[Guide] Integration of Intels AHCI/RAID drivers into a WinXP/W2k3/W2k CD

@ymg :
Regarding the ACPI issue I cannot help you, but the 0x0000007B BSOD indicates, that there may be a wrong or additionally integrated textmode driver within your bootable XP image.
1. Where comes your source XP image comes from? Are you sure, that it has been an original (untouched) Microsoft XP SP2 or SP3 image? Is there a file name WINNT.SIF within the i386 folder of the source CD?
2. Did you really integrate just the listed “Intel(R) Bay Trail SATA AHCI Controller DEV_0F23”, when you integrated the Intel AHCI driver into the XP image by using nLite?

I downloaded the ISO from Google drive. I do have other Windows XP ISO files but I haven’t tried on the other ones.

It does have WINNT.SIF:

I did only integrate Intel(R) Bay Trail SATA AHCI Controller DEV_0F23 using nLite

@ymg :
The presence of the file WINNT.SIF is the proof, that the used source XP image has already been processed before.
Only users with a legally purchased original OS image get support within this Forum.

Alright, thanks for the help so far. I did manage to fix the problem. I realised I was trying to install a 32 bit operating system on a 64 bit machine. It seems I can’t do that with Windows XP.

That is not true. You can install a 32bit OS onto every 64bit capable machine.

That is not true. You can install a 32bit OS onto every 64bit capable machine.

Fernando, you forgot one important thing - so long as said machine have the IDE option for the SATA ports(under BIOS) or else XP won’t install; like I’ve found out myself unless you’ve slipstreamed those RAID/ACHI drivers onto the install disc in which case it should work but since XP wasn’t counting on newer systems, this may or may not work, just like for me. If said system doesn’t have IDE option and only ACHI/RAID, well then you’re gonna either have to slipstream it and hope that works, use a FDD for F6 install and hope that works or just give up…

Here, check how I went through to get XP x64 Pro installed(would be similar for 32-bit XP as well): [Solved] Problems to get XP x64 installed onto an Intel X79 system -> Used to be apart of this thread but Fernando moved it into its own thread. :smiling_face:

Fernando, you forgot one important thing - so long as said machine have the IDE option for the SATA ports(under BIOS) or else XP won’t install

To be honest, I don’t understand what you mean. What has your reply to do with the quoted text?

Users with a modern Intel chipset system have at least 2 options to get Windows XP (32bit or 64bit) installed and running in AHCI mode:
a) Requires more time, but is the safer option:
The appropriate driver inclusive the support of the specific Intel SATA AHCI Controller has to be slipstreamed into the XP image according >this< guide.
b) Easier, but much riskier option:
XP x86 resp. XP x64 can be installed in IDE mode (requires such BIOS setting option) by using the original OS image. Once the OS is up and running, the SATA mode has to be switched to “AHCI” according >this< guide.

If in BIOS there is no IDE option for the SATA ports, then you can’t install XP, unless the motherboard manufacturer comes with ACHI/RAID drivers that work for XP.

With a), you’ll have to try your luck as I wasn’t able to install it with those AHCI drivers slipstreamed, so had to install in IDE mode and then install those ACHI drivers via Device Manager and then switch the SATA port type to ACHI of course in BIOS or else it will BSOD.

For b), well that’s the thing, when newer and newer tech comes out, they will forgo older tech and connections. Take for example the PATA connection, I had a few PATA CD/DVD/HDDs/FDD I was willing to recycle but since they don’t have them…and soon IDE option will disappear from the BIOS too which means you won’t be able to install XP on any newer systems…unless of course you can manage to hack/mod the drivers(or there are still working compatible drivers for XP, but I wouldn’t count that by the time 10 becomes mainstream or old news) so you get IDE equivalent working under XP or hack the ACHI/RAID drivers for win10(say when win10 is the oldest windows os in use (in 2030 or something) just like XP is now(there’s actually a recent pie graph of the various OSs people still currently use, and they ranged from windows 98(yes there was like about 0.01% of the population they surveyed that was still using windows 98 at this day and age), to win10 along side MAC OS and Linux/Ubunto and all those - XP had like 10% of the share, whilst 7 still had 45% or so and win10 15% or so; I also forget the site this was on but I remember those basic stats Though I’m not sure how many people they surveyed…) or something so that they work for XP as well somehow…

EDIT by Fernando: Unneeded part of the fully quoted post and blank lines removed (to save space)

That is simply not true, because the required AHCI/RAID drivers are available (maybe the related INF file has to be customized).

