That’s odd… even signed into GitHub I don’t see anything if I follow that link, leads to a 404.
There seem to be no tags on the main branch either, was it there before? ← It was, in an old revision, it was deleted after being tagged old, that’s why it’s not available anymore.
I took the liberty of generating an executable for Windows because it used to be based on a Python script. Took away the update checker since it’s clear there’s not going to be any, otherwise it is the same as it was (so it keeps expecting a file named a.txt, it could be changed if needed though).
The following package has both, the Python script and an executable so no dependency is needed: RAR archive @ MEGA, no password.
When a BIOS lock offset is not returned, and a FPRR is not found within setup_extr.txt, does this indicate that the BIOS is not locked and that flash is not protected?
These seems to imply that any bits can be written for any reason.
is you using AMI Aptio V Bios ?
if that not found, first try searching with “lock” keyword
or try skip that step and jump with this section
goto FPTW or fpt64.exe 64bit TRY dump bios
fpt -bios -d biosmy.bin try flashing that dumped bios
fpt -bios -f biosmy.bin
Hi guys. I have an Asus FX505DU notebook, i want to unlock all bios menus/settings. I do the guide all steps. I have an spi programmer ch341a+ soic8 clip. I make a bios dump from the chip. Opened in uefitool extracted necessary files. Uploaded to online bios editor. Edited what i want. Replaced the modified bin file in uefitool 28 compared to same adress in uefitool 68. Saved the rom and flashed back to the chip. Notebook starts going to bios, and the hidden menus didn’t appear (like chipset and what i want to show). So what do i wrong? Need some extra modification or what’s happening why not work? This is an amd model notebook so don’t need intel “aft blocking” step and i working with spi programmer. Can you help me guys?
Good afternoon
Could you please describe in more detail what you are doing with “platform ifr”? Where to find it and what is the sequence of further actions.
I am trying to open hidden menus in ACER bios, but at best I manage to change some settings, and even then not always, but not to make them visible.
I’m trying to unlock the bios access on my Asus GL10CS (Bios…), following this guide and
I’m not able to do the step with IFR Formatter as whatever I do to execute the formatter doesn’t execute it, do you have a fix for that ? As well the step where you get into the bios with grub, I’m able to go into grub thanks to my flashdrive just like you but you refered a command guide using setup_var_cv, I clicked on the 2 links you gave us but I don’t really know what to do with all that.
Hmm… I followed the steps, but I dont feel quiet uncomfortable flashing a MB bios in windows.
Is there any way to repack those bioses into a BFB .cap? Like for an ASUS Z790 MoBo for instance?
I mean… there must be since modded BFB bioses can be downloaded around here…
Any help would or point in the right direction would be well appreciated.