H87 G43 Bios Mod All Core Boost Xeon E3-1271 V3

Hello, I have MSI H87-G43 motherboard running with Intel Xeon E3-1271 V3. Is there a modified bios that I can run on it and have 4 GHz on all cores? I saw one on this forum, but for MSI Z87-G43 GAMING. Can anyone help me please?

Lastest BIOS can be downloaded from: here
BIOS that was seen by me is: here

At your own risk ONLY, M-Flash, MSI H87-G43 E7816IMS.290 mcu 306C3 v99 and v7.

Rest of the procedures same as the linked post from the Z87 mod.
If it fails to flash with M-Flash, you can use the FPT method and the files from that Z87 mod.
Do NOT procede if no experience in recover.

EDIT: Cloud delay while linking… link is now corrected, check it.

Thanks for your help. Are you sure you sent me the right link? I ask because it displays to me as “Gigabyte Z490 Vision D” BIOS.