[Guide] Integration of Intels AHCI/RAID drivers into a WinXP/W2k3/W2k CD

Hi Fernando,

I have a slight issue when trying to import the drivers for Universal 32bit Intel RST ACHI+RAID driver v11.2.0.1006. I cannot see my chipset as I can see it in the screenshot you posted in your first post. See below what I see on my screen:

How do I get to see the driver as I see in your guide (Intel (R) 9 Series Chipset Family SATA AHCI Controller DEV_8C82 (added by Fernando))? As this is the device I see in Device Manager under IDE ATA/ATAPI controllers

As a final note - I tried adding all of them and burnt them to my DVD and tested installing and it wouldn’t work. It threw me the error you get when it has no SATA AHCI compatibility again. I appreciate your time.

Edit- I have also tried enabling IDE mode which doesn’t help. It just breaks booting into Windows 10
Second Edit - I identified the driver by seeing the DEV-8C82 even though it didn’t say 9 Series etc. However it still doesn’t work when I inject that into the bootable drive, it still throws me the SATA AHCI compatability bluescreen again.

Kind regards,

@BenVenn :
Welcome at Win-RAID Forum!

After having successfully installed Windows XP according my guide (= start post of this thread), you will see the device named “Intel (R) 9 Series Chipset Family SATA AHCI Controller DEV_8C82 (added by Fernando)” within the “IDE ATA/ATAPI Controllers” section of the Device Manager.

You should not integrate the support of all listed Intel SATA Controllers,but just the matching one. Otherwise you may get a BSOD.

Dieter (alias Fernando)


Hi Fernando, thanks for taking the time to reply.

Unfortunately XP doesn’t install due to the fact that I mount the relevant driver to my chipset and I still get the BSOD.

Yes I tried and realised that. I also tried installing various different drivers, none of which worked. From my screenshots in my last post would you be able to identify which textline driver I need to inject into my CD-ROM?

EDIT- the device ID is 8C82 (I have tried injecting this one on it’s own). Do you reckon it’s a BIOS thing?


@BenVenn :
You obviously haven’t even read the start post of this thread before asking all your questions (via PM and within the Forum).
Please re-read the chapter “Preconditions for a successful integration of the Intel S-ATA AHCI/RAID drivers”.

I don’t have the time to answer questions, which are already answered within the start post!

Unfortunately XP doesn’t install due to the fact that I mount the relevant driver to my chipset and I still get the BSOD.

If you get a 0x0007B BSOD although having integrated the correct driver (“Universal 32bit Intel RST v11.2.0.1006 mod+signed by Fernando”) and checked the correct Intel SATA AHCI Controller (DEV_8C82), you obviously haven’t used a clean (= untouched) Windows XP image as source.

It should not be a problem to find the line, where the Controller with the DeviceID DEV_8C82 is listed.

As long as you haven’t changed the SATA mode within the BIOS (it has to be set to “AHCI”), your problem is not BIOS related.
Which BSOD message did you get while trying to get XP installed?

It’s a fresh, untouched and unedited Windows XP image. I have taken a clone of my brand new Windows XP Professional 32bit CD-ROM which I purchased in the last week using nLite and have made the changes there.

I’ve checked the BIOS and the SATA mode is indeed set to AHCI, when injecting the DEV_8C82 driver into the CD-ROM I still receive the following BSOD "0x0000007B (INACCESSIBLE_BOOT_DEVICE)"

I definitively doubt it.

That’s odd. I have purchased and used the following; http://r.ebay.com/JlJh0E
Made a copy using nLite and injected the driver following your guide. Surely those are all the steps necessary to get it working?

I’ll try again tonight when I get home.

Then you have either purchased an already customized OS or you have integrated the driver into a previously processed XP image.

Thanks for your help- in the end I actually managed to get it working! Here’s what I did:

So I started from the top…
-I checked that my SSD is connected to an Intel SATA port on my Z97-K motherboard
-I made a fresh copy of my untouched Windows XP Professional 32bit CD using nLite and saved the copied files in a folder in my SSD to modify
-I downloaded the Intel RST driver v11.2.0.1006 bundle as per your first post
-I injected the 8C82 driver into my freshly copied image and burnt it to a disc
-Tested installing - failed with 0x0000007b (No HDD found BSOD)
-Checked BIOS version and flashed BIOS with newer version from ASUS
-Tested installing - success!

I had other troubles once I got into Windows, like having no network drivers and not being able to boot Windows 10 back up again. But those were sorted with a simple boot recovery USB and downloading the driver on my Win 10 and popping it into my Local XP drive.

Thanks for your suggestions Fernando, much appreciated.

