAID driver/OROM combination.
Thanks for these instructions, I had been trying to upgrade from Windows 7 to 10 on an Asus P6T with RAID turned on. Unfortunately I kept getting 0xC1900101 - 0x20017, The installation failed in the SAFE_OS phase with an error during BOOT operation. Unsure why this was happening, as I made sure to add them to Microsoft Windows Setup (x64) in the boot.wim and the Windows 10 Pro in the install.wim. This happened with the drivers downloaded from Intel and the universal v11.2.0.1006 drivers from here. Fortunately while my boot disk was plugged into one of the SATA ports configured for RAID it was not in any RAID array so I was able to work around the problem - after a few false starts, the rough series of steps was:
- Switched everything off and unplugged the RAIDed disks
- Turned on the computer. In the BIOS, set Storage Configuration->Configure SATA as to [IDE] and continued to boot
- Using the dvd created by following your steps, started the Windows 10 upgrade
Upgrade went fine but now I wanted to get the RAID disks running again with the RST program. Had a bit of a catch 22 - I couldnāt install RST while the SATA was set to RAID, and the system wouldnāt boot without the drivers. In the end I plugged the boot disk into the external SATA port and set SATA back to RAID. Then installed RST and, both gave me errors (your universal v11.2.0.1006 drivers worked but still wanted the RST program). The drivers worked but the install program is hard-coded to look for .NET 4.5 and .NET 4.6 is included in Windows 10 already so you canāt install 4.5. Since the RST installer just performs a registry check you can fake it:
- open regedit, navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v4\Client. Take note of the value for Version - on my machine this was 4.6.01038. Right-click to open Permissionsā¦.
- In the permissions dialog, open Advanced, then set myself to the owner. Closed Advanced but left the Permissions dialog open.
- Added a new user (myself) with Full Control permissions and pressed OK
- Still in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v4\Client, modified the Version value to 4.5.
- Performed all the above steps again for HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v4\Full
- Ran the installer for RST
- Changed the registry .NET Version values back to 4.6.01038
- Removed my permissions and set the owner back to TrustedInstaller
- Shut down, plugged the RAID disks back in and plugged the boot disk back into the internal port
- Booted up again and all good
As I said, had a few false starts and extra steps while I figured things out. Now running Windows 10 with RST on an Asus P6T. Thanks again for the instructions, while they didnāt completely work for me, they gave me enough pointers to get it all going

@Taufiq :
Welcome at Win-RAID Forum and thanks for your interesting report.
The integration of the Intel RAID driver v14.8.0.1042 didnāt work for your old Intel chipset system, because the latest Intel RST(e) RAID drivers do not fully support the Intel ICH10R SATA RAID Controllers (due to their internal DeviceID). The failure with the mod+signed variant of the Intel RST RAID driver was caused by the fact, that modded drivers are generally not accepted by the Windows OS Setup, not even those, who have gotten later on a digital signature.
- Have you tried
- a) to uninstall the Intel RST Software from within the Control Panel
and maybe additionally - b) to unplug the HDDs, which were not members of a RAID array,
I am pretty sure, that you would have been able to get Win10 installed without any problem. - a) to uninstall the Intel RST Software from within the Control Panel
- Why did you try to install Intel RST(e) driver v14.8.0.1042 and why are you running now v13.6.0.1002, which both do not fully support your on-board Intel SATA RAID Controller?
The by far best Intel RAID driver for your Intel ICH10R RAID Controller would have been the Intel RST v11.2.0.1006 WHQL.
Dieter (alias Fernando)
Ah I see. This is something I generally only do once every few years so I am somewhat ignorant of the subject unfortunately. There are probably a lot of things that came up in the process that you can put down to user error
a) Yes, I did uninstall the Intel RST software beforehand
b) Could be, though I still needed my boot disk to be plugged in itās certainly possible that simply removing it from the RAID controlled ports would have worked. Unfortunately I donāt remember whether I tried that before switching off RAID.
Not sure where I got the idea that v14.8.0.1042 would support my controllers, though I thought I had them running on Windows 7 and was probably of the (incorrect) mindset that I needed the latest. I installed v13.6.0.1002 after reading that someone else had been able to run those drivers with the P6T, though Iāve since re-read the readmes for each of the drivers and can see that only the earlier ones explicitly specify ICH10R support. I think itās only now that Iāve gone through the process that I have a better understanding of things.
EDIT by Fernando: Unneeded parts of the quoted text and blank lines removed (to save space and to improve the readability)
I canāt remove iaStorAV.inf, it says Locked by compatibility, I think my current Windows 7 install is interfering with the new image.
Which OS Image are you going to customize and who says "Locked by compatibility"?
If should have problems to remove the in-box Intel RAID driver from the "Anniversary Update" of Windows 10 by using the latest version of NTLite, I will test it myself and contact Nuhi if required.
Using the latest version, 10.0.14393 (Anniversary Update). But I found a solution, you can disable compatibility for the host machine by pressing the compatibility icon on the toolbar.
Where is the "toolbar" and to which program does it belong?
Is it a feature of NTLite?