Sorry @sam2016 , I haven’t seen the post.
Sylar76 did a bios for me, I haven’t the knowledge.
PsyduckAP, I have a K53SV that got a bad flash. After searching endlessly, I stumbled across this thread and Sylar’s BIOS dump is exactly what I need. However, I only have the board serial number. Where did you come up with your MAC and UUID to enter into FD44Editor? There aren’t any other stickers on my notebook.
Hi @Nilpo .
I invented the mac. The first one I tried was unsuccesful because I put a random mac address.
Then used the one I got from
The UUID don’t remember where i get it from. I think it was totally invented.
I got mine working but needed a USB hardware flasher. Took a 4mb bios dump of the original bios, loaded that into Intel Management Tools and then injected the 2mb official bios from Asus; built a new 4MB bios and then flashed it back.
Can you link to the correct tool? I’d like to try this method first.
I have successfully flashed this image and my machine is once again bootable. However, the NIC does not work. I’ve located the MAC address so I’m going to try this procedure again. For some reason, FD44Editor was not working for me. I may have had some settings wrong. In any case, at least I know the image in this thread works. Now I just have to get it working the rest of the way.
Hi @Sylar76
Thanks for this, i have bricked my k53sv and now it is alive because of your file. my vga garaphics cards are working properly, but my ethernet is not working. as i have read all the posts i think the problem is in mac address, please guide me how to inject mac address with FD44editor, or you have any complete binary file please share , i am thankful to you and will be thankful to you,
@shoukat2003 - first you need to know your proper LAN MAC ID, check router logs to see if you can find it (Or look on stickers on the board with bottom of casing removed, and be sure to look under memory sticks too, you may find LAN MAC ID on those stickers.
If you can’t find it, do you have a backup of your BIOS before you recovered it? If yes, attach and I will see if I can find your ID for, it may be there, or may not.
thanks for replying. i am sending old.bin file pleease change its extention. i could not find mac anywhere .
sory couldnt send please send my your email that i send you this file.
@shoukat2003 - old.jpg is attached, got it If you want to upload files you can upload to any free file host and post link here.
Did you check on stickers inside casing, and on motherboard itself (especially near LAN port) for the MAC ID? Be sure to check under memory sticks too as I mentioned.
I can’t fix your LAN without the LAN MAC ID. This will be on a sticker on your board, maybe inside the case, remove bottom and look at entire board and under memory, inside inner casing etc.
I tried to find in old.bin BIOS, but for now, can’t find due to it’s not kept in usual location in this BIOS, so unsure where exactly to look (Plus BIOS broken, so that makes is harder)
It may not be there anyway due to BIOS being broken, but we can check once I know it’s usual location in this BIOS.
I found this info block 3-4 times in BIOS (one time only partial of some), but unsure which, if any is the MAC
B7N0BC276902291 = Serial I believe = 42 37 4e 30 42 43 32 37 36 39 30 32 32 39 31
90N3GPD34G2721VT30CU = 39 30 4e 33 47 50 44 33 34 47 32 37 32 31 56 54 33 30 43 55 << IF UUID, then 56 54 33 30 43 55 probably MAC ID
QTCKJA30E12905050 = 51 54 43 4b 4a 41 33 30 45 31 32 39 30 35 30
Maybe MAC 56 54 33 30 43 55 or 42 37 4e 30 42 43 (Two locations) or 51 54 43 4b 4a 41 / 56 54 33 30 43 55 (Four locations) - both are taken from above info
Hard to know, Asus switch this up sometimes, sometimes mac at end of UUID, other times not, and sometimes UUID is mixed up in certain ways in BIOS too. Need source dump from same board, with known correct MAC ID In place to really be sure.
@Sylar76 - do you remember where/which module UUID or MAC is stored in this BIOS? I see MAC is kept within UUID only from Fd44, so I assume like many Asus MAC is at end of UUID
@PsyduckAP - can you send now working corrected dump with your MAC ID left in place, and tell me the ID, so I can find proper location to fix MAC for above user if Sylar76 is unsure of location.
@Nilpo - same as above, or can you tell me the exact hex location, or BIOS module etc, then I can see if I can find users ID from his above bricked dump.
I’ve always added UUID/MAC with FD44 but I’ve never see (with hex editor) where is located.
Thanks @Sylar76 - maybe if no one else replies on this I can add it in that way and see where it goes, but since I’m rebuilding a broken BIOS (Or building one from stock or other dump) I need to see if it’s original location matches where FD44 sticks it in there.
Using FD44 would be OK, but without a dump from same system I can’t be sure which options should be used for the MAC Storage location, if it’s at end of UUID or not etc. I really need to get a dump from someone, along with their details too, because sometimes UUID is in mixed format once put into BIOS.
Having that will help me find it’s original location and it’s format too, this way if I am forced to use a stock file or random dump, I will know exactly where it goes and how the UUID is formatted in if not straightforward
@shoukat2003 - what is your exact model and I’ll find another users dump, then I can probably solve this myself! I have stock BIOS for K53D and K53J, but I assume there may be others too since there’s both of those variants.
Let me know your proper full model and I’ll find a working dump to use for my concerns and get this fixed for you
In case of Rampage V Extreme bios I’ve found via winhex that at offset 0x22100d there is the UUID written exactly as it appears on FD44Editor, followed by MAC address up to 0x22101c. At offset 0x221026 there is the Motherboard S/N written in hexadecimal format.
@Sylar76 - thanks, but I only need to know for @shoukat2003 exact system model. This kind of info varies in laid out into BIOS format and locations in all models and is often duplicated (Sometimes 2x sometimes 4x throughout the BIOS)
I’m sorry I can’t help you mate.
Thanks for everyony here. I found only this mac address but i think it is wifi mac address and i tried it with no success.(although it is not my wlan mac ,may my wlan card is changed cause i bught used system). Thanks for everyone again for paying attention.
Please send any old bios dump of your notebook/laptop and I’ll try to do my best to find out a valid MAC/UUID and S/N.
I have S/n. as you can see my uploaded pics. i want UUID and MAC.
I am very thankful to you for taking deep interest in my issue.
Is there any mac or uuid in this picture.
@Sylar76 - see post #30 I posted all the info I found, the dump is corrupted in some areas. I found a good dump, most info other than NVRAM is found at 20000h and 28000h, but none there but FF and some short incorrect data.
Secondary locations info I posted on #30 at 220000 + 280000, this is good info I think (but getting MAC tricky)
If you can confirm/decipher the rest of what I posted on post #30 that would be great, I think it’s maybe correct info I just need to put back into correct locations and in correct format/order as far as system ID/Details, still need to find MAC location so I can put back once found/confirmed.
Serial is correct, so I assume the rest is too, just need to find MAC and redo BIOS. I also now see QTCKJA30E12905050 confirmed on his stickers, so this probably UUID or DTS key (17 char though, so I dunno, but since it’s on sticker and in BIOS it’s one of those ID’s I’m sure)
@shoukat2003 - thanks for all the images. I think that one should be your MAC still, since you changed cards, that’s attached to the new card correct? It looks like heatsink attached to the card, so that should be correct, but that is wireless/BT as you mentioned, not Ethernet/LAN
Edit your post and blur or remove that sticker that shows your windows key