Help inserting uuid, mac etc2 into new bios

The motherboard is Asrock b450m-hdv r4.0.
Got all the info (mac, uid, etc2), just need help inserting them back into a stock v1.00 bios file.

@lfb6 Can you help?

Read : Asrock Z87e-ITX bios - lost UUID and Serial number on corrupt bios chip - BIOS/UEFI Modding / BIOS Modding Guides and Problems - Win-Raid Forum

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Tried using hex editor but the BIOS size increased or something, when saved and it’s became garbage.
The dump and stock BIOS ver is different so need help in inserting the uuid etc2.

Normally not much of these data on motherboards sold from gigabyte, asus, asrock…

Bios structure changed and it’s AMD which means much larger unstructured propietary blobs and lots of data written into padding after initializing a board.

Try if downgrading to the selected version works / the board still will start, check if there’s some data written or if you can at least find traces wheere machine specific daa would be, compare to dump of exisiting firmware.

Everey Vendor has its own way, and it’s still not consistent over mainboard generations.