[Guide] Integration of Intels AHCI/RAID drivers into a WinXP/W2k3/W2k CD

Hi Fernando,
driver is from Universal 32bit Intel RST AHCI+RAID driver v11.2.0.1006 mod+signed by Fernando

iaAHCI_200 = "Intel(R) SATA AHCI Controller DEV_A282 added by Fernando"

This DEV_A282 I found in my Win 7 installation. Very strange is that I note,
that this number changed in Win 8???
The problem with blue screen 0x050 setupdd.sys direct before reboot after XP installation I have also
on my iaAHCI_ICH10R = "Intel(R) SATA AHCI Controller DEV_3A22"
compi. May be this error depends on the whole size of the Harddisk, I have 2 TB,
have a nice day

PS: I modded AHCI driver also by myself. Always with the 2 TB harddisk I get blue screen 0x050 setupdd.sys on 2 different computers.

Which number changed? Provided, that you haven’t chosen another IDE mode setting within the BIOS, the DeviceID of the in-use Intel SATA Controller will always be the same, no matter which OS you are using.

@diderius6 :
Since you problems and reports matches much better the Sub-Forum “Special: Windows XP/W2k/W2k3” and may be interesting for other users, who try to get Windows XP running on a modern PC system, I have moved our discussion into this thread (hoping, that this is ok for you).

Hi all,
I got in qemu the same error page_fault_in_nonpaged_area stop: 0x00000050 setupdd.sys.
The AHCI driver is not correct installed. This belongs not only to the Apex motherboard.
I also cant install AHCI driver with this method on my old compi with ICH10-R Sata.
So I think, integrating sata drivers went wrong via Winbuilder. nlite also does not work for me.
I look at the harddisk what happens during install.
The drivers are on the harddisk, but in the folder "driver", the txtsetup.oem is empty.
On the Winbuilder CD with the integrated Sata drivers is the same folder named $OEM$ and in its subsub folder is a new folder kdrv0, which contains the Sata driver with *.sys and *.inf and also filled txtsetup.oem.
Now I make a try with qemu, to install the sata driver,
have a nice day

@diderius6 :
Since your problem has much more to do with the topic of this thread than with the topic “Recommended Drivers”, I have moved your post again into this thread.

This indicates a Memory issue and not a driver problem. Look >here<.
Please check your memory modules and reduce the total memory size (preferably to 2GB) before you start with the XP installation.

Exactly this is what I recommend to do. For the related guide I gave you already the link.

I made one before using the drivers from driverPacks [http://driverpacks.net/downloads], but they only have company drivers upto september 2012

@789 :
The mod+signed Intel RST driver v11.2.0.1006 will work. I have tested it myself with my Intel Z97 and Z170 chipset systems.


made several attempts, the result was blue screen every time

That should have been no surprise for you, because you used a wrong driver, which doesn’t match the HardwareIDs of your on-board Intel SATA Controller.
DEV_8C01 is the DeviceID of an Intel SATA Controller, which is running in “IDE” mode!
I told you already, that the mod+signed Intel RST AHCI driver v11.2.0.1006 only is usable, when the on-board Intel SATA Controller has been set to “AHCI” mode within the BIOS before you started with the OS installation.
As long as your Intel SATA Controller is running in “IDE” mode, you will not be able to get any Intel AHCI driver successfully installed and working.

I made 5 .isos and 5 cds, everyone had your iaStor in it, everyone stopped at blue screen

Since our recent discussion has much more to do with the topic of this thread than with the topic “Modded Intel AHCI and RAID drivers”, I have moved our recent posts here.

Why did you make 5 ISOs/CDs? Which were the differences?
Did you use a “clean” (= untouched) original XP CD with integrated SP2 or SP3 as source?
What did you integrate besides the Intel AHCI driver and the support of your special Intel SATA AHCI Controller?
Has the Intel SATA Controller been set to “AHCI” before you started with the installation?
Which has been the exact error message, when you got the BSOD?

Hi! I’m trying to install WinXP onto HP 250 G5 with VEN_8086&DEV_22A3 by integrating the driver from your package in the start post into the CD image, but with no luck: the installer finishes loading files, shows the screen where one has to press either Enter or F3 (even before media partitioning), the screen holds for a while and then the notebook shuts down completely (not BSoD or reboot).

What would you recommend? Can you share the new version you are talking about for a test-drive?


EDIT by Fernando: Unneeded parts of the fully quoted post removed (to save space)

@Dmitry :
Welcome to the Win-RAID Forum!

How did you integrate the driver? Did you follow >this< guide?
Which driver and which Intel SATA Controller have you integrated?
Which installation medium did you use (USB/CD)?
Did you choose the matching ACPI settings by hitting F5 or F7 when prompted to hit F6?

The latest variants of the mod+signed 32/64bit Intel RST(e) drivers v13.44.0.1026 are available since 13th November within the start post of this thread.

