[Guide] Transfer of specific Intel OROM VBIOS and GOP VBT settings by using Intel BMP tool

Hi MeatWar,
thx for prompt answer, i got some time to check it out, seems that “pure” driver will probably work just in win10 older versions 2015-2017.
But installing that driver on win8 doesn’t work. probably is that pure driver not “normal exe” as drivers for win7 are (ndis62).
I was hoping use “Intel(R) Ethernet Connection (17) I219-V” on winxp-win8,
for now i use just some slow wifi stick as alternative ;-(

about vbios, yes is legacy only and many things aren’t possible under uefi, so i need start old pc to do things like winxp, grub4dos, … and even network booting on uefi isn’t easy, … all config/booting files don’t work on uefi, even modify all for uefi is a nightmare, but thx again for your help.

how to debug why [drm:intel_bios_init [i915]] VBT signature "$VBT SNB/IVB-MOBILE ", BDB version 165 shows up or not thx

Do you have access to the BMP tool for CherryView? I developed a custom (non UEFI) BIOS and needs to adopt VBIOS to some boards with different display port configurations. I’m familiar with BMP and have used it for CedarView and BayTrail, but the BMP for CherryView is no longer available at Intel site.

im need some explanation: VBT is using only in legacy csm mode, UEFI using intel gop .efi, right?
or VBT can affect on some in uefi module?
i have specific issue with z790 and gtx 3070 ti (update vgop not help), slow boot, black screen, juddering.

The VBT is present in Vbios and in GOP driver, the system will use vbios if set a Legacy and EFI GOP is set as UEFI.
Both have nothing to do with OS boot as long as they were already initialized and have output a video signal.

During OS boot, a defective gpu will have impact on OS boot, when this one loads drivers and initialize 2D/3D routines.
And this maybe your issue here…

EDIT: Your issue was reported with a RTX 3070… so that’s the possible card with an issue, not cards that you didn’t mention earlier.
“…i have specific issue with z790 and gtx 3070 ti”

i think that not OS issue because i put gtx 1060 card from pc (that pc is 8700k + 1066, startup time igpu - 4s, with pci gpu - 6.5s) on my z790 msi board and startuptime increased from 10-11 to 14s. That is POST time.
z370 - 6s
z790 - 14s
and im see in my led board gpu initialization is 6-8s vs 1-2s on z370 board.