@BenVenn :
Thanks for your report.
Although I do not really understand the relationship between updating the mainboard BIOS and the successful Windows XP installation, I am glad, that you finally succeeded.
Maybe you haven’t used a clean XP image as source, when you had done your previous tests. Each new test has to be done from scratch by copying the XP CD content and not on the basis of any previously processed OS image.

I don’t understand quite how or why updating the BIOS fixed the problem too - it’s a bit of a funny one! And the successful install I installed after updating the BIOS was using the same disk as the immediate test before (that gave me the BSOD) so in this case I think reusing the finalised, working image on the disk will work indefinitely (as long as it’s on a PC with the exact same specs as my own). I did try copying the content many times and made a few rubbish images when trying to get the right driver, those are all in the trash now though

Dear Mr Fernando
I want to install windows xp sp3 on my laptop.
I have Toshiba Satellite (Laptop) C50-B-15Z and i downloaded a standard ISO of windows with SATA Support but it not worked.
Error was these :
0. Cant use standard normall windows xp disc → so i used a cracked SATA support
1. Boot Problem → Fixed by UEFI to CSM in BIOS
2. ACPI.sys Error → Fixed by F7 on Setup
3. Hard Partition Problem → Fixed by GPT to MBR and Static Partitions
4. Hard not detect (With Blue Screen) → I cant find Native for SATA / AHCI to ACI in BIOS
So :
- I tried your perfect way about using nlite and add AHCI SATA DRIVERs and i Added Universal SATA AHCI TextMode drivers and made a new ISO.
- > By this new iso first part of XP setup Finished but after first restart i just can see windows logo for a moment then it gone and nothing never coming… (Black screen and nothing work)
Why? What i should do?
+ This Problem Fixed → I think because i used F5 in start of setup and using Standard Item.

but now 2 problem again :
+ By windows xp setup, computer can not restart automatic, (i guess the problem can be for power driver, i dont know!)
5. after finishing the Second part of XP setup, and after the restart, The BLUE SCREEN error page about can not detect hard drive, appear again! → i dont have any idea about this…
Please Help…

(Sorry for my bad English)
Thanks, and Best Regards

@mmmahdy :
Welcome at Win-RAID Forum!

You obviously were able to solve some of your problems yourself, but you forgot to mention the chipset of your laptop and the DeviceID of your on-board Intel SATA Controller.
After having spent some time to do a Google search I found out, that your Toshiba laptop has an Intel BayTrail chipset (with very limited AHCI support and no available AHCI driver delivered by Intel) and an Intel BayTrail SATA AHCI Controller with the DeviceID DEV_0F23.
If your XP installation should have failed although having integrated my mod+signed “Universal 32bit Intel AHCI driver v11.2.0.1006” and just chosen the support of the Intel SATA AHCI Controller with the DeviceID DEV_0F23 while doing the driver integration, you should ask the Intel Support for help, but not me.
The Win8.1/10 in-box MS AHCI driver seem to be the only AHCI drivers, which will support your on-board Intel BayTrail SATA AHCI Controller, but this drivers are not available for a proper integration into a Windows XP CD.
If you want to run Windows XP with your Toshiba BayTrail chipset laptop, you may have to disable the AHCI support within the BIOS, but I don’t know, whether this is possible.

Dieter (alias Fernando)

Hi all, I’m new here,

I’m having some trouble trying to use these drivers to install XP on my system, I have a Gigabyte GA-Z97X-UD5H-BK motherboard if that helps.

I’ve tried using nlite, as well as trying the driverpacks from the driverpacks.net forums using DP BASE.
Both methods will integrate into my install media successfully, however when it gets to the drive selection part of the install, I get a 7B BSOD


Can anyone help me out with this? I’d appreciate it

@infuscomus :
Welcome at Win-RAID Forum!

Since your problem has nothing to do with the topic, where you posted it, I have moved your post into a better matching already existing thread.

This indicates, that you either integrated a wrong driver resp. Controller support or the Win XP CD, which you had used as source, was not “clean” (=untouched).
Please read carefully my guide, which is within the start post of this thread.

Dieter (alias Fernando)

Oh, sorry about that, thanks for moving my post

I use an msdn iso for modification called en_windows_xp_professional_with_service_pack_3_x86_cd_x14-80428.iso

there isn’t any $OEM$ folder or anything on it so i’m assuming it’s clean

I used nlite to integrate your modified RST 11.2 driver into it,
The integration worked but I still get a 7B BSOD when attempting to install

EDIT: would you like to see my txtsetup.sif file?

Which one(s) of the listed Intel SATA Controllers did you check?

No, thanks.
Is there a file named WINNT.sif within the i386 folder of the XP image?

i checked

Intel(R) SATA AHCI Controller DEV_8C82 added by Fernando

nope, there is no WINNT.SIF file in either the original copy or the modified one

Only that one or amongst others?

just that one