Dieter (alias Fernando)

I made five cds just to make sure.
Along with adding the AHCI driver, I added driver for ethernet card
Before booting I set BIOS to AHCI, got blue screens
Then, just for the fun of it, switched BIOS to ATA and installed; the ethernet drivers installed fine
I think the iaStor.sys you recommended is not for Dell Latitude E6540.
(yes, i copied the contents of an HP factory CD, added sp3 to it, then applied nLite and the two drivers)

Thinkpad T61 and T500: I installed XP in “compatible” mode, then (still in campatibility mode) installed iaStor.sys provided by Intel, then rebooted in compatibility mode, and there it was listed and working properly; then rebooted and set bios to AHCI and it still worked fine.

in any case, I don’t see any difference between ATA and AHCI mode, i am just doing it because Bill Gates says we shouldn’t

@789 :
Thanks for your report.

Which error message did you get?
That is very important, because it indicates, what was going wrong.

1. Which “iaStor.sys provided by Intel” version did you install?
2. Which are the names of the Controllers, which are listed within the “IDE ATA/ATAPI Controllers” section of the Device Manager?


Well, yes, sort of. I integrated it just as described in the guide. But after reading your post and the installation recommendations I decided to give it another try with F5/F7 this time. And could get a bit further. So let me speak about my latest attempt.

I integrated the driver as described in the guide. The one titled “Universal Intel RST Drivers+Software Set v11.2.0.1006 mod+signed by Fernando”. I’m installing 32-bit WinXP SP3, so I chose the Drivers\x32\ folder in nLite. The installation media was CD.

Now, speaking about F5/F7. Pressing F5 actually let me go further. With a few problems on my way.

(1) In the menu shown after pressing F5 I had only 2 options: “Standard C-Step i486” and “Other”. Since “Other” meant custom installation media from manufacturer, I had to choose the only available.
(2) XP installer managed to copy installation files to HDD, and tried to reboot, but couldn’t and just got stuck.
(3) I made sure there was no HDD activity and turned the notebook manually by pressing power button. Then turned it on again and skipped booting from CD. The second step of XP installer successfully started from HDD and worked as expected until reboot. Which failed again: notebook just got stuck again.
(4) I rebooted it manually again and let it boot from HDD. Now I got a message saying that pci.sys was missing.
(5) I rebooted the notebook from CD and used its Recovery Console to EXPAND the file from the disc. Then tried to boot from HDD again. The same message showed up, this time about isaphp.sys file.
(6) I googled a bit, found a few more missing files and EXPANDed them from CD. Trying to boot from HDD again I saw the same message saying that ntfs.sys was missing.
(7) I tried to restart the installation from CD, both as a fresh install and in recovery mode but with little to no success. Rebooting after recovery installation made the 2nd stage XP installer start with message saying that asms was missing asking to choose its location on the CD, but neither mouse nor keyboard were functioning.

Is it possible that the “Standard C-Step i486” makes XP installer skip PCI and ISA drivers and fail to load with mouse and keyboard support?

Thanks for your support.

EDIT by Fernando: Unneeded parts of the fully quoted post removed (to save space)

@Dmitry :
Thanks for your report.
Since your problem has nothing to do with my modded drivers, but with the fact, that Windows XP knows nothing about the environment, where you are trying to install it, I have moved our discussion into this better matching thread.

The main problem is the missing ACPI compatibiity.
Why haven’t you tried the other F5 option and - if that failed as well - the F7 options?

Intel ich8m ultra ATA storage controllers 2850
diver version:

Intel ich8m-e/m sata ahci controller
iaStor.sys provider: Intel Corporation, version

it came in a self-extracting package, good for T61 and T500, manifest says:

FILEVERSION 4,0,100,1124
BLOCK “StringFileInfo”
BLOCK “000004b0”
VALUE “Comments”, “This installation was built with Inno Setup.”
VALUE “CompanyName”, "Lenovo Group Limited "
VALUE “FileDescription”, " "
VALUE “FileVersion”, “ (6IIM10WW”
VALUE “LegalCopyright”, "Copyright (C) Lenovo 2009. "
VALUE “ProductName”, “Intel Matrix Storage Manager driver for Windows XP/Vista 32b”
VALUE “ProductVersion”, “ (6IIM10WW”
BLOCK “VarFileInfo”
VALUE “Translation”, 0x0, 1200

the package has an install.cmd, too

EDIT by Fernando: Inserted the details into a “spoiler” (to save space)

’Cause the “Other” F5 option asked for a manufacturer supplied installation media which I didn’t have. As for F7, it didn’t seem to do anything. (Well, it seemed like I could avoid my original problem (power off following driver loading) once or twice by pressing F7, but since it didn’t result in any visible dialogs I can’t say it for sure.) And before you ask: the only BIOS option related to compatibility and protocols used by hardware for this notebook is CSM with only “Enabled” (my choice) and “Disabled” options.

I understand my problem is no longer relevant to your driver pack, but maybe you have some ideas that would let me solve my problem. Anyway, thanks for trying to help.

EDIT by Fernando: Unneeded part of the fully quoted post removed (to save space)