Then you have either used a previously customized OS image as source or you have done something wrong while slipstreaming the AHCI driver.

That is simply not true, because the required AHCI/RAID drivers are available (maybe the related INF file has to be customized).

No, I’m saying hypothetically(as an example), and not suggesting my case with the Rampage IV Extreme board which obviously has a switch for IDE mode and ACHI/RAID.

Then you have either used a previously customized OS image as source or you have done something wrong while slipstreaming the AHCI driver.

The image I have is the official untouched(or at least I think it’s untouched) Microsoft windows XP x64 Pro disc with Service Pack 1(I got it from DreamSparks since I was a student at the time for free so effectively I have a genuine copy of said OS - no pirating here! :P). All I have done is integrate Service Pack 2 and the post updates after that(including some of the newer 2k3 ones which applies for XP x64(as apparently it was built from 2k3) as well but weren’t released for it, because support for it was stopped) since there is no Service Pack 3 for x64 XP with nLite. And I have not done anything wrong with slipstreaming the ACHI driver via nLite, as followed the correct procedure…

Please let us know, which error message you got, when you tried to get XP x64 installed this way.
Have you ever tried to integrate just the mod+signed 64bit Intel AHCI driver v11.2.0.1006, which I am offering within the start post of this thread, and to integrate only the support of the listed “Intel(R) SATA AHCI Controller DEV_1D02 added by Fernando”?

Hi, i have an asus laptop X551M and been trying to install windows xp on it for now 1 month with no luck, i beliebe it is bailtrail system,
but something different occurs me,when i go to bios and set IDE MODE the dvd drive wont be read and i cant boot from the cd, so i guess if i can get dvd drive to be detected in ide mode i can maybe install windows xp on it, thanks

btw the hard drive is read in ide mode but wont boot actual os which is win 10 it gives me some error

@ocarela :
Welcome at Win-RAID Forum!

You may not be able to get XP installed onto an Intel BayTrail system running in AHCI mode, because none of the Intel AHCI drivers natively do support an Intel BayTrail SATA AHCI Controller.
If you want to get XP installed nevertheless, I recommend
a) to set the Intel SATA Controller to “IDE” within the BIOS and
b) to boot off an USB Flash Drive, which contains the original Windows XP SP3 image.

Dieter (alias Fernando)

Thanks for your promt replay, can you link me to a guide to make a usb flash win xp bootable and also
boot from it in this complicated assus laptop X551M?

thanks again!!

>Here< you can find at least 4 different free tools, which are able to do the job with Windows XP. I personally prefer the tool Rufus.

It should be no problem, if you run the target system drive in IDE mode.

not working, found the usb once in the bios, the first time, but it didnt boot, had an inacessible_boot_device error…
now cant find the usb in BIOS anymore

@ocarela :
You should be able to boot off an USB Flash drive.
Look into your laptop manual or ask the ASUS support.

Hi all,

I’m new here.
Please solve my problem. new laptop I bought Acer Extensa 2530-P9GB, in the BIOS I found only one option that

in is mode, AHCI mode. But I want to install Windows XP , so I found the driver mod + signed first Intel drivers

Q11.2.0.1006 (dated 05/30/2012, re-mod and signed on 10/26/2015) , but the main problem is that after

complete the second part of Windows XP, it automatically restarts with the error blue screen of death. So please

help me
it supports:. Intel Corporation 8 series SATA AHCI controller-9C03

Please Help me

error stop: 0X000000A5 (0x00000002, 0x8A422C80,0x00000001,0x8A435C08)





on Windows 8

@glaz :
Welcome at Win-RAID Forum!

The error message you got is the wellknown ACPI_BIOS_ERROR (0x000000A5) and has nothing to do with the functionality of the XP image and its integrated textmode driver (by the way: the HardwareIDs of your on-board Intel AHCI Controller are supported by my mod+signed Intel AHCI driver v11.2.0.1006).
The only way to avoid the BSOD is
1. to check the BIOS setting regarding ACPI (and maybe to change it),
2. to repeat the XP installation and to hit F5 or F7, when prompted to hit F6, (maybe you have to try both options) and
3. to choose another ACPI option.

Dieter (alias Fernando)

Tried both pressed F5 or F7, and F5 in there, tried all the options, it comes to creating the partition to install and then hangs.
What else can I try???