[Guide] Integration of Intels AHCI/RAID drivers into a WinXP/W2k3/W2k CD

Hi all
Help me please
I have motherboard Asus H97 Plus, can’t install Server 2003. tried many drivers and was confused
Recommend something please if there is an option

@align :
Welcome at Win-RAID Forum!

The only driver, which will work, is the “Universal 32bit Intel RST driver v11.2.0.1006 mod+signed by Fernando”, but during the driver integration procedure you have to choose the specific Intel SATA Controller model, which is managing your desired system drive.
1. To which SATA mode (AHCI or RAID) has the Intel SATA Controller been set within the BIOS?
2. Which is the DeviceID of the currently running Intel SATA Controller? For details to find it out please read the start post of this thread carefully.

Dieter (alias Fernando)

I have only used the original drivers of different versions. But now I am ready to try the modified
Tried in all modes and AHCI and RAID. Just would like RAID, but in a pinch can and AHCI
Installed Server 2008 and it looked DEV 2822

@align :
Ok, if you are going to install W2k3 in RAID mode, you can use the original Intel RST driver v11.2.0.1006 WHQL instead of the modded variant.

Tell the full story, maybe someone will be useful.

Nothing worked. Used the Raid driver from a floppy drive. After copying the files from the image, the system hangs on "Setup is starting windows". Long tormented, until I think to download another image. Instead 2003 downloaded 2003sp2. Probably the image of 2003 was broken or help sp2, but the "Setup is starting windows" was successful. However, a new problem - during the installation there was a message on impossibility to copy the driver files from the floppy drive. To unsubscribe from floppy, using the program Nlite has integrated the necessary driver into the image. The OS works is a miracle. .

Now I am suffering with the drivers. Some give BSOD. Almost all picked up. Left Video adapter,USB 3.0, ACPI - I think without them will work. The main network works.

Thank you very much for your help.

  • c) For all users with an Intel AHCI/RAID system from ESB2 or ICH7R/M up (incl. X79, 8- and 9-Series Chipsets):

  • Greetings! Will the above work with Z270 chipsets and XP32/XP64/W2K3, no RAID? It says "100-Series Chipsets" so I am just confirming that they will also work with 200-Series Chipsets. Thanks!

    @JB2017 :
    Welcome at Win-RAID Forum!

    No, none of the drivers, which I have currently linked within the start post, do support Intel 200-Series Chipset systems running in AHCI mode.
    Simple reason: When I modified the Intel RST drivers v11.2.0.1006 the last time, I didn’t even know the DeviceID of the upcoming Intel 200 Chipset SATA AHCI Controller (DEV_A282).
    As soon as I have the required time (will be within the next 3 days), I will re-modify and re-sign the related Intel MSM and RST drivers. Then I will present Intel RST AHCI drivers, which should support Intel 200-Series Chipset systems (the required HardwareIDs are added into the related INF file).

    Dieter (alias Fernando)

    @JB2017 :

    Attached is the desired freshly modded and signed 32bit Intel RST driver v11.2.0.1006 with added support of Intel 200-Series SATA AHCI Controllers.
    Please report, whether it worked for you or not.

    Good luck!

    Universal 32bit Intel RST AHCI+RAID driver v11.2.0.1006 mod+signed by Fernando.rar (252 KB)

    Wow thanks Fernando! will these work with XP Pro x64/W2K3 x64?

    @JB2017 :

    No, for XP x64 or W2k3 x64 you have to use the “Universal 64bit Intel textmode driver v11.2.0.1006 mod+signed by Fernando”. I just have updated this driver as well. You can find the download links within the start post of this thread.

    Update of the Start Post

    • updated: “Universal 32/64bit Intel RST textmode driver v11.2.0.1006 mod+signed by Fernando” (now with added support of Intel 200-Series Chipset systems)
    • updated: “Universal Intel RST Drivers & Software Set v11.2.0.1006 mod+signed by Fernando” (now with added support of Intel 200-Series Chipset systems)

    Good luck with these mod+signed Intel RST drivers with enhanced compatibility!
    Dieter (alias Fernando)

    Hello Fernando,

    I installed Windows XP 32bit SP3 on my Gigabyte Z270-HD3P Mainboard. Intel 200 Series Chipset, DV_A282. You modify the chipset SATA driver. Thank you, the driver works fine.
    I integrated this driver and your latest chipset driver kabylake using nlite and using nlite also for creating a full unattended Installation CD-R.

    The Problem is: During Installation the PS/2 Keyboard does not work. Only the USB mouse works partly during Installation. After Installation, neither the PS/2 keyboard still a PS/2 mouse does work. If I install before or after OS Installation a PCI USB 2.0 Card with VIA or NEC Chipset, the USB mouse does not work, although the LED is shining. I can not make any Input to OS.
    What shall I do?

    With kindly regards

    @Wilhelm :
    Welcome at Win-RAID Forum!

    I had the same problems with my input devices, when I tested to get Windows XP installed onto my Z170 system.
    There are a lot of tips within the internet about how to solve this problem.
    Since I don’t want to use Windows XP and don’t have the time for continuous XP installation tests, I cannot help you.
    If you should find a solution for your problem, please let us know about it.

    Dieter (alias Fernando)

    I cannot install Windows Xp 32bit on chipset Intel Sunrise point c236(Intel Skylake-S)
    I tried to integrate the drivers from that page but get Blue screen error STOP: 0x0000007B
    also get error “STOP: 0x000000A5”, but bypass it by pressing F7 during installation…

    pls tell me it’s hopeless?

    @harbor :
    Welcome at Win-RAID Forum!
    Since your problem has nothing to do with my modded drivers, but with the driver integration procedure into a Windows XP CD, I have moved your post into this thread.

    What is the DeviceID of your on-board Intel SATA AHCI or RAID Controller?

    This indicates, that you have either used a previously processed XP CD as source or integrated a wrong driver resp. the support of a wrong Intel SATA Controller.

    Yes this error message is caused by a wrong ACPI setting and has nothing to do with the integrated Intel textmode driver.

    Dieter (alias Fernando)

    this \VEN_8086&DEV_A102&SUBSYS_802F103C&REV_31\3&11583659&0&B8

    And did you integrate just the support of this specific Intel SATA AHCI Controller DEV_A102 and nothing else?
    If yes, you haven’t used a “clean” (untouched) XP image as source.

    now the installation does not give errors, but comes to the welcome screen (Enter, R, F3…) and hangs…
    I think this driver is old for that chipset

    There are no newer Intel AHCI drivers available, which do support Windows XP.

    I was wrong, the driver is working and the system do not hangs during the installation. just not running the Virtual Bus driver and I can’t use the keyboard during installation, so I doing now an unattended answer file during the installation. I hope to be able to install the system

    Fernando, first of all thank you for doing this!
    I want to install WinXP at AHCI mode using a SSD and the Z97X-SOC Force of Gigabyte, and I integrated a cd with all options of your file “Universal 32bit Intel RST AHCI+RAID driver v11.2.0.1006 mod+signed by Fernando”

    The Windows XP installs ok, but, at his first run after a complete installation the BSOD appear… I can install but I can’t run it… And I can’t find the information about the correct Sata controller i have to install…
    Can you help me with it? And sorry my bad english…

    Thank you